Wearing a pair of black framed glasses, little spider looks like a social newcomer who has just graduated from college. His green temperament makes him a talented research assistant who has just graduated, especially persuasive. He put on his long lost suit and looked a little dull. He looked like a bookworm.

It can be regarded as his true character!

"Red and blue tights are wearing too much and make complaints about formal dress!" the little spider silently said, "am I going to become a pervert of a tights?"

Lucius fox is a thin middle-aged black man who looks very energetic. He is the CEO of Wayne enterprise and one of the few people who know Bruce Wayne's other identity. He provides scientific and technological support for Bruce. He developed bat technology in many Batman equipment.

But generally speaking, he still prefers high-precision machinery, which is not in line with the biotechnology that Lex group is good at.

He is also curious about Peter's identity. Bruce will not explain too much for him. Although he and Alfred are the two people Bruce trusts most, Bruce is a skeptic. He believes that there is no eternal secret and no one who will keep it secret forever. Everyone has weaknesses, including himself. The best protection for them is not to let them know too much.

Therefore, Lucius only knew that bats needed little spiders to sneak into the secret laboratory of Lex group. He didn't know much about the identity of little spiders.

"Speak less, you are playing a silent image," Lucius explained "The more you communicate with them, the easier it is to reveal flaws. Bone conduction headphones are implanted in your right ear. If you encounter technical and scientific problems, I will guide you remotely. Don't move in the laboratory... Any small action will expose your true level... It's difficult to fake academic knowledge."

"Silent?" the little spider said in his heart, "I think you're embarrassing me. Maybe I should play a person who looks silent but has a lot of inner drama."

Lucius sighed, "the expression on your face is too rich for a silent person!"

When passing a laboratory, the little spider looked more. He obviously wanted to say something, but he was afraid of his own people. According to the essence of resisting his tuberculosis, when he arrived at the office provided by Lex group, the little spider finally couldn't help it after the spider didn't detect any eavesdropping equipment.

"Are they doing lossless cell replication?"

Peter gushed: "I just saw that they seem to be inducing and culturing stem cells through somatic cells to restore the function of cells. But they seem to be still in the first step - transforming ordinary human skin cells into a new type of" universal cells "with the function of embryonic stem cells."

"Hmm?" Lucius felt a little confused. He specializes in electronics and machinery. Biology seems to span a little. Is it okay to study common sense and universality? For this front-end problem, he can only show his confusion and innocence.

"It seems that the biological research in your world is not very developed!"

The little spider said excitedly, "the method they used can not cultivate universal cells suitable for human body, because they used retrovirus in the process of gene recombination."

He was excited and explained to Dr. Lucius: "Reverse transcriptase is a tool for viruses to modify DNA. It is a naturally evolved DNA compilation tool. Viruses transcribe their RNA into DNA through reverse transcriptase, and then use the organelles of host cells to transcribe, translate and synthesize offspring viruses... Just like the old king who parasitic in the reproductive system next door and uses each other's reproductive system to give birth to his own children..."

"I know what retrovirus is!" Lucius couldn't help interrupting him when he heard the dirty metaphor of little spider.

"Oh!" the little spider didn't know that his unintentional academic discrimination had stimulated Dr. Lucius.

He continued to explain: "Retrovirus is used as a tool for gene recombination. If the method of using virus as a tool is not appropriate, it will cause gene pollution, that is, it will cause gene variation, lose the expression of the original cells, and can not retain the gene expression of the original cells. Taking cloning as an example, cloning cells using retrovirus recombinant DNA will probably clone a huge tumor. If that tumor can still maintain human identity, he will grow like a toothed egg! "

"It's like being bitten by a irradiated sand dog!"

"And... It looks like avocado and another older and disgusting avocado dried the child born of a crocodile and destroyed its face!"

Lucius couldn't help imagining the malicious metaphor of the little spider, and then he was disgusted. He angrily interrupted the little spider's "come up with a more disgusting description" competition and roared: "I know what retroviral recombination gene causes genetic variation, and I also know what genetic variation is. I graduated from MIT with a professional doctorate. I'm not a parallel of State University or a fool of Community University!"

"You don't have to explain these problems to me!"

The little spider said in amazement, "but I graduated from the State University! Imperial State University... A research university rebuilt after the State University of New York system was destroyed by the apocalyptic disaster."

