"If demons are angels..." Johnny Blazer objected, "they can't even go to church!"

"Because they committed crimes," Chen ang said, "so they were punished by the Messiah."

"Because they seduce people to fall and sin?" said Johnny blazer. "God has given them the duty to judge sinners, but they seduce people to fall?"

"No, no, no, you misunderstood me. First of all... It's not God who gave them the responsibility. It's the Messiah. God did nothing. He just created and was the creator. The Messiah is the person who arranged everything. You can also call it fate. Inducing people's soul to fall is not the sin of the devil and the devil. In fact... That's their responsibility to create the devil , it is used to split and punish mankind. Fishing law enforcement... Is also law enforcement. "

"Their real sin is to kill and plunder each other for fear of future judgment. The Messiah appointed seven ancient demons, but they entrapped each other... This is provoking the Messiah's arrangement, so... They are guilty. They betrayed the Messiah's arrangement for them."

"No leader will care about your little crossing the line in terms of authority, or gray exceeding authority. Only when the leader wants to clean you up, that is the criminal evidence, but every leader will care about your challenge to others' power. Therefore, they are unlucky."

"And... You want evidence, the evidence is in what you just said!" Chen ang stared at him.

Johnny Blazer recalled what he had just said, but he still didn't understand it.

Chen ang had to remind him: "you just said that demons and demons can't enter the church. In fact, from my experience in dealing with the spread of cults in North America, the relatives of demons can't enter the church. Only their worshippers and evil believers who are not assimilated by their power can enter, but you can come and go freely in the church."

"This is a clear proof that you are part of an angel - even a revenge angel."

"So... God didn't give up on me!" Johnny Blazer said excitedly. "He didn't give up on my father. Will his soul go to heaven?"

"Wait a minute... God didn't give up anyone... No one will give up their 'property'. I promise you belong to him from head to toe, from soul to body. But he just doesn't care. You're just small money, and he's not a saver. He didn't receive your soul into the heaven to save it."

"God is a financier who likes to invest and constantly run his property."

"So... Your soul generally continues to invest in... Operation. Continuous investment... Savings or something does not exist, which is not in line with the principle of financial management."

"You just said that the spirit of revenge is an angel!"

"So ah!" Chen ang turned over his little book and said, "you belong to the Messiah operation and management. You are the capital temporarily operated by him."

"The Church..." what else does Johnny Blazer want to say? Whether the soul belongs to God is very important for believers. Although Johnny blazer is not a believer, as a traditional American and a southerner, he still cares about this. This is why he is persistent in returning his father's soul.

It can be seen that the capital operated and managed by the Messiah for Chen ang is indeed well developed, and the management level is very high.

Like Apocalypse Chen himself, his management level is very low. In the hands of the Messiah, human beings are happy to become his property, but in the hands of apocalypse, the resistance of property is very fierce.

Of course, there are reasons why the purpose of Apocalypse investment is different. Apocalypse capital is used for experiments. Small things like capital appreciation have always been the responsibility of managers like messiah. The four knights belong to the head of the functional department of Apocalypse company, and they do all the specific affairs.

In fact, Chen ang thinks that the Messiah did a good job. After his operation and transformation, the original inferior asset with little experimental value - monkey has become a high-quality asset with great experimental value - human!

The value-added speed can be said to be very fast!

The Messiah can be said to be very capable!

Chen ang swore to him: "the church is not managed by God... I ask you, who is in the middle of the church? Who is hanging on the cross? Who established the church? Who redeemed mankind?"

"My Lord Jesus!" Johnny Blazer replied.

"That's right! What temple and God do you worship? In the Church of Jesus, you let God do things... It's unreliable! So... You have to recognize your position. You are a human being controlled by mephitus, symbiotic with angels, but ultimately managed by the Messiah. The ownership belongs to God... But the control belongs to the Messiah."

Johnny Blazer was confused by Chen ang. He vaguely felt that he was logically right, but in terms of the truth and belief he understood from the Bible, these statements were almost against the law.

"But God and Jesus are not that attribute!" Johnny Blazer stressed.

