Neon lights flickered outside the window. No one knew that just a few hours ago, this place had been devastated. The city had made a spin on the edge of disaster, then staggered lightly and survived.

The metropolis is still bustling and lively. Compared with Gotham in gray color, it is really like a modern open city.

The little spider took off his uniform and wore the common hooded T-shirt of American teenagers. He was in a mess. He was like a young man in high school nearby. He looked in front of the window for a long time, and his sense of alienation from the world became more and more obvious. He was like living in the shadow of the city, and he was like two dimensions with the brilliance of the metropolis.

In the picture, the little spiders are light gray tones, and there is no sense of existence in the space.

This is not an adjective, but a fact. The prophet knocked on the door and came in. He didn't find him at the first time.

"I just suddenly can't see you!" the prophet came to the little spider and said to him.

"I may have gone somewhere else!" the little spider said, "the clothes you chose for me fit well..."

"That's because I'm already very familiar with you, including the size..." the prophet smiled vaguely, leaned down on the little spider's single bed, looked at him provocatively and said, "you guess, in a time line, a future, I haven't... Tasted your taste?" she gave the little spider a very suggestive look.

The little spider stammered: "I... I didn't... wait, you didn't come to me to say these things?"

The prophet sighed and gave up flirting with the innocent spider. She sat up from the bed.

"You just disappeared on the timeline! At that moment, all about your future disappeared. I can't see you... It's like..."

"It's like I suddenly came out of time!" the little spider said.

"You really know what's going on!" the prophet said seriously, "Peter, you should tell me."

"This is only the necessary price..." the little spider sat down and said, "you don't think you won't pay anything by using an artifact that can reverse everything? When you destroy the order of time, time is also eating you back. If I interfere with the law of time, I will naturally be excluded by time until I am exiled outside time."

"This gem, the eye of agomodo, originally belonged to a mage. He was my comrade in arms. When we fought side by side against the invaders, you reversed time with an artifact and saved a destroyed city. Then he was caught in front of us by the existence outside time."

"The long river of time protects us from some monsters outside time. Once you break the law, you are excluded by time until you are exiled outside time."

The prophet said nervously, "what about now? Are monsters out of time staring at you?"

The little spider showed a sad and funny look: "remember the mage I said? He did well outside of time. He cut off the peeping of the existence outside of time. Now he is a dimension mage. So when I was excluded by time, I happened to meet him."

The little spider didn't lie. After using the eye of agomodo and tracing back to the whole metropolis, he found that he had a problem.

He began to gradually alienate himself from the world... Sometimes when he was in a daze, he felt that a second had not passed, and a world had changed around him. When he was walking on the street and preparing to return to the hotel, he seemed to pass by something in a trance on the road, and he found that it was dark.

He stood on the street without any contact with the bustling vehicles and people around him, just as they existed in two different worlds.

The time of the world began to exclude him, and he occasionally appeared out of tune with his surroundings.

At that time, it was the time when time had the lowest protection for him.

Originally, Peter thought he would be captured by the existence outside time, just as he saw strange disappear on the battlefield with his own eyes, but when he was most excluded by time, he felt that he disappeared at this time, he suddenly felt someone standing in front of him and looking at himself, just like a rough glass window between them.

Only the general outline can be seen vaguely, and the nose and eyes can't see clearly.

But he also heard the man saying: "Peter... I'm strange. Don't worry about me. I'm doing well outside of time. The indigenous people here are very 'enthusiastic'... In general, I'm doing well. I've become a small, humble representative of the dimension. Maybe I'm a third rate dimension Lord!"

"This gives me some power to protect you from being caught by a dimension Lord who has a holiday like me."

"I can only rub against the most fragile barrier between me and you and tell you something... First of all, be careful of Chen ang and pay attention to him. He is the black hand behind everything. Believe me, he hides deeper than you think, and the truth behind him is more terrible than you think... For some unspeakable reasons, these things can not be described in detail to you."

"I can only say that among the many dimensions outside time, he is one of the most terrible dimensional Lords."

"Compared with him, domam in the dark dimension is just a small role!"

"His origin is very ancient and can be traced back to the origin of civilization. He is a part of myth and a dark hand that runs through history. He once intervened deeply in the affairs of our mages..."

"Secondly... There are problems in this world. It's not so simple..."

The sound became more and more ethereal. Later, what the little spider heard was only some faint whispers, all strange sounds that could not be described in words. He found that this sound began to affect his spirit until he came back to his mind. He had begun to return to time. Then the sound outside time was a kind of pollution and interference.

Become very strange, mixed with the whispers of history, some past stories, future predictions, very chaotic and strange.

Because this is a voice outside time. After entering time, it is contaminated with some light, shadow and information of history and future, and becomes distorted and distorted.

Finally, Peter had to use the gem of time to keep himself out of time before he heard strange's last command: "... Pursue the truth, but don't be confused and hurt by the truth. Reed is the key... You should work closely with him... Finally find your allies. Except Chen ang, anyone in the world deserves trust and cooperation."

"This world is closely related to our world. The familiar people and things you see are true."

"Finally... Good luck. Spider mage... Learn more magic! As the supreme mage, it's too... Too much for you to use the eye of agomodo by means of science and technology!"

"Don't be afraid of making mistakes, because everything can be recovered. And the world... Has nothing to lose!"


"What did he tell you?" the prophet asked, looking into the little spider's brown eyes.

The little spider lied and said, "he asked me to learn magic... Learn to use the eye of agomodo and save him."

The prophet breathed a sigh of relief: "you can't trust him so easily, because he may not be the mage you know. It may be that monsters outside of time use his image to lure you into their trap, or the mage himself may not be trusted enough. You don't know what happened outside of time. Anything is possible."

"The second prophet said a word, you should look at him with new eyes for three days."

"It means that if a person leaves for three days, amazing changes may take place. You should dig out your understanding of him from your eyes, wash it and see it again. It means that a person cannot be trusted after three days!"

"I'll be careful..." the little spider interrupted the topic: "by the way, do you know anyone who is proficient in magic?"

The prophet hesitated for a moment and showed a gnashing expression on his face: "I know a man... No, he is scum and is proficient in magic... But promise me, you can't believe him if you kill him!"