Before crow's lackeys came, Chen ang and Boz had left with the black bat king to the headquarters of the Holy Shield and the floating pyramid.

They took the rebuilt solar ship. The original semi open hull was transformed into a closed one. The logistics personnel of the former Shenmao Bureau redesigned it and transformed the solar ship into a near earth spacecraft with a sense of modern design. The cabin was also expanded several times. The hull structure of Yuanzhen gold alloy was transformed into the current hull core through the atomic material reorganization equipment of the people's revolutionary Union, Other parts are loaded on the core by modular means.

In this way, the original solar boat with narrow internal space can be expanded without damaging the core combat effectiveness, so as to meet the diversified combat needs of the Holy Shield brotherhood.

Therefore, Chen ang had a spacious cabin of about 120 square meters to communicate with the black bat king.

"Frankly speaking, we hope you can kill back and solve your annoying brother, so that he won't cause us any more trouble!" Chen ang said without guest: "what I mean by solution is literally 'solution'... Do you understand?"

"You want me to kill maximus..." the black bat King's voice is low, and Chen Ang's Blues line makes his words particularly frightening, which has an advantage in frightening the enemy and negotiating, and can show that he is a bold and tough man.

But the voice is just the voice. The black bat king has never been a decisive person, and Batman does not believe anyone.

Even if Chen ang makes his Cosplay like Batman again, he will never become the dark knight in the shadow of Gotham. Therefore, Chen ang, who clearly knows the weak nature of this goods, will not be confused by the illusion caused by his temporary evil taste. He said frankly: "Yes... I want you to kill him, or if he makes any wrong choice, even though shengdun is reluctant, he will have to kill your whole family! There is an old Chinese saying that a strong man breaks his wrist... Understand."

"We have been restraining!" said the black bat king, "whether to kill my brother, a royal family, is our own internal affair. You have no right to interfere..."

Chen ang sat next to him, leaned against the metal cabin behind him, and said in a low voice: "listen... Boy. It's not that you have been restraining, but that we have been restraining. Once we don't restrain... Do you know what will happen? Boz, give me the file of the Vampire incident the day before yesterday!"

Chen ang turned the file submitted by Boz to the pages of the statistics and report on the effect of the s.h.i.e.l.d. and the people's Revolutionary League on the vampire clean-up plan around the world, and handed it to the black bat king. He continued to write: "This is an appetizer of Holy Shield. If you still insist, we don't mind playing with aliens. On this planet and planetary system, our Holy Shield has 100 ways to make you disappear silently, just like those vampires!"

"Don't tell me about the royal family, honor and your Alien traditions... We are not a waste s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. what diplomatic privileges are given to an alien Prince - especially an adopted one. In the logic of s.h.l.d., if you commit a crime against mankind, then you deserve to die."

"What we often do is to give the enemy equal and universal death!"

"To tell you the truth, you and your royal family are worthless in our eyes. If you still insist on the so-called family affection and honor, I will let you go to hell with your damn family!"

Chen Ang's words became more and more ugly. The black bat King couldn't help but want to stand up. Chen ang pressed his shoulder, so that he couldn't react too much. A hand on his shoulder pressed on it like an iron hoop, so that he struggled hard and couldn't move for half a minute. Chen ang said very seriously: "I've always liked to put ugly words before them, so that you young people won't make irreparable mistakes on impulse."

"Although I always use extermination to threaten you, our Holy Shield is easy to speak. The Holy Shield is established according to needs because of the complexity of internal affairs, at least in the people's Revolutionary League. We foresee the complexity of the earth's political situation in the future... Many times we can't distinguish between the enemy and ourselves. We may confront in some aspects, but we need to fight in some aspects Cooperation... Struggle and cooperation are the theme of the future Earth situation. "

"So we are soft, mainly responsible for judging the enemy and ourselves, and then take this international organization as the platform to deal with those complex parts that are difficult to judge the enemy and friends, and complete the United Front... Do you know what the United Front is?"

"Now we contact you and discuss strange issues. You think I don't speak well. But this is the way we make friends. If you don't want to make friends, the Soviet won't talk to you. Do you know how many civilizations are willing to sacrifice everything for an opportunity for dialogue?"

"But the Soviets don't talk, the people's Revolutionary League clean-up fleet doesn't talk, and we... Will talk. I'm talking to you now."

