Rogers glanced at Potts and others below, raised his head and said to stark, "we need to change the battlefield!"

"Do you want to change a battlefield?" stark sneered, "hypocritical Superman... But I have no problem. Go to the universe!"

Stark doesn't care about the lives of the black bat king and the little spider, but he still cares about Boz. Moreover, the earth is the territory of the human Revolutionary League. For this mysterious civilization from the different universe and against the apocalypse, stark doesn't know their real strength, so it's better to avoid the earth.

With a flash of his body, he appeared in the cosmic void 600 million kilometers away from the earth. For the whole solar system, the earth is as small as a grain of dust, let alone two humans.

Although Steve and stark don't seem to be human.

They came to this battlefield that was too vast for their bodies. In a vacuum, it was dark and cold.

Stark also sent the destroyer here. He punched the destroyer's shell and sealed it in an ice meteorite. An ice meteorite the size of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau shuttled through the void of the universe like a small comet. Stark punched its past and sealed the destroyer in the meteorite, erasing this history.

The destroyer is powerful, but it also has a fatal flaw - tchala.

Stark may not be able to deal with the destroyer, but he can definitely plot against it through tchala.

Through the soul of tchala in the destroyer, stark returns to the past, changes the soul state of tchala, makes his soul into an information bomb, detonates it at the critical time, creates an opportunity to interfere with the destroyer for a moment, and then freezes the operation of the destroyer, so as to easily seal this difficult enemy.

The destroyer was frozen in the meteorite core 50000 kilometers under the ice and flew to the distant earth.

Superman Steve looked at Stark's position and launched an attack. His eyes emitted red laser rays. His eyes burned like a star, but careful observation showed that these eyes were like a small space lens structure, focusing the stellar radiation millions of light-years away in his eyes through the pocket universe, Then it emits highly condensed photon rays, and even some super photon rays.

The red laser, rubbing the huge ice meteorite sealed with the destroyer, easily divided the meteorite about the size of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau into two, but when it went towards stark, it shone on the anti Apocalypse armor, and the degenerate armor was marked with a deep erosion trace.

Stark did not care and let the laser strike a dazzling spark on him.

After tens of seconds of focusing, the laser finally pierced his armor and shone on his body. The blue energy body easily absorbed the red laser energy emitted from Steve's eyes like a sponge.

Stark gently brushed his right hand on the armor, and the melting wound of the degenerate armor healed immediately.

He looked up and said, "you want to kill me in an hour. I can get a cosmic explosion with this light, and my skin won't Tan! Steve, if you want to hurt me with this means, you might as well expect me to move to the place of supernova explosion to get a gamma ray burst!"

"If I don't wear sunscreen, I might die of skin cancer?"

Steve said calmly, "you are accelerating the movement of the basic particles that make up my body. By accelerating the movement of the particles, you can speed up my own time. In one second, you have accelerated the basic particles that make up my body to a hundred years later. Do you expect this to speed up the erosion of the Japanese virus..."

"But it doesn't seem to work!" stark frankly admitted his little move.

"As long as my will denies, it's invalid!" Steve said. "The fatal threat of the destruction day virus is never material, but in my consciousness!" Steve pointed to his brain.

"By erasing my past and modifying my revised origin, you have shaken my will and deepened the erosion of the day of destruction on me, but the same means can't work on Superman for the second time."

Stark sneered, "I can fight with you like this for a year... And you will become a madman next month!"

"It won't do you any good if I become crazy. On the contrary, the day of destruction will destroy you together," Rogers sighed.

"Then you can admit defeat!" stark said, "anyway, don't expect me to admit defeat first!"

"You want to get those infinite stones and inlay them in your armor to help you make the complete anti Apocalypse armor you want as soon as possible." Rogers said: "but even if you get all the infinite stones, you can't defeat the apocalypse. You will only drag everything into destruction!"

"I saw all the future. The so-called universe overlord SANOS picked up his gloves full of stones and was easily killed by a part of the body of a war knight under the apocalypse. I saw the so-called five gods slaughtered by the apocalypse, and I saw the destruction of countless parallel universes. All I failed. Only I picked up the six original stones, Did not appear in my sight. I am willing to believe that the future may be different. I am willing to try! "

"I haven't seen the future!" Steve said, "because the future I see is the most false thing in the universe. The established future will only make people lose the power and determination of action, and it will make people lose hope!"

