Obviously, lawyer Luke was surprised by Chen Ang's choice. He carefully observed Chen ang for a while before he said, "of course, Mr. Constantine. This master key can open all the doors of this house..."

Chen ang didn't seem to respond. He still smiled and said, "my request is abrupt!"

"But who will plot against this house?" lawyer Luke smiled. "This house may have been very valuable before, but it's really old. We've lived here for more than four generations, and we don't have the money to maintain this big house, so it's dilapidated, and this is a rural town - it's really not worth much!"

Nick interrupted, "but there must be many antiques in such an old house! That's a very valuable thing! So you can't give him this key..."

Lawyer Luke smiled: "both of you are trustworthy people, and the 200000 inheritance can help us a lot - we plan to leave here after we get the inheritance. We are old! We need better medical and pension conditions. With that money, we plan to move to New Orleans."

"Besides, we put all the antiques away and put them in a house in the attic. There is the only door in the house that can't be opened with a master key."

Chen ang accepted the key impolitely and thanked: "Thank you for your generosity. I really enjoyed talking with you. You are a knowledgeable person. You seem to have witnessed the changes of the history and times of this town. I am really interested in history. This house has a long history. It is like a gallery of time. Some styles and characteristics of the old times are well preserved here ... shall we visit it? "

Lawyer Luke welcomed: "after dinner, you can browse at will. It's too old! It's good for nothing but history!"

Several people leaned against the fireplace and chatted for a while. They had dinner in the restaurant. The dinner was chickpeas with mashed potatoes. It was a classic rural flavor. After dinner, lawyer Luke apologized: "I'm used to sleeping after dinner. You know - the habit of countrymen. Our nightlife here is very boring. We usually go to bed early!"

Chen ang and Nick looked at each other and nodded to show their understanding - the separation between American cities and rural towns is very serious. International metropolises sing at night and have developed nightlife, but rural towns are simple and boring. Traditional Puritan living habits still dominate here. Although rural towns are also dominated by entertainment - all kinds of parties and entertainment for young people Happy life is no worse than in the city.

But the couple is really traditional - they are like the most conservative American Puritans.

Some hunchback hostesses took Chen ang to the guest room for them to rest. The room was on the second floor. When the door was opened, a faint musty smell floated out. The house was very large. Although there was some musty smell, it was still clean. Chen ang touched the desktop and there was no ash on it.

It's strange. It's a big house with thirty houses.

Chen ang also came suddenly - he came one afternoon earlier than Nick without any prior notice.

People living in large houses know that it is unrealistic to maintain the house for a long time. The kitchen without firing habits will fall ash. As long as it is not used a little, it will accumulate ash in the corners of their bedroom. This is still the room of young people, let alone two widowed middle-aged couples.

How can they have the energy to clean up more than 30 rooms? - it should be covered with white cloth everywhere and most unused rooms should be sealed up.

Chen ang put down his luggage and went to find Nick. Nick lived next door to him. As soon as he stepped in, he found that it was also very clean - musty, but there was no dust, even in the corner.

Nick didn't talk about Chen Ang's sudden calling him here, but just like chatting, he naturally took out some information about the owner of the house from Chen ang. Their words were clever and exchanged a lot of information. It was very natural. At the same time, he didn't disclose a word about his identity.

Enough for eavesdroppers to know nothing.

"There are many portraits and sculptures of religious symbols, including the virgin, the son and some biblical characters." Nick joked, "you should be very interested!"

"I'm more curious..." Chen ang pointed to something hanging on the top of Nick's big bed and opposite the ceiling. It was a doll with eyes sewn with buttons and about the size of someone's palm. Other organs of the doll's face - nose and mouth were painted with a paintbrush as clumsy as graffiti.

"How do you feel when you lie in bed, open your eyes and look at this thing?"

Nick Fei was not afraid. When Chen ang said this, he was curious. As soon as he lay back, a black bald head fell on the head of the bed, and his eyes were facing the position of the doll: "it's pretty cute... If I had a daughter. I would play with the doll with her. You know I would be the kind of father who can put down his body and have a good affinity."

"You have to have a daughter first!" Chen ang hit.

"Moreover, before you have a daughter, you must first have a wife, but you don't..."

Nick lay on the bed and said, "I just went to the bathroom. Can you imagine? Such a big house doesn't even have a mirror! I was curious and asked the woman who brought me. She said: the mirror is a door, which will let you see bad things. If you want to live alone in such a place quietly, you'd better not see the mirror. So..."

"So she sneaked through your luggage?" Chen ang said calmly.

"She's very light, but I can still find out... It's not easy to hide from people like us." Nick said. "It sounds like she's gone through your luggage, too. But the secrets of people like us won't be found so easily... Is she looking for a mirror?"

"It's possible for superstitious old people to do anything!" Chen ang didn't seem surprised.

"And do you smell it?" Nick got up and sniffed around impulsively. He turned to Chen ang and said, "there is a faint smell... There are many kinds of smell, and I happen to be very familiar with this one." the relaxed look on Nick's face gradually changed. His eyes were sharp at this moment, but this feeling soon disappeared.

He became a funny black again.

Chen ang walked around the house. He lifted the stall on the ground with his feet. Under the stall at the door, he drew two straight lines with white and red powder to block the door.

"Is there any special significance?" Nick asked.

"Salt can prevent evil damage, and red brick powder can prevent the enemy from approaching in Haitian witchcraft." Chen ang twisted the white powder and easily determined that it was salt - and it was still unfiltered crude salt. It was difficult to judge the red brick powder. Fortunately, he was familiar with the mysterious culture of various countries and regions.

"We usually use cinnabar there!" Chen ang put down the carpet.

"Is cinnabar useful, or salt and red brick useful?" Nick asked curiously. "I've never seen you handle a case! I'm really surprised to see your resume."

"In the hands of experts, it's useful. We follow the rules..."

"Oh! Tell me the truth!" Nick said. "Now we're partners, aren't we? Tell me some secrets of your industry!"

Chen ang said reluctantly, "OK! Let me say something... In folk witchcraft, there is a very important principle - believe it or not! Some magic works by relying on energy, just like Kamata Taj. Mages collect energy and make energy into weapons, so I said they act according to the rules. But there are some magic, which rely on faith."

"The will of the mage makes it work!"

"Therefore, at that time, the will of the subject is also very important. Once you don't believe in witchcraft, its power will decline greatly, because the world is material, witchcraft is consciousness, and consciousness can act on consciousness, but it is difficult to act on matter."

"So, keep your faith."