"He's strong!" Batman said with a heavy voice, looking at the body of the US team.

"He is the greatest soldier in our world..." the little spider said sadly, "what he is powerful is not only strength, but also character. In front of the glory of his personality, we will all feel humble. He fights for the weak and for freedom. He is a hero and a soldier... In front of him, I feel small."

"He seems to be at a standstill!" Diana observed for a while. "It seems that he is just trapped in the origin... Maybe we should try our best to save him."

"Diana, we can't do this!" Batman stopped.

"He seems to be a just soldier... You don't have to worry about anything." Diana looked at Steve Rogers's stagnant expression at the beginning of time. His face was awe inspiring and his eyes were firm. This was Diana's favorite look of a soldier. Diana sighed: "he looks like Superman..."

"That's right!" Diana gave Batman a white eye: "I know why you don't want to save him!"

"Because you killed Superman once, you think he is a monster who poses a threat to the world."

"Diana..." Batman had to say, "he's dead!"

The little spider can also confirm this. Although it seems that the United States team just stays in time, he understands that nothing can trap the captain. The captain's reserved look shows that he has been determined to die in that war.

Batman looked at Steve and thought, "how strong was this soldier?"

The little spider hesitated and said, "at first, the captain was just an ordinary soldier, but in order to fight evil, he participated in a scientific research for military projects and became the strongest human soldier on the planet. But at that time, he was just the limit of mankind, but after joining the Holy Shield, the captain was infected with the 'destruction day' virus in an extremely dangerous battle..."

"Doomsday virus!" Batman said in surprise. "What are the symptoms of infection with doomsday virus?"

"The destruction day virus is one of the prehistoric forces left over from our world. It is the remnant of the famine Knight among the four knights of the apocalypse, the pollen virus of the sun ladder, and the mutant virus accidentally produced after infecting the alien race skru. It has unlimited evolution and can immediately produce targeted plans in the face of any enemy."

"Almost nothing can destroy the host of this virus."

"The human body it infects is very powerful. Even if it is pushed into the sun center, it can not be destroyed. It has the power to destroy the sky and the earth. It will never feel tired infinite physical fitness and super fast healing and regeneration ability. It can constantly evolve and restrain the opponent according to the ability characteristics of the opponent in battle, adapt to all environments, and all enemies will revive and evolve after being killed You can't kill doomsday twice in the same way. "

"It is a limit of carbon based organisms and represents the infinite and vigorous evolutionary power of organisms."

After hearing the description of little spider, Batman, Diana, Barry and others looked at each other and said, "this is what we know as the destruction day virus. If he is really infected with the destruction day virus, the person who killed him is not an ordinary opponent. I always thought that the destruction day is a biological weapon brought by Zod to the earth..."

"As far as I know, its history in krypton is very long... If it is a legacy from the last universe, it is not impossible." steel bone inquired the information of the justice Alliance: "but there is no characteristic of destructive heliospore infection on this soldier!"

"Er... The captain was cured later!" the little spider had to interrupt: "Holy Shield turned to the people's Revolutionary League... That is, the human innovation alliance, a super civilization on earth, which is said to have conquered most of the universe."

"Wow... The earth has such a glorious history!" Barry sighed.

"In order to save the captain, Chen ang, the leader of shengdun, your second prophet, transformed him. Let the super warrior serum in the captain integrate the positive characteristics of the destruction day virus and create Superman serum... The last time I was able to complete bizaro's gene was because I had some information about Superman serum."

"Superman serum... Sounds like superman." Diana wondered.

Whether it is the destruction day virus or Superman, they are named by people on earth. Ghost knows what their original name is, but at this time, there are many clues related to them. People in the last world have the same name for them like prophets.

Batman turned to the little spider and whispered, "it seems that only you can give us an answer! I don't think it's a coincidence that Superman serum can complement Superman's genes... Right?"

The little spider nodded and said, "yes... I felt that they fit very well. I didn't pay attention at that time, and then I came back. They are a kind of thing... At least, a kind of origin."

"I think we have discovered... The origin of krypton," Batman said calmly.

Spiderman hesitated before adding: "and I know krypton... When Captain Rogers and Dr. stark fought, they fought until the past. Dr. stark tampered with the past in order to erase captain Rogers and let captain Rogers lose in history, but Superman serum made captain Rogers resist this historical correction."

"At that time, the origin of Captain Rogers was revised, and I knew krypton for the first time. The origin of Captain Rogers was modified to be the son of krypton born in krypton. Before the destruction of the parent star, he came to earth and became Superman. His name became kakarot Carl Clark."

"And also wearing the uniform with the s logo."

After a struggle, the little spider chose to say his guess: "in fact, when I came to this world, I doubted, because your world has the shadow of our world everywhere. Until I came to the starting point of time, I was a little sure to prove this guess."

"I know krypton, Superman, the fate of krypton and Superman in your world."

"These have happened in my world. Dr. Stark's body is composed of low dimensional substances at the bottom, and the power of Captain Rogers's Superman serum is enough to make him surpass the speed of light."

The little spider took out the crimson mecha gloves. Several screens were projected on the gloves, all of which were the data collected in the battle.

According to these data, the little spider explained: "this means that they can go back to the past, or their existence runs through the past and the future. We assume that they come to the origin of time and have a battle. Then any change in the origin will change history. If Dr. stark kills captain Rogers, the whole universe will change."

"They must have come here and changed the world."

"Because I have a time gem, I will not be modified. This world, like Dr. Stark's last changed history, may be a modified universe... And I come from before the modification. Our universe is one, because they have returned to the origin, modified the world line, and turned my universe into your universe."

"This is the truth of everything. It's not that I crossed the world, but that the world has changed. I haven't changed!"

The little spider finally lost his mind and said, "I didn't change, I didn't go through, but I lost a piece of history. A later memory! There must be something else after that... But I." the little spider said painfully: "I can't remember. Our world has been destroyed. It has become your world... What happened in it!"

He always wanted to take his conjecture as an illusion and a worry. When he had to face up to the desperate truth, the little spider collapsed!

"Aunt Mei... Gwen!"

The little spider was a little desperate. He knelt down on the ground: "I opened my eyes and thought I had crossed the world, far away from home and relatives, making a strange noise alone. I thought I could find a way to go home..."

"But home is gone! As soon as my eyes close and open again, my world is gone."

"I can't go back... I thought this was just another mission to save the world. I was ready to sacrifice, but I didn't think... It would make me sacrifice everything." the little spider sobbed.