Wakanda, between the high-rise buildings of the tribe, ebony throat without a nose put his hands in his sleeves and calmly faced the front. Next to him, some wakanda people hid in the buildings on both sides and peeped at ebony throat.

There's no one in the street for a long time!

Everyone hid in a safe place when the assassination in the palace took place.

But now there's no safe place in vacanda!

On the street ahead, the footsteps of leather boots on the cement road from far to near. Strange, wearing a magic cloak, walked in the quiet and deserted street and appeared in front of ebony throat. Ebony throat looked at the eyes of agomodo in front of him and said in an almost aria voice: "you are finally here! Guardian of the original stone!"

"The earth has all the infinite raw stones in the universe, which is almost a miracle!"

Ebony throat smiled and said, "but you can't guard it!" he stretched out his finger and pointed his finger towards the agomodo eye in front of strange's chest. Strange felt that the chain in front of his chest was pulled, and then the rune on the artifact lit up instantly. Agomodo's eye floated for a moment and fell down again.

"You have the ability to say that to the people's Revolutionary League!" strange sneered, "Oh! I forgot that your master mieba is being beaten by them. He has no power to fight back. He can only send a waste like you to the earth. You don't even dare to appear in front of them, because you are really devastated and afraid by the weak" Earth people "in your mouth!"

Ebony's gray face jumped, which was obviously an embarrassment in being said, and some couldn't stand the skin.

However, he has strong self-control ability and will not be affected by this embarrassing emotion. He still said calmly: "the people's Revolutionary League is not earth people... They are refugees from another universe in order to avoid the destroyer of that universe."

"The great SANOS is saving the universe. You are also the object he wants to save. The escape of the human Revolutionary League from the alien universe will only bring disaster and attract the eyes of their enemies here. It is because of their arrival that so many disasters have occurred in the universe."

"Earth people, we are not the source of disaster. We are the people who try to stop this disaster! The Apocalypse is the enemy of all life. He created a variety of species, but cruelly destroyed them. You think we are here to destroy the earth and hurt you, wrong!"

"We are here to save you from true darkness and destruction."

"You indulge in this temporary sense of security, but SANOS found a potential crisis. He broke this temporary calm and wanted to prevent this crisis... But you attributed the reason why your illusory sense of security was broken to him? This is really stupid! Mortal!"

"Do you think SANOS is the one who brought darkness and destruction to you?"

"In fact, he is the one who wants to save you from darkness and destruction. It is the earth man in your mouth who really brings darkness and destruction. It is the human revolutionary Union."

Strange tilted his head and said, "what you said is reasonable to some extent. But I can't agree with the practice of eliminating hegemony... Expecting to continue by killing half of the life in the universe and delaying the arrival of the crisis is a real cowardice and capitulationism, which is appeasing evil."

"The people's Revolutionary League, although they have brought disaster, their position is with us in the disaster, and they have a real fighting spirit and the spirit of fighting against darkness and evil. They don't expect to delay the crisis and escape the battle by slaughtering their own people!"

"The Savior in your mouth, mieba, is just a coward who wants to escape by killing innocent people!"

"The balance in his mouth is actually compromise and appeasement!"

Ebony throat was furious when he heard strange's merciless irony. His face twitched and his tone was a little angry and angry: "stupid... Stupid primitive guardian, you are arrogant and disgusting. You think you are bright and correct... What disgusting words and deeds!"

"As if you were fearless!"

"In fact, you are ignorant and foolish. You don't know the terrible darkness. You refuse to believe your smallness. You think... You ignorant, short, small and ridiculous lives have the weight beyond the universe, but in fact, you are as small as dust, just a wisp of insignificant dust in the universe."

"You see the importance of your life beyond everything, but you don't know that you are just a trivial existence."

"In the survival of the universe and the reproduction of life, your so-called will and responsibility make people laugh. You think it is more important than balance, but in fact, you are just some fleeting dust on a gravel planet in the vast sea of stars, but you talk that you can compare the weight with the universe, as if you can win the dark without paying anything."

"What do you think you are? What do you think your life is? Compared with the power and power of Lord SANOS, you are like dust, but you are still damn arrogant."

"You need to correctly understand the weight of your ethnic group, guardian of the original stone. You don't know what you are facing. SANOS was as small as an ant before the darkness. He had to give his love to save everything. I was as humble as dust in front of Lord SANOS."

"And you, your life is so worthless in front of me... I need you to recognize this before you can understand how small the life in your eyes is heavier than the universe."

With a stroke of ebony throat's finger, a nearly 30 storey building next to strange collapsed, and the Zhenjin skeleton running through the whole building was stabbed out in horror, which easily stabbed the hidden life in the building, the wakanda people hiding inside, and the bloody Zhenjin alloy skeleton broke the building.

Under ebony's throat, he shot at strange.

Under the control of ebony throat's mind, thousands of tons of concrete from the collapse of the building hit strange.

Trange saw that ebony throat destroyed a building in front of him and killed all the wakanda people inside. He could no longer stand the anger in his heart. He was trembling for this atrocity. His heart was completely irresistible to kill, but in the face of the collapsed building and vibrating gold reinforcement attacking him, he could only support the rune shield in his hand.

But the vibrating steel frame easily pierced his Rune shield.

They assassinated strange's key. Strange quickly opened a portal with red sparks. He pushed the portal forward quickly with his hand and swallowed all the vibrating steel frames shot at him.

"You are very angry!" ebony throat slowly controlled hundreds of tons of concrete, glass fragments and sundries and smashed them at strange. The roaring huge concrete blocks easily smashed a large section of the highway into pieces. The violent vibration made the neighborhood look like an earthquake.

Full of destructive power.

"But you will get used to it after all... Sympathizing with the weak is a real arrogance."

"Putting the importance of those small existence above everything is an irresponsible atrocity. You must put them in a really reasonable position and treat them as mole ants. Otherwise, you will not do your duty as the guardian of the original stone. You holding the infinite original stone should maintain the balance of the universe."

"Balance does not exist, and everything attached to it will be destroyed."

"But you put those short and small lives on the great balance, which is irresponsible to the universe. You will make a big mistake, but when the universe needs you to maintain the balance, but the universe needs you to sacrifice, you can't figure out which is more important, which... Is very deadly."

"You should have stood in our position, because we should work together for the balance of the universe, but you stood opposite us..."

"I'll give you time to wake up!" ebony throat manipulated a huge concrete, instantly accelerated the speed to the speed of sound, smashed on strange's Rune shield, and collapsed the structure of the magic energy on the rune shield. Although the huge pressure was removed by the rune shield, the remaining power still made strange retreat a few steps.

His hands supporting the rune shield had begun to tremble slightly, and he could hardly support it.

"But if you are still stubborn, I have to kill you. I will become a better guardian of the original stone than you. Weak you are not worthy to use the power of the original stone to maintain the balance of the universe!" ebony throat said faintly. His spiritual power condensed into a thorn and stabbed strange quickly.

The sudden sharp pain made strange's consciousness begin to blur. He was sweating and supported with embarrassment.