After occupying wakanda, Ulysses Crowe maintained his rule by cruel and ruthless means. He knew that he had no ruling foundation and no tradition to maintain. He knew that he ruled the country by violence and coercion, so Crowe did not plan to be open and tolerant.

His rule depended on power, and he frightened the wakanda to defend their authority.

Relying on the interests of vakanda sold - Zhenjin, in exchange for the acquiescence of the outside world to his rule, vakanda people are prohibited from owning and contacting Zhenjin, their scientific and technological products are limited, and now high-tech has no chance with them. Black guys here can only buy North American technology products like most parts of the African continent.

Congratulations to America, there is another expanding market.

Every day, a large amount of vibration gold is also mined and sent to Ulysses' laboratory. A huge vibration gold tower is built here. The vibration gold tower uses the ultimate technology understood by Ulysses from the transformation means given to him by Adam, trying to surpass the human physical structure designed by Adam to vibrate physics Acoustics and structural mechanics -- the weaponization of science and technology in the twelve energy release states of super conductive metal properties and metallization of human structure.

Ulysses Crowe has never been a puppet at the mercy of others. He has been trying to understand and absorb the twelve levels of Zhenjin created by Adam, because in this new science and technology martial arts, Adam integrates too many martial arts and human science, making each level a natural moat, and the power of each level is also very different.

At present, Ulysses, who has only four levels, can only collapse the earth's core and destroy the planet.

However, such a force can be achieved by a low-level frigate of the people's Revolutionary League.

He longed for more powerful power until the cosmic resonance of the twelfth level, transcended the realm of time and space, destroyed the multi universe with his hands and feet, and destroyed the terrible power of other parallel worlds with vibration.

However, the twelve levels of Zhenjin heaven and earth left by Adam is too difficult. Crowe can't understand the truth contained in it all his life. However, he believes that the most important difficulty is the truth of martial arts and human body. He tries to separate the acoustic technology of the later level in the design drawing, so that he can overcome the barrier designed by Adam and directly obtain the power to destroy the sky and earth.

Three years ago, when Ulysses began to study the following design and experimental data, he found that among the twelve energy release states of vibration physics, acoustics and structural mechanics - super conductive metal properties and metallization of human structure, even excluding the contents of human body and martial arts, the remaining technologies include not only his familiar acoustic contents, but also cosmology and structural mechanics, Vibration, physics and other mind numbing knowledge.

Transforming the mature technology and extracting the basic science and technology is a huge project unimaginable to Ulysses.

But even so, it is much simpler than his practice of Zhenjin twelve passes.

Ulysses found that to complete this project, an unimaginable huge amount of vibration gold is required. Therefore, while completing the fourth level in three years, he began early technical preparation and designed a huge vibration laboratory integrating all his understanding and knowledge - a vibration laboratory with complex structure that can be in tune with the vibration of the cosmic background, Zhenjin tower imitating the last level of cosmic tuning.

He named the tower the cosmic tuning fork.

After occupying wakanda, Ulysses relied on the day and night to dig the Zhenjin mine, and finally began to build the laboratory designed by him. During this period of time, less than 1% of the vibration gold flows to the market in exchange for funds, which is tens of thousands of times that released by wakanda.

All the remaining Zhenjin was put into the project by Crow. Therefore, he collected the Zhenjin high-tech products previously produced by vacanda by violence, and even deprived them of Zhenjin from the vacanda people. Even the weapons of the king's escort of vacanda were melted by him.

Today, Crowe finally built the laboratory, the cosmic tuning fork.

Standing at the top of the giant tower of the laboratory, Crowe felt frightened in his heart. He seemed to talk to himself, and seemed to say to a black shadow next to him, "you know? My design has a big problem, and it is impossible to succeed. At least it can't be like this... Exquisite and beautiful, or even perfect."

"This laboratory perfectly repeats my idea - the power to create the 12th level."

