"Because of Steve's accident, we had to start the decisive battle ahead of time!" Chen ang calmly said to the people: "the primitive virus of Ebola tribe represents the power of the plague knight. This knight is special because of some historical problems, and its power on the earth is very strong."

"Including all angels and demons, you know the religious figures of monotheism."

"The sources of our enemies are very complex. Mieba and his allies are very powerful in the universe. First of all, let's determine the possible enemies in this war and our current strength."

Thor didn't have a hammer to carry. He always felt empty and insecure. However, he promised: "if the anti hegemony allies come to the war from aliens, Asgard will fence them down in time."

"I'd like to hear how you evaluate the strength of our enemy?" asked little pepper POZ, leaning against the conference table with his chin in his hand.

"Our enemies are mainly three parts, one is the Atlanteans who are attracted by the black tongue counselor, the other is the demons under murphytos and the humans he controls. There are too many people selling their souls to the devil in this world. Therefore, we may face an army, and we should be prepared for the last part of the evil spirit Knights!"

"The third is the local villains wooed by crow, such as the super criminals man and the ten commandments, hydras, Leviathan and others. There may also be dangerous people from outside."

"I can't calculate the enemy's strength too carefully. I need to leave all margin and room for fuzzy calculation."

"So..." Chen ang said, "liberator!"

Konkenan stood up with Natasha, Arthur and Merlin and said, "yes!"

"You will be responsible for attacking the external enemies in the sky. According to information, the leader of the son of SANOS under mieba, general Obsidian 5, and the remaining four people will attack. The messengers under the planet devourer, the fallen, Stardust, silver shadow, flame emperor, tyrant, red shift, destroyer, Skywalker, new star and Xuanyin may attack under the command of swallowing the star to protect their world peace Balance. "

"Compared with the messengers of planet devourer, obsidian five will not be worth mentioning!" Chen ang smiled.

"But I still need you to intercept them outside the earth and destroy them as much as possible." Chen ang said seriously: "although the people's Revolutionary League will take action after the defeat of the Holy Shield, I don't want to see this moment come, okay? Intercept all extraterrestrial visitors and wipe out the incoming enemy!"


"You will get the temporary authorization of dimension soldiers. Generally speaking, dimension soldiers will follow the Legion to fight in the parallel world and participate in the war of destruction with the apocalypse. This time, it is difficult because the incoming enemy belongs to the five gods. The dimension soldier Legion has granted you the temporary permission because 52 parallel universes will be destroyed in the near future , load the coming body to fight. "

Among the three armed forces of the people's Revolutionary League, the dimensional soldiers are responsible for maintaining the security of the parallel universe and time line. Generally speaking, they perform cross-dimensional combat tasks. Because of the logistical pressure through time and dimension, they use all kinds of coming bodies to fight. The star soldiers of the Soviet Union and the defense forces of the people's Revolutionary League of the European community are responsible for the interstellar combat of the universe, Use interstellar warships and various scientific and technological weapons to fight.

That's why the universe is full of Soviet Star Warrior legions burning glass everywhere. The general head of the defense forces of the European community is the local defense of the revolutionary Union, while the dimensional warrior legions of the Republic have long been engaged in other parallel world operations.

Not every parallel world has revolutionary alliance. In a world without Revolutionary Alliance, in order to prevent the apocalypse from closing the timeline, the Revolutionary Alliance has to send a corps of dimensional soldiers to fight in these parallel worlds.

Chen ang continued to formulate the battle plan: "tchala, we will support you with a batch of Zhenjin scientific and technological weapons. After the war begins, you will be responsible for sneaking into wakanda and summoning wakanda's soldiers who are willing to resist. Strange will go with you. The people's Revolutionary League is transferring the original stone of the mind. Tchala will help you control it and remove the spiritual control of ebony throat over wakanda!"

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time," said tchala cheerfully. A trace of bitter hatred flashed in his eyes.

Chen ang had to remind him: "Crowe may have been controlled by the war knights in Zhenjin! His power is very strong and needs us to deal with it together. You can't destroy vacanda on impulse!"

"The cosmic tuning fork is too dangerous. If Crowe controls it, he can easily destroy the earth, let alone vacanda!"

"So I will deal with crow myself... And use a body to restrain him!"

"Strange..." Chen ang turned his head again and said, "ebony throat belongs to you!"

Strange nodded. "I've found a way to beat him! He won't be a problem!"

"The Atlanteans will be dealt with by the former spear Bureau and the Divine Shield Bureau. Now they are holy shields. I just contacted Nick Furui. He said that it would not be a problem. They will deal with the fishmen." Chen ang continued: "I contacted the people of the Holy See. Although they did not dare to fight the four doomsday knights or mix with their Lord's troubles, they still dared to fight those demon worshippers."

"So the mage of Kama Taj will deal with those demon relatives together with the Holy See."

"As for the villains that Crowe wooed, man didn't dare to show up. Others... Some were eradicated by us first, and the rest won't be a problem. Nick said that the magic four and other heroes will join the battlefield as reinforcements. So we just need to support them!"

"And guard against the residual evils of the skruls!" borz added: "they may join the battlefield like us, which will instantly destroy our trust and make the whole plan fall short."

"Yes... We should also consider these!" Chen ang said, "but fortunately, I only decide the general direction. These things, including the enemy's intelligence and tactical settings and the filing plan of accidents, are handled by the operation Department. Now they are analyzing the intelligence and making plans below!

"Because the decisive battle time is greatly advanced, I don't know how many of them are scolding their mother!" Chen ang shamelessly shirked his responsibility.

The little spider listened and asked, "are we going to rob the original virus? Can it cure the captain, right?"

"Hum..." Chen ang coughed and said, "we are going to protect the original virus from falling into the hands of bad people and protect the safety of the last seal of the four knights. You have also seen the disaster here after the famine began to be active. If we hadn't handled it in time, would our universe become like some parallel universes?"

"In some worlds destroyed by the apocalypse, there is no lack of a universe in which everyone has been turned into monsters by famine and plague... Zombie universe and alien universe!"

"Therefore, we are going to protect the security of the world from threats and ensure that the situation will not continue to deteriorate!"

Borz interrupted him, turned to the little spider and said, "don't listen to his official speech... Yes, we're going to shoot the original virus, in order to cure the captain and protect the safety of the damn world!"

After saying that, Bozi found that although she wanted to refute the serious consequences in Chen Ang's mouth, she thought carefully... This is really true. She collapsed and said to her head, "fuck the world security... When my mother just graduated, the biggest threat in the world was those damn kind-hearted terrorists. Now it seems that there are some damn lovely terrorists."

"But now... Since the arrogant shouted at the press conference - I'm iron man!... in the beginning, there were big news in the world every three or five times. At the beginning, it was a dozen aliens. Now, the poor earth will be destroyed five or six times in an event."

"With our careless negligence, the earth will be blown to ashes with a bang!"

"In the past, we only had to deal with one bad person. Now, every bad person in a group can make a big fucking one, and the world security crisis has appeared in a group. Today, we just stopped the zombie virus from destroying the world, and the next second we will fight with a group of criminals who want to kill half of the people for that fucking destruction day virus And there are five such things... And three have been started. "

What what adorable earth is there? What is the earth's good? The moon is very safe. So dangerous earth is still giving to the human race. Why make complaints about the alien race? Maksim is really dying... Is it not good to live?

He even wanted to kill his brother who didn't know the greatness of heaven and earth.

He should be allowed to listen to the internal meetings of the largest non-governmental organizations to defend the earth. They are all too tired and too breathtaking to make complaints about themselves.