"Once I have determined the enemy and friends here, for example, the report says that under the leadership of their new king, the aliens have taken refuge in mieba and joined the Savior alliance. What happens next can be predicted... They will hand it over to the Soviet to deal with it. The people's Revolutionary League has always dealt with the enemy in this way. We are big enemies and have no time and energy to play the game of turning enemies into friends."

"We like to eliminate problems!"

Chen ang put his arm around the black bat King's shoulder and asked, "you live on the moon. You should be no stranger to the Soviet Union. If you are strange, I happen to have an internal data of your arch enemy and your Creator Kerry people, which is a document for them to evaluate the collapse of their old opponent's skruhr empire."

"The above analysis of the Soviet Union is very clear."

"A few years ago, on the back of the moon, that is, on the back of your city, the dark land of the moon. The people's Revolutionary League had a relatively large operation. I don't believe you know nothing. We found a trace of an evil god there... The sworn enemy of the people's Revolutionary League and the family member of the creator's apocalypse. Among the evil gods, kesulu, which represents water."

"The deep divers in the moon sea have some friction with you. You should know the difficulty of evil gods."

"... I know!" the black bat king heard the heavy blood in Chen Ang's understated words. He happened to know something about some people's Revolutionary League, or the Soviet fleet in charge of fighting in the people's Revolutionary League, such as killing people like hemp, destroying the planet, such as eating and drinking water, burning glass and genocide.

"One of the your ships killed that terrible evil god," said black bat king, unable to control his panic.

"So, we don't want things to go this far." Chen ang sincerely said: "for your race, for peace... Kill your brother!"

"He exiled me." the black bat king still resisted. His attention to his family and rejection of his ability made him more and more afraid to return to that position. It didn't mean power, but responsibility for him. He was afraid of taking this responsibility and killing his brother. This strong emotion made him more and more reject his ability.

More will be their responsibility to be exiled, put on their ability to control.

"My ability is beyond my control. It has caused great damage to attilan and has been exiled! The people no longer recognize me as their king, and my brother has replaced everything for me." the black bat king said painfully: "I am not the black bat King now. That power is unknown and cruel, and I will only bring disaster to strange people."

"You will bring disaster, but your brother will bring disaster!" Chen ang certainly knows what the black bat King's so-called ability is out of control. It can be said that maximus can't do well, but he is extremely accurate about his brother's weakness. He has a keen insight into the black bat King's biggest weakness.

Fear and rejection of your abilities!

He colluded with crow to amplify the power of Zhenjin's twelve levels with a cosmic tuning fork. A month later, he easily destroyed alanti. Up to now, the black bat king still believes in the "facts" of his unintentional destruction of alanti, so that he subconsciously tries to deny and forget his ability.

Of course, this is not the result of Maximus' plot, but the result of the continuous development of the psychological shadow of the black bat king over the past 20 years.

"I will help you defeat my brother and prevent my people from going to war on the earth. But I am no longer the black bat king. I can't go back to alanti and wave my arms to destroy maximus's plot. I can only fight side by side with you, but I can't use my ability. Every time I try to use it, I feel out of control!"

"If I use my ability again, I'm afraid it will destroy everything and cause greater disaster!"

Chen ang was silent. He sighed and asked, "if you are not the king of the alien race and have no superpowers... What else do we need you for? We can find a cosmic mercenary corps, such as the Galactic escort, and send them to the moon to stop your brother's plot."

"I won't do anything with the identity of the black bat king!" the black bat King continued: "give me a new identity! This mask is very good. I can use it to make a sound. No one will doubt my identity. I need a new name... The bat man you said before is very good."

"Bertman!" announced the black bat King... No, the newly released Batman.

Chen ang looked at him with a look at the chicken ribs. Relying on the only trace of evil interest, he maintained his interest in the black bat king. He said bluntly, "that's it! We'll train you and give you some equipment, and you'll be responsible for attacking your dead brother for the sake of your whole family... If you fail, I'll send your family together!"

Borz said with interest: "It seems that Saint shield has added another member. Let me design a new battle suit for him! I haven't been a superhero backup for a long time! I prepared Tony's clothes for the event before. I was also responsible for the design of his public image. It's not a simple job. Not everyone can complete it. You know Tony's character... But create a new one Hero, I've never had such an experience before. It's exciting to think about it! "

"It's useless!" Chen ang said, "he can't be a hero!"

"Why?" Boz said in surprise, "his conditions are very good, and I think he can solve these problems!"

"No money!" Chen ang just left this sentence and disappeared to do his own thing!