"But that's why I feel heartfelt fear... It's not that I'm creating this huge tower, but that it's growing. Now I firmly believe that the little black cat is right. Zhenjin is alive. When I use it to create the damn twelve levels, it starts to communicate with my brain, and countless ideas and inspiration are stuffed into my brain Inside. "

"Then I was enchanted and designed it. But I can't even fully understand it. Although it was created by myself, it is more like it created itself through my hand. Compared with Zhenjin, a huge perfect life, I'm not suitable for the design. It feels like it got the twelve levels of Zhenjin from me , and then you can easily practice it like a custom-made skill for it to the twelfth level. "

"And I am just a tool to practice it!"

Ulysses looked at his hands as if he had returned to the shadow and to Adam. He was deeply afraid of the shadow: "I even began to fear it. It was fear that made me eager to create it, but when it appeared in front of me, the unknown and urgent fear became it."

"The cosmic tuning fork can monitor the background sound of the whole universe. It can find out everything about the universe, feel every energy and vibration in the universe, and amplify your power and energy. It is a perfect weapon. With it, you can destroy a galaxy with a gentle voice, just like shaking a bubble. But it is not just A weapon... "

Ulysses turned back and said, "I don't know what prompted you to help me create it. Now you can use its power. This is my promise, but... Those who play with fire will burn themselves."

"Be careful of its power... Don't act dangerously."

"I allow the master behind you to use him to carry out any intrigues temporarily, but this can't hinder my interests."

Ebony throat in the shadow smiled, "you have kept your promise, of course we will not betray."

"Only I can give full play to its power..." Crowe murmured, "so this will not be a wrong choice." he was very afraid and kept repeating: "he has gone and left the universe. In this world, only I know it best."

"You won't come back - Adam!"

He whispered this in his heart. His voice was very low, just like if he spoke a little louder, he would be perceived by some existence he deeply feared.

Ebony throat whispered: "after you destroy the war weapons created by the Kerry people on the moon, we hope you can support maximus. At that time, he will stand on our side on behalf of the alien race."

"I need the black Batman as the experimental body. A few years ago, I overheard the voice from the moon. His power is not stronger than me. Although he can destroy the planet with his voice and destroy a Starfleet with a whisper, he can't control this power at all. I knew when I heard his voice..."

"My chance to break through the fifth level is on him."

"But at that time, I was still alone. I didn't promise to repay you until you came to the door and promised to help me fulfill these wishes. Now that I have a cosmic tuning fork, I can easily destroy the so-called aliens. Your previous support will be rewarded."

"Give me the information about maximus. You'll get it."

After the two colluded, ebony throat went to inform maximus of their decision, and Ulysses came to the cosmic tuning fork.

He stood at the top of the tower and whispered a word to the moon overhead.

In attilan city on the moon, a sound wave swept the whole city. In the violent vibration, the strange people were terrified. Many people were killed by that whisper, but their king fell into a nightmare and slept deeply. In his dream, he was terrified but couldn't wake up. Just three minutes ago, the destructive sound wave swept everything.

After the shock of this distance subsided, Maximus led people into the palace. Facing the queen medusa in front of him, Maximus said, "what are you doing? Do you want to let this monster destroy our country?"

Medusa screamed, "this monster is your brother!"

"He can't control his ability, killed my parents and brought disaster to the alien. If he doesn't stop him, will he destroy us?" maximus said solemnly. Behind him, there are his supporters, other powerful families and elders of the alien.

"He has controlled his ability. He hasn't spoken since that. You can't treat him like this."

"What just happened, is my brother talking in his sleep?"

Maximus looked gloomily at Medusa and the other supporters of the black bat king, raised his hand and motioned, "exile them!"

"Banish them to the earth... Let that monster harm mankind!"

The people behind him shouted, "exile this monster who hurt us!" "we have no king of Patricide!" "drive them to the earth, or they will destroy attilan and our home."

Medusa trembled and was at a loss in the face of the roar of the mountain tsunami and the excitement of the crowd. The black bat king was not an authoritative king. He accidentally killed his parents and didn't say a word all year round. Such a king could not be supported. His brother was ambitious and eloquent. Under his instigation, the strange man finally rose up, Demanding the expulsion of their king.

I believe that soon, his brother maximus will be crowned king with the "support" of everyone.

All royal families and followers who choose to follow the black bat king will be expelled to the earth... What they don't know is that maximus didn't release them so kindly. In fact, they were traded to Ulysses Crowe.