"At that time, I was still in high school. I wanted to go to Harvard University because it was the strongest school in the field of biology. Later, after hearing that the system of the State University of New York was destroyed in the Divine Shield Bureau, the U.S. government intended to use its educational resources to rebuild a research university, study Skynet technology closely, and cooperate with leaders and professors of friendly alien stars and spirits. Harvard It's like three centuries behind MIT. Then I changed my registration goal. "

"Of course, I'm not saying that MIT can't do it. It once trained Dr. stark! I mean... Times, yes, times are different. Facing the challenge of the big bang of science and technology, it is a little outdated now. After all, it can't compare with Imperial State University... I mean, it's not suitable to compare with Imperial State University, because we are closest to Skynet and we also cooperate with Xingling Flow, we have exceeded the limit of the earth. Of course, within the earth, I mean, among the earth countries, Massachusetts is a good university! "

Lucius was so ashamed and angry that he almost carried his breath away.

The little spider knew he was wrong and kept explaining, "Massachusetts is a good school!"

"Shut up!" Dr. Lucius had to cut off the topic in order to avoid being humiliated by the little spider. "What's the problem with the lex group's research?"

When the little spider returned to his familiar field, he vaguely noticed that the research level in the world was somewhat backward and excited. He said his favorite biology. He gushed: "Looking at the information they published, they are challenging somatic cell cloning, not using somatic cell nucleus and egg cell cloning, but completely using somatic cell cloning. Now universal cell is only the first step. They want to use the somatic cells in their hands to create egg cells, which are more versatile than stem cells, and have to overcome countless difficulties."

"Now their biggest headache is the damage of retroviral recombinant DNA to genes. In their research direction... There is no hope to solve it in five years... They are going the wrong way!"

When the little spider said this, he suddenly realized: "They are trying to clone a group of specific cells. There are many problems. I can't get the data of that cell, but I can see that the characteristics of that cell are very unique. In some places, such as vitality and genetic variation, it has a benign promotion for research. This cell has strong vitality and won't die easily because of experiment and damage, that is Said it is very resistant to operation, especially suitable for experiments. "

"But at the same time, the retrovirus will be easily destroyed if it invades this cell, and it has to be cultured through the virus symbiosis of this cell itself. Therefore, this retrovirus has strong destructive power on genes. To use an analogy - replicating this cell is like studying an iron man with steel bars and bones. An ordinary scalpel can't cut the skin at all."

"Then someone developed a powerful gun - that kind of retrovirus."

"It's expected to blow his mother with artillery, break the iron man, and then touch it in the body to spell a complete human shape. This is only the first step, and the ultimate goal is to revive the iron man into two!"

"You have a way to solve the problem?" Dr. Lucius heard what the little spider meant.

The little spider smiled confidently: "I dare not say anything else, retrovirus... That's my specialty. I worked with Dr. Kurt to develop a method to transcribe lizard DNA into human DNA for expression, and helped Harry cure his family genetic disease - it's a retrovirus."

Even his super power is the result of his father's transformation of his DNA with retrovirus as a tool. The spider's toxin is a retrovirus that modifies genes!

Of course, the little spider didn't say that.

"To transcribe animal DNA into benign expression in the human body, if we still use the metaphor just now, it is to break a person into pieces and put it together with the carcass of an animal. At the last look, that person is not only alive, but also has the ability of animals. It is absolutely no less difficult. Therefore, their headache is easy for me!"

The little spider said confidently, "they just didn't find the scalpel to dissect the iron man and the operating enzyme to operate the cell DNA. I can even predict that the tool is in the retrovirus they cultured. They just need to transform the artillery into a laser ray cutter."

Luther is having a headache in the office. The progress of cloning Superman in the laboratory below is extremely slow. If Superman's cells were not strong, they should have consumed all the Superman blood and epidermal cells Luther collected with no intention. The laboratory is closed.

To clone Superman, there are many problems.

The simplest one is to have at least enough experimental materials. It is necessary to copy superhuman somatic cells without damage. Only with enough superhuman cells can we talk about the next step. The culture of non-destructive cells is not as simple as cell division. Even if superhuman cells can resist gene variation and divide somatic cells many times without human environment, the gene damage will also be caused It's deadly.

Luther wants to clone Superman, not the offspring of Superman gene variation.

In order to obtain superhuman non-destructive cells, we must first restore the function of superhuman cells, that is, totipotent cells - and then develop to induce stem cells. The method of obtaining differentiated cells through stem cells has the least genetic damage.

But now to obtain superhuman stem cells, we must first use retrovirus to recombine genes. The damage to genes in this process has reached the level of destruction.

There is no need to divide many times, and the cultured cells can not be used directly.

Thinking of the difficulties of the experiment and the progress without progress, Luther had an impulse to catch Superman and draw a tube of spinal cord.

If Superman is a woman, he can catch her, directly draw eggs, and then take the breast nucleus for cloning and culture... He wants to catch Superman and clone a ghost!

Superman's somatic cells were stolen when the alien general came to the earth to fight Superman, okay?

Luther feels so tired... She can't love Superman anymore!