"God! Why can't I find the third prophet?" the little spider has been shuttling around the metropolis for a long time. Now people die in Gotham all the time, but Batman can't find the third prophet, which is impossible.

Batman told spider a lot of the truth he speculated

It has never been so valued. The little spider, who is regarded as a little brother boy scout in shengdun and Fulian, has assumed such a great responsibility for the first time, which makes him have a very strong sense of responsibility.

"When she wants to see me, even if I stand still, she will come to the door... She doesn't want to see me. I can't find a prophet who can predict the future. The little spider knows this clearly, but he still looks around where he and the third prior appeared like a headless fly.

After another disappointment, he took off his hood in frustration.

He sat down on the bench in Central Park, trying to remember that the third prophet might still be there. At this time, someone sat next to him and handed him a coke.

The little spider looked up and said in surprise, "director Nick? You... How did you appear here?"

"Why was I sent to this world?"

"What happened?"

The black one eyed dragon showed his white teeth and said with a smile, "Peter, I know you have a lot of problems. We can talk slowly."

"Talk slowly, no, I don't have time. Uncle Nick, Gotham has a lot of people waiting for me to save. I must find the third Prophet... Otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable?"

"Find the stark girl?" Nick smiled. "When she wants to see you, you can't escape. How can you find her when she doesn't want to see you?"

"Stark's..." the little spider was stunned and realized that he didn't know the name of the third prophet at all.

"Congratulations, Peter, you are about to inherit hundreds of millions of stark family wealth and become the richest man in the United States. If you and the stark girl don't sign a prenuptial agreement, you will hook up with the richest heiress in the United States... Young man, you have made a lot of money. Don't you change your name to Stark's father soon?"

"I'm a little confused... What are you talking about?"

Nick laughed: "Haven't you figured it out yet? Peter? Why did the third prophet come to you? Why did the three prophet system judge you to destroy the world? Why did you come to this world? You should already know... This universe was created by the three prophets. The first prophet Franklin created a universe, and the second prophet professor will all humans and all intelligent creatures that died later Your soul has pulled into the universe, so who is the third prophet? "

"Chen Ang?"

"No, no, no, everyone knows he has a problem. How can the professor trust Chen ang and cooperate with him?"

"Now the truth about the three prophets has been distorted in the world. The second prophet has become Chen ang, and the third prophet has become a professor. Everything is to cover up a person... The original third prophet."

Nick Frey explained to the little spider: "Let me start from your unconsciousness! In the last task of the Holy Shield, we need to find the power left by the Messiah and the four knights, among which the power left by war is Zhenjin, the power left by plague is primitive virus, and the power left by famine is the sun ladder. Only by finding these four forces can we find the power left by the Messiah - genesis."

"The power of Genesis is in the tower of heaven..."

"After Dr. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers Superman came to the origin, they gathered together four forces. Stark's overweight nuclear element material is a variant form of Zhenjin. Of course, it also belongs to the power of war knights. Stark's spiritual pollution is also a side of death meme pollution. In addition, the destruction day virus evolved from the famine sun ladder, and The original virus that was later injected into Steve's body. The two of them can break through to the 'origin'. "

"See the Messiah!"

"At that moment, stark and Rogers learned a secret, that is' Genesis'! The secret of why ancient human civilization built the tower of heaven, and the secret of the tower of heaven that the Messiah would bury even if he created the spirit of revenge to destroy the ancient civilization..."

"Stark and Rogers have different views on the secret of Genesis. The power of Genesis cured Stark's madness and turned Rogers into a perfect Superman. However, there was a fundamental contradiction between their ideas."

"They began to really fight for different ideals."

"At that time, our world was facing extinction. Human beings were shaped by the four elements represented by the Messiah's four knights, the material of war, the evolution of famine, the divinity of plague and the spirit of death. But when the death knights created us, they left a back door, a door of soul."

