Steve put on his old battle clothes and came to the edge of the floating pyramid. Chen ang sent him next to him. With the slow opening of the gate, the low pressure at high altitude instantly evacuated most of the air on the spacecraft's take-off and landing platform, and the violent negative pressure triggered an outward storm. However, they remained motionless. Neither Steve nor Chen ang felt any discomfort in the thin air.

Chen ang handed over the aegis, but Steve waved his hand and refused!

"Don't you wear a shield?" Chen ang suddenly laughed at himself: "yes, now you have a body of steel. You don't need to hide behind anything anymore!"

Steve regretfully glanced at the Golden Shield embossed with an eagle and sighed: "since I was infected and injected with Superman serum, my five senses have become sharp every minute. I can hear the voice thousands of kilometers away, see and see into outer space. I can even vaguely detect the voice of people passing by me."

"But I still can't see through you!"

Steve sighed, "Tony revealed the news of eagle eye's family to the scrools!"

"I know!" Chen ang said calmly.

Steve looked up and said, "he couldn't stand the torture of things in his head. He transformed himself into a strange state of quantum superposition and disappeared from my perception. But not long ago, he appeared in my sight. The destroyer didn't lose control at all, but you deliberately controlled it. You did all this to let me stop it!"

"Then meet stark!"

"Yes, and I induced stark to transform himself. I planned the whole vakanda campaign, and I know you know, let alone fear you know!"

Chen ang said: "steker has been able to carry out the future, but he still chose to step into my established timeline."

"It's strange! I created two characters beyond the stage play, but you must follow the script for various reasons. Stark wants to get the power to resist the apocalypse, otherwise the more he knows, the more desperate he will be... What if he can see the future? It's still dark in front of him!"

"It's just a sad repetition of death that can't resist!"

"What about making you a superman? The future I created is the only time line for new humans to survive. Although you solidify the pure justice and goodness of your human nature through Superman serum and get rid of the threat of the door, you don't even have the right to choose when your personality is solidified. Justice and goodness... That's a good thing."

"But only justice and kindness, just like a puppet manipulated!"

"The only weakness of Superman serum is that it will enlarge the positive side of your personality and make you perfect like a person. Of course, if this is true, my transformation will fail completely. A person without negative personality, or negative personality can't overcome positive existence, is dead in personality!"

"I won't allow my creation to have such serious defects. My biggest hobby is to create infinite possibilities and rigid things. I don't want them! So I infected you with the destruction day virus. It is the only thing that can destroy Superman at present. It can break your rigid personality and reshape it into an existence with infinite possibilities."

"But that's not me anymore. If I still have positive factors in my personality, it has nothing to do with me now."

"When I liberate myself on the day of destruction, I will fall into complete darkness, because I can only be reborn by amplifying the dark side of human nature, so maybe I will become the biggest dictator and destroyer," Steve said.

"So what? What's the matter with me? You'll get used to... Completely destroying yourself is cruel to say, but you'll know when you do it! Nothing at all? Even if the change is beyond recognition, you don't recognize the past! As long as you accommodate the past, it's still you. The so-called self is just a pseudo proposition in the form of Informatics, just a three-dimensional perception of biological self For a long river, every wave is a part of it... "

Chen ang smiled and said, "when you kill and deny your relatives, you can call an unjust Superman!"

After the successful transformation of Steve and stark, they will both come into contact with the blackened side of Chen ang and even have doubts, but so what? Dare they say it? Say it and let all new humans die? Superman can't do such a thing. Maybe the blackened Tony Stark can, but he doesn't dare to do it because of the future he sees.

He looked deeply at Chen Ang's calm face and said such cruel facts, but he didn't even change his smile.

Steve rose into the air without a red cloak behind him, which made his image a little strange. In particular, he did not use the classic flying posture of one arm flying into the sky. Chen ang, who personally created Superman, looked at some hot eyes - without a cloak to cover his ass, it was too funny for superheroes to fly.

Steve used a flying posture similar to the wing suit. The tight fitting clothes completely exposed the lines of his hips - Chen ang turned back to the floating pyramid headquarters and told the staff nearby: "let the superhero image Department design a cloak and let him wear it when Steve comes back. Say that the current flying posture is not elegant and will create ugly photos on the Internet, which is not conducive to publicity.

Chen ang is not worried about Steve's refusal. As a publicity mascot of the early army, Steve has long been used to being arranged to design the image.

On the helipad of stark mansion, Tony, who was naked in only one pair of underwear, turned his all white eyes to the sky. He peeped at countless future timelines and only saw the darkness in front of him. He saw everything but was unable to change, which made his blackening more and more serious.

He saw the return of his sworn enemy Sargeras and the door in the human spirit.

Saw him and his old comrade in arms, Captain America, today's Superman, fight to death!

Saw his break with his ex girlfriend Boz

He saw that he had become the public enemy of all mankind, and all his old companions stood up against him. He saw that he was unable to prevent everything from going to destruction... He even began to hate himself. Why could he see this.

When unable to change the future, the so-called seeing the future is just the torture of repeating fate again and again.

Tony looked at the bodies formed by the superposition of these overweight nuclear matter Massons, and black tears flowed out of his all white eyes. He endured the torture of dark endings again and again, undertook endless despair and terror, looked directly at one nameless creature after another, and the spiritual bottom line that finally maintained collapsed silently.

How about loving a person? Watching her die hundreds of millions of times in front of her in all kinds of strange and torturing ways, no matter how strong her love will be distorted.

What about Dr. Manhattan?

There is no power to change the timeline of the apocalypse. It repeats the ending of complete despair and darkness over and over again. Even without humanity, it can be forced crazy

Tony Stark raised his mouth and showed a big, bright smile, which had long been distorted by despair and darkness.

Instead of sinking into the future in despair, it's better to face all this with a smile.

"Even if you're crazy, you can't lose Tony Stark's sense of humor!"

Dr. stark, the black bat king told you to go home for dinner!

Dr Stark has emerged with a completely different collocation of armor after simultaneous interpreting. It uses different traditional gold and red coloured paint, but uses black and green collocation. The neutron star is slightly larger in size and belongs to medium armor, unlike the Mark model's close fitting design, which has a body shape similar to that of the anti Hok armour.

It is no longer full of the sense of industrial design of the previous series, but a rough, ferocious and murderous hard core design like an armored vehicle.

There is a kind of Steampunk, mixed with the design sense of cyberpunk.

If the former armor represents technology, Internet information technology and ergonomics, this new neutron star represents heavy industry, war weapons, heavy armor and Punk Gothic, which is a new generation of design that completely subverts Stark's aesthetics and represents his killing aesthetics sinking into the dark side.

Tony faced the new armor, his body became empty and sank into it.

The next moment, the armor disappeared and collapsed into a known particle function over vakanda, blocking the destroyer!