"As an administrator in the system, it's not suitable to question or oppose what's on the propaganda mouth!" Chen ang nodded at the table: "You are half an angel, an angel - the spirit of service. You are a civil servant in the pool of God. As a civil servant, you are not suitable to mention more about faith. How faith is a believer's thing, to put it bluntly, is a human thing. Human understanding of the Messiah! Is that what you, an angel, should mention?"

"Believers can question whether God is benevolent or not and whether the Messiah is bright or not, but what do you question as an angel? When God sends you to test human beings, you also have to ask - is this not in line with the spirit of the Bible? Where is your ass? People will die sooner or later, so you won't end up as human beings. How do you recognize when the identity of angels and human beings conflict What about your position? "

Johnny Blazer's mind was in a mess. He felt that his world outlook was broken - I was a ghost knight, a human who signed a contract with the devil. I was born and grew up... How could I become an angel?

Gou Li heaven life and death

shut up! I stopped thinking... Johnny Blazer said, "how do you think I should recognize my position..."

"Of course, where your ass falls, your position belongs. Human beings are just a stool for your ass to sit temporarily, and angels are your position for life... When you die... The Messiah settles you according to the position of God."

"How do I recognize my inner decisions?" Johnny Blazer asked. "What's the difference between the positions of angels and humans?"

"..." Chen ang picked up his beer and said, "I'll ask you... Do you support God's Doomsday judgment?"

"I..." Johnny Blazer said nothing:

"Destroy the world... Kill all human beings and recreate another world. According to the Old Testament, there are not many people in the lamb book... Of course, this will not be the case. But the doomsday judgment is a topic you can never avoid... Whether to judge human beings as angels instead of God or as human beings... You see the fierce conflict of identity!" Chen angdao.

"Another example is that the revenge angel is ordered to destroy Babylon and the tower of Babel... This is the work of the angel. People can have a position, but your position as an angel must be consistent with God. The demons fall from the angel because they have their own position..."

"I don't know..." Johnny Blazer hugged his head. "I don't know what to do..."

"Did you come here as an angel to ask me this?" he raised his head and asked, "you shouldn't have asked me this."

I am God, I can't ask... Chen ang looked up to the sky and said nothing.

"I'm not an angel... I just came to ask you your attitude as an organization guarding mankind." Chen ang said, "you know?... murphytos joined an alliance trying to destroy half of the life in the universe. Their first step is to prepare to destroy humans."

"And you are the most powerful evil spirit Knight controlled by murphytos."

"So I need to know, as a member of human beings and the soul controlled by murphytos, what is your position. Further, as half angels and generally human beings, what is your position in the later doomsday judgment? God is preparing for the doomsday judgment, and people will resist. Do you support it?"

Johnny Blazer said dejectedly, "I can't answer these things in a short time."

"We don't care about your answer... Because the answer will always change. I just want you to know... Your actual behavior is your final answer. After we step out of the circus, an old man with a silver walking stick will come in and invite you to save the universe. The first step is to destroy us."

"And when you appear on the battlefield... We will determine our attitude towards you and even all evil spirit knights."

"Think about it!" Chen ang stood up and said, "you will eventually come to the opposite side of us, but if your will wants to resist mephitus, we will help you get rid of its control. If not... We are the enemy!"

Chen ang left this sentence, turned around and met Steve and walked out of the circus.

"What did you tell him?" Steve asked. "I've heard a lot about religion... You think the Apocalypse is the real God... He's not!"

"For an angel... He is!"

"The people's Revolutionary League is not afraid of a galactic warlord. SANOS is nothing in front of us. Even if he unites many allies, we care about the Apocalypse... So this attitude is the most important. As for others... Johnny blazer and other evil Knights will not choose mephitos. They can resist the devil for a saint van gunza contract. What's more For all mankind? "

"But in the apocalyptic disaster, will those angels, including mephitus and Satan, including evil spirit knights, resist their Creator? Although the devil and the devil have their own position, it is still difficult to say. After all, they have never challenged the Messiah, even the most rebellious devil."

"Those demons and Demons only dare to do some small movements tacitly approved by the Messiah. When the apocalyptic disaster breaks out, it is the best result that they can be bystanders. In case those beings turn and continue to go back to submit to the Messiah and become the fate corps and the Messiah runner up corps, their backhand can pit us!"