"Behind the gate of the soul is the most chaotic spiritual ocean and the essence of all spirits. It represents the freedom of the human spirit and the barrier between the intellectual world and the omniscient world. It is both restraint and protection. The test of the death knight is to open this barrier and let the human spirit face the dangers outside the intellectual world, those nameless things."

"The test of war Skynet is material, the test of famine Zerg is evolution, and the test of plague virus is divine outflow. We all have answers to these apocalyptic disasters and the test of Messiah to mankind. The leader of Holy Shield, India Hetian, the war between Zerg and Tongtian tower... Only the test of death, we have no possibility of success."

"So at that time, Chen ang, the leader of the Holy Shield with a very suspicious origin, invited me to witness the opening of the soul door. We made a plan, a plan to steal the day, that is to back up the soul information of all human beings, back up the whole timeline, and then, in the appropriate reality, open up a pure land and restore our world after all human beings become crazy."

"This plan needs a backup information. We work together to exile strange out of time, so that he retains the information of the timeline. The later period of time does not exist for him. When we pull him back into time, we have the opportunity to deny the past and change the past... But we also need a person to back up everyone's soul information."

"So I went to find the leader of the Xingling family, the strongest spiritual power - Professor!"

"But after stark and Steve came back from their origins, there were differences. Steve disagreed with me. He thought that after the collapse of human spirit all over the world, the restored backup was no longer their own! But stark agreed with me... So the war broke out and there was a civil war between Saint shield and Avengers."

"Some people were on Steve's side, and others agreed with me and stark. Finally, I had to convince one of the strongest heroes on earth, Ms. surprise, to take action. At that time, both stark and Rogers were too strong! Their power was far beyond the heroes on earth in the past. Only Ms. surprise had the power to intervene."

"So I asked Ms. surprise to take action at the most critical time of the decisive battle between stark and Rogers, and work with stark to break Rogers into the origin and eliminate differences."

"You call it eliminating differences?" the little spider was shocked. "You murdered the captain."

"We are all for the world... Rogers's idea is completely unworkable. He thinks we can pass the test of death..." Nick Fury spread his hand and looked around at the strange universe, smiled and said: "facts have proved that we are right, and our plan has reserved the last hope for our world."

"Finally, stark and Professor joined our plan and established the three prophets system."

"They joined hands to summon mutants who can create the universe from the future - Dr. reed and Sue's son, Franklin. Franklin created a universe with his own ability, dividing the universe into a formed universe and a metaphysical universe, a spiritual and material binary world. Then the professor backed up everyone's consciousness... The three people joined hands to predict the future with their own energy Force, constantly changing and forever changing information, encrypts the coordinates of the spiritual universe and shields the detection of death. "

"So far, everything has gone according to plan. When the world is destroyed and mankind is completely crazy, Franklin creates the universe, Professor restores the backup of everyone's soul, stark formulates the physical rules of the universe, calls strange to restore the timeline, and completely imitates the spiritual universe and the material universe. People won't even feel any change, they said I don't even know what happened. Even if I go back to the past, I can't find this history. Because the timeline of the universe is complete... "

"And we... Those who know the truth will re-establish the World Security Council to supervise and protect the secrets that the world has destroyed. Let death not discover the world."

The little spider was shocked by this series of shocking news. He was unable to speak. After a while, he slowed down and asked, "what about now? I shouldn't have appeared after the period of unconsciousness. Why did I come to this world? Why is Dr. strange still trapped outside of time..."

Nick said wearily, "everything went according to the plan, but just after Franklin created the universe into an uncertain state, the professor was restoring everyone's soul backup. When stark was responsible for calling strange to restore the timeline backup, stark suddenly betrayed. He suddenly hit the professor and summoned Chen ang."

"Chen ang killed the professor. Instead of restoring the backup of everyone's soul, he created the universe with those data. He used all human spirit, soul, emotion and cognition as materials to shape the human beings in the universe. Batman, clown, Superman, lightning man and Sea King Arthur were created with the emotion, cognition and soul data of countless people Yes! "

"He used our universe as material to create the world."

"Stark as his accomplice..."

