Red haired Bobby's eyes narrowed into a gap, and the skin on both sides of his temples wrinkled with a layer of meat folds, which looked like the preparation action of narrowing his eyes when aiming with a gun. The younger brothers who had followed him for many years knew that this was the performance of his elder brother's careful observation and consideration.

"Didn't you mention they had guests today?" Bobby said with a cigar in his mouth.

He noticed that Chen ang and Khan were chatting in front of the railing in front of the firewood room. He also noticed that the two men found themselves, but they were very calm. It can be said that they turned back to the room calmly and fearfully, which made Bobby feel something wrong.

"What kind of person is Khan? What friends does he know?" Bobby said. "I'm curious about the identity of their guests today!"

The younger brother okova was a little confused. He hurriedly said, "Khan was a Tatar who moved from Argentina a year ago. He rarely had contact with the people in this village. He just rented selesto's ranch. Selesto is over 50 years old. After her husband died, the ranch could not be operated, so he had to rent it to the Tatars!"

"Isn't the ranch close to our tunnel!" Bobby asked.

Okova was frightened and said, "the tunnel passed through part of selesto's pasture..."

"Then why don't we buy it?" Bobby asked. "Don't we have the money to buy a dilapidated ranch? And it's such an important place for us... So if the police check our tunnels, we can drive them out of our ranch!"

"Boss..." my younger brother is a little nervous.

"Do you think that's a cop?" red haired Bobby stared at the two men who had crept into the room not far away.

"He's a Tatar!" okova whispered, "and how can you know American cops when you're new to Mexico? Cops don't develop informants. They prefer to use Latinos who want to immigrate. Those people dare to betray us, and then the whole family immigrates to the United States. We can't find them!"

"But we have to deal with someone who doesn't know the details!" Bobby sighed. "Do you know the reason for the high elimination rate of the boss in this area? How was my former boss killed?"

"Because they always don't know the situation, they kill!"

"I'm not afraid to kill tourists. Although they come to developed countries and even have a lot of money, here... In Mexico, they die when they die. No one knows who did it. No one will investigate this headless case. I'm not afraid of locals. I know what to do with them so that they won't be found."

"But killing locals and tourists is a bit of trouble. Those damn police and cops have the pressure to investigate and have clues on how to investigate."

"Do you know what's the stupidest?" Bobby picked the snow eggplant and said: "the stupidest thing is to kill foreign journalists and priests. Why don't I let you kill priests, even if he knows some of our handle - I know some of you fools like to tell the priest, so the priest knows more than I do!"

"But I can't kill them because they are behind the Holy See, and the Holy See can let them make little boys without accidents!"

"I heard that one of the stupidest things was done by a mayor. He motioned to people like us to kill a whole vehicle of college students who were going to protest in the city, which was nearly 100 people. And the fool thought he could hold it down... Tell you, fool! We can kill the village, provided that the whole village does not exist in this country."

"There is no evidence to prove the existence of that village, so as long as we do a good job in closing."

"Everything is legal and safe!"

"So, there can be no witnesses, no photos and videos, no evidence. What I want to guarantee is that there will be no bodies to put you fools in prison, and you also need to promise not to cause me trouble."

He pointed to the lotus out of the tent, "this is trouble!"

"Who are they? Why are they here!" Bobby said angrily: "I don't want us to kill the people of the CAI or FBI, okay? They won't trouble us because of the missing Mexicans, but they will investigate the missing people to the end!"

The younger brother looked confused and hesitated: "so... Do you want to kill them?"

"Surround here, I don't want to let one go." Bobby put on his hat, tied a gray scarf and leaned on a stick. "I'm going to meet these people. Touch their bottom!"


"The 'door' has been opened. Soon out of control human consciousness will destroy their whole civilization and everything based on reason - culture, politics, production relations, and their social order. Just like the castle built by children on the beach, it will completely collapse when the next wave comes!"

"You're not a new human, Fu Manzhou!" Chen ang said, "but that doesn't mean you can stay out of it."

"The people's Revolutionary Committee is ready to intervene in this apocalyptic disaster. We, or Holy Shield, are the last means of the people's Revolutionary Committee before it can officially intervene. I must solve these troubles before things become unmanageable."

"The people's Revolutionary Committee observes all parallel universes at the quantum level. We know the cause of things and the results of its development. The parallel universe is going to be destroyed on a large scale. In our observation, the parallel world distributed in the multi universe is going to be destroyed on a large scale."

"That's the apocalypse."

"In comparison, the impact you can cause... Is like an ant!"

"Compared with the real war... What happens here is naturally a small matter. If the sky starts to move its fingers and the Republic will fight, we are not worthy to be his opponent! The Republic must devote our energy to preparing for the decisive battle, and we must use it to deal with the real enemy - Apocalypse."

"But every reason for the destruction of parallel universes may repeat in our universe. At this point, we are no more noble than any universe."

"So there is us - parallel universe crisis strategy team!"

"We observe the causes of the destruction of parallel universes, explore the world lines that have come to an end, and then find solutions and preventive ways to apply them to our own universe. This is an organization that spans many parallel universes. We are the leukocytes of the multiverse. After each universe is destroyed by the 'virus' created by the apocalypse, we will conduct targeted investigation and research , prepare the response plan and form antibodies against the virus. "

"Generally speaking, we focus on prevention, and the Republic is ready to deal with the crisis of the collapse of the cognitive world."

"But now there is a problem... We don't know about the destroyed parallel world, and we haven't formed antibodies to the 'door' virus."

"Whether the United States or the new humanity is destroyed or not is of no importance to the Republic. In the multiverse, we have witnessed countless civilizations destroyed and countless lives flowing into rivers. We have even witnessed the extinction of our existence in the parallel universe all the time. Every qualified Republic soldier has long been as firm as iron."

"Dedicate everything to the sacred duty of fighting the Apocalypse!"

"The blood of the parallel universe has already dried up! The tears of the soldiers have run out! The only thing we can do is wipe away the tears and continue our efforts!"

"It is our responsibility to deal with the cognitive attack of the death knight, find a way to close the door of the soul, or find the key to reshaping cognition, go to the parallel universe, understand the process of their destruction, find ways to prevent all this from happening, share it with all parallel worlds in the multi universe, and make another means of Apocalypse ineffective."

"For this reason, I am not limited to making use of the new humans that will be destroyed, or doing our best to save them."

Chen ang said slowly, "now you know enough!"

"If you still refuse to promise to play a role in my script, I don't think I have to make any decision. You will die..."

Khan sighed, "I knew I should close my ears when I heard half of it. Now if I refuse, it is not just you and your Holy Shield, but the strength of the people's Revolutionary League who will hunt me down. You must give an organization enough determination to show its corresponding action."

Chen ang said with a smile: "yes, before you listen to these words, I still need to submit an application to launch the main gun, but now you know enough to upgrade to a multi universe unstable element. Now I order the near earth fleet to strangle you without any permission... Your wanted warrant was upgraded to the multi universe level when I just spoke."

"Congratulations, sir iron man, the wanted warrant of running water."

"You are now an unstable member at the level of the multiverse. Because of your threat, once you know the practical information of the multiverse, including my organization, it may pose a threat to the multiverse order established by the Republic. Your priority in the wanted of the Republic has increased."