"You will only have less words that seem good but are actually useless, just as you are the lies created by those propaganda machines!"

Stark especially resented Steve's attitude. He scolded: "you don't know anything. You will only create those nice, so-called dreams, so-called American spirit... All lies of politicians and generals!"

"A nice bubble!"

"How cruel the truth is, people who don't know are not qualified to speak!"

Stark pinched Steve angrily and directly destroyed the particles that made up Rogers. Steve Rogers's body scattered like smoke, but in the twinkling of an eye, other basic particles in the universe combined into another Steve.

"I didn't reach the bottom of matter, but I reached a higher dimension. If you destroy it, I can create it again in an instant. It's easy to create a thousand or ten thousand!" Steve came out of the void.

"I can't kill you, but you can't hurt me, and time will only be on my side!" stark calmed down.

Steve's eyes changed a little. His body swept quickly, one hand against stark's chest, accelerating away from the earth, surpassing the speed of light, sub light, approaching the speed of light, reaching the maximum speed of matter, turning into photons, reaching the speed of light, turning into light in their rapid movement, and then surpassing light.

Finally, they forget the existence of the body, show their super dimensional soul thinking, surpass the speed of light and go upstream along the fourth dimension.

The speed of thinking became faster and faster. In the Cretaceous, they brushed the earth, hit a meteorite, deviated from its orbit, fell to the earth, and extinct the dinosaurs; When they came to the Jurassic, they flashed over the earth with Dinosaurs: in the Cambrian, they flew over the desolate ocean of the earth, to the most primitive time of the earth, to the birth of the sun... To the moment of the big bang.

They're back to the end of time!

At the moment before the big bang, I stayed at the eternal time point of the explosion of the zero dimension

Stark was shocked. He understood the way Steve wanted to defeat him - back to the big bang, when the universe was not divided, the starting point of the multiverse, that is, the zero dimension, the first dimension of the world. Steve could not find the underlying material in the change of material in the fourth dimension, but he could go back to the zero dimension by going back to time.

This is the origin of the underlying matter and the underlying state of all universes.

The multiverse has countless time lines and countless parallel universes. The matter here is the cornerstone of all cosmic matter. Here, they all exist in the zeroth dimension, so there is no Stark's material phase.

Here, Stark's injuries must be real.

This is an indescribable state, which does not even exist in space, but they see a person, a "person" standing in front of the freak point about to explode and looking down at the freak point in front of them. Stark and Rogers can't surpass the freak point containing all the material space and concepts of the universe. As long as they are still in the universe, You can only perceive the abnormal point, but you can't perceive anything outside the abnormal point.

But they just saw something outside the abnormal point, or that person is both in and outside the abnormal point.

He looked at the universe to be created in front of him. He stood at the source of the universe and looked under the river of time

Stark and Steve suddenly understood! I saw a huge trouble

Some people stand at the beginning of the universe and look back. Some people grasp the source of the universe, or they can be called the creator. Stark matter doesn't move at all. Others directly grasp all matter, all universe, all space and the source of all concepts. The next second is the big bang. There are only five gods there. This person directly stepped on the head of the five gods, Holding the fertilized egg of the multiverse.

The divine radiance flowing from that man was born with the universe and shone on all the multiverse along time.

It seems that countless angels are singing in the light: "to my father, holy to my father! The most holy Lord, the void makes the father! The earth is the abyss and darkness, and the spirit is on the water! In the beginning, there is a way, and the way is with God..."

The hymn resounded in his light!

Both stark and Rogers understood his identity in an instant. They didn't expect that his real body was here. They felt like they met a ghost... No, ghosts are far less terrible - because they destroyed the infinite universe, were respected as Christ Jesus by Catholics at the end of the universe, and created human beings in the Red Sea, In essence, the fifth of the four knights of the Apocalypse who controls heaven, gets the name of the apocalypse, initiates the apocalypse, and is ordered to judge everything - the Apocalypse Messiah!