"So the second prophet in the world is Chen ang, and the third prophet is Tony Stark. But before the professor died, in order to preserve his last hope, the professor backed up all human soul data and passed it to Tony Stark's body, creating a life out of nothing."

"She is stark's daughter. The professor believes that only in this way can we protect these backups from being eliminated and retain a glimmer of hope. The girl is a mutant. She inherited some of the abilities of the professor and stark and became the third prophet. Later, stark erased his traces of existence and incarnated as Dr. Manhattan of the world, and has been doing a lot of research Plan. "

"That's why he betrayed... Genesis!"

"After finding the power of the Messiah, the ancient civilization carried out the ultimate goal of the Tongtian tower project - Genesis!"

"We, the World Security Council, a group of poor people who have lost their homes and all their relatives, have always wanted to complete the original plan. We found you, Peter Parker trapped in the gem of time. Then we made a plan... The information, or storage space, originally used to restore our world has been occupied by a new world."

"If you want to restore the backup, you have to delete the information... So we call reed and let him meet sue, so that they will be pregnant with Franklin... Originally Franklin was in a state of existence, but there was no universe. This is what we calculated. Franklin's power can maintain his existence, that is, continuous creation on the timeline may be born You are your own. "

"This state can support the whole universe."

"Once Franklin determines that he exists or does not exist, the whole universe will lose its support, bang and collapse, and everything will be destroyed. We will strive for that opportunity... The opportunity to restore our world. Call strange, guide the backup of the high-dimensional information body of the third prophet, and use all the souls and materials of the universe as materials... Restart me Our world. "

"When you open your eyes, you will return to the moment when you lose consciousness, and all your relatives, friends and the world will come back!"

"Sue is pregnant!"

"Franklin is about to be born. At that time, the first prophet will disappear and the whole world will be destroyed... That moment is coming!" Nick said calmly: "Peter... Join us and save our world!"

The little spider was confused. He hugged his head in pain and shouted, "Aunt Mei, Gwen..." thinking of his family, lover and everything he knew, he couldn't help crying. Coming to this strange world, the little spider has been suppressing his fear and confusion... Being a stranger in a foreign land alone

Only he himself knows the fear in his heart - why did he open his eyes and come to a strange world?

What happened in the original world?

How's Aunt May?

Is the universe safe from the crisis of destruction?

Where's New York again? It's like New York everywhere, but what about your neighbors?

I want to go home!!!

The little spider knelt in the strange metropolis and sobbed, "I want to go back to see Aunt Mei..." the little spider finally knew the truth of the two worlds. He knelt in the strange world and cried bitterly.

He found that his worst plan had finally come true - his original world... Was destroyed!

Everyone is dead!

Nick came to the little spider, pressed his hair and said like an elder, "I also want to go home... We will go home soon!"

"The fools of the evil six created a human God. Now Superman is not worried, but he has lost his only weakness. He is determined to save the world. He will soon realize that the world is going to be destroyed. In order to save the world, Superman will sacrifice himself, enter the origin and meet Steve Rogers."

"You should know what Steve Rogers will do?"

"He will give up all his strength to make up Superman, make him the most perfect ultimate Superman, and save the world at all costs. He will become our biggest obstacle... The ultimate Superman has the ability to support the universe instead of Franklin. The justice alliance will kill the World Security Council... We didn't care about them at all... But with the God of the world It's different. "

"Stark... Or Dr. Manhattan is obsessed with his Genesis plan. No one will stop the ultimate Superman this time..."

"For our world..."

"You can't take the gem of time to revive, reverse time, restore Gotham and the resurrection justice alliance. These people are not the same as us... If we want to save our world, we must destroy their world."

"Now the human God is not perfect, but when Gotham is restored, he will understand that to save the world and maintain justice, he needs omnipotent power. The original Superman is afraid of his own power, so he can't become a God. If Superman starts to yearn for power and the power to maintain justice, he will understand where he needs to obtain this power!"

"For our world... Children!"