In the dead city of Egypt, a mysterious man with a hood wandered around the place where Chen ang and strange captured the witches and witches. He pushed open the door of a big hole, walked in and shut the frightened eyes of the local people behind him. The house was still so gloomy. The bones of various animals left by the witches and witches.

Organs and oddities soaked in liquid medicine, dried and dried animal products, herbs and dark magic materials taken from the dead.

The mysterious man slowly took off his hood and showed a black face.

It was Baron modu, who had just destroyed the voodoo stronghold, who came to Africa. He could integrate into the local people without a sense of conflict, but he still chose a prominent mage costume to show his inner sense of MAGE honor. Modu is a poor man. He has followed the guidance of his teacher Gu Yi all his life and walked along Gu Yi's road, but in the end, he found that Gu Yi had already betrayed his declared road.

"Modu!" a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Baron modu looked back fiercely, but saw strange sitting in the dark looking at him.

"You knew I'd come here?" said modu, leaning against the table and looking at strange.

"I joined an organization!" strange said calmly, "they are very resourceful and well-informed. Egypt is our base camp. It's impossible for you to avoid our eyes if you want to move here!"

"The supreme mage will never join other people's organizations... He will always be the leader!" modu said.

Strange disagreed: "the supreme mage never sets these rules for himself. Except for the responsibility of the supreme mage, we don't have any constraints and don't need any constraints! That's why I'm the supreme mage, but you're not. You care too much about the commandments set for yourself!"

"Without discipline, if you act recklessly like Gu one by one, you will attract disaster!" modu said loudly, "so Gu Yi is dead!"

"He's trying to protect the world!" cried strange. He noticed the symbol in modu's eyebrows and said in surprise: "you said so... But you also took refuge in domam! I don't understand why you joined in this matter. It's because of domam's command that you became its running dog!"

"I just made a deal with it!" modu said: "I have understood the mage's mission... Gu Yi was wrong! What we protect is not this small planet and the human beings on it. Human beings have been destroying themselves, and no one can protect them. What we really protect is the unknown world, the balance between the mysterious and the known world."

"What we should respect is the great law of balance!"

"Domam also knows this. Although dark greed makes it always want to devour our world, I will still stand up and fight against it, but when domam protects the balance of the whole universe, including the dark plane, I should also help. Destroy hegemony... They are saving the universe!"

"But the purpose of killing tyrants is to kill half of the life in the universe!" strange said angrily.

Modu doesn't care. Life is too small. When mages look at the whole universe, they will find too many great things, such as space, dimension, time, planet, material and energy. Too many great things perfectly constitute the whole world, and what they maintain is balance. Balance creates and sustains everything. Once the balance does not exist, all elements will conflict and everything will be destroyed.

At that time, how could life exist alone?

This is what modu understood. The mage should not focus on the small, constantly born and dead individual life, but should focus on maintaining the balance behind it.

Life is just a weight to maintain balance... Although necessary, more and less are the result of the operation of the law of balance.

Modu just replied: "once I wanted to follow Gu Yi to eliminate darkness, but when I realized that Gu Yi hedomam was only the two sides of the balance between light and darkness, I realized that what really should be guarded was balance. Mages are not nannies, servants of the planet, or guardians of only human beings... What we should strive for is a greater thing."

Strange opened his palm. A circle of Rune wheel appeared in his palm and opened his posture. Strange said, "as the supreme mage, I have the responsibility to clean up the traitors among the mages."

"I led you to the Kamata Taj..." modu stretched out his hands and took out the life court scepter from his sleeve. Strange coldly interrupted: "it seems that you took a lot of good things from the Kamata Taj!" modu was stunned and then continued: "I teach you magic! Lead you into the mysterious palace of magic... These things are not yours, he also has mine. I am also a disciple of Gu Yi."

"But you betrayed him!"

"He betrayed me first!" modu said angrily: "I respect him so much, but he conceals and deceives me... He conceals the real path and power of the mage!"

"I once led you into the palace of the mage!" modu said to strange, "now, I will teach you the right way of the mage again!"

"Boast!" strange took out the whip of activated magic. One whip was taken out, and the whole world turned upside down. The dead city was divided into countless fragments and reorganized like Lego blocks. The nearby corridor columns formed countless geometric patterns, and the space lost its meaning up, down, left and right.

Modu and strange jump in the complex three-dimensional geometric space and fight from time to time.

While using magic to continuously construct the terrain, so that modu can only act on the track he planned, strange plays the power of agomodo's eye and constantly shuttles through time. The surrounding space and time form a deconstructed and extremely complex maze.

The maze formed in space, combined with the fragmentation of time, makes modu trapped in it and can't get rid of it.

However, strange was careless. When he separated the space distance between the two people again, modu jumped up, jumped into the air with the vator jumping boots under his feet, and there was a vibration like golden ripples under his feet, just like stepping on a real object, he changed the direction by force, and he crossed the seemingly insurmountable natural barrier, Around strange, the angle changed flexibly, and a stick was drawn on strange's face.

But when the staff of the court of life hit strange, his figure turned into broken light and shadow like the water.

At this time, strange's real figure appeared behind modu and rolled the whip around modu's neck. He scolded: "don't move!"

Modu put his open hands on both sides of his shoulders and said with a smile: "very good, progress!"

"I didn't learn everything from you!" strange said. "After parting, I made a lot of progress. I'm no longer that clumsy apprentice!"

"But not enough!" a face suddenly appeared at the back of modu's head and said to strange. Behind strange's head, several nails suddenly stretched out. The very dirty, bony and deformed pale hands came out of the hair of the back of his head and grabbed him on his face. As soon as strange tightened his right hand, the magic energy whip in his hand cut off modu's neck.

But Baron modu suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed his head. His head was held in his hand and said, "but I have learned a lot from Gu Yi!"

"Black magic!" strange's face was almost covered by those hands. His eyes looked at modu through his fingers and said sadly, "you not only took refuge in domam, but also made a deal with murphytos!"

"Yes, domam introduced me. I signed a contract with him to exchange part of my soul for its power and pick up the dark magic of the middle ages."

"And..." modu put his head back on his head and stretched out a hand, which was full of bone spines and black scales, burning a pale flame like a lizard's Claw: "Satan asked me to say hello to the people's revolutionary Union for him! He said he didn't want to receive inquiries in hell anymore... This is a great insult to the Lord of hell!"

"You also contracted Satan Nish in exchange for hell magic!" strange could not see modu. The hand holding him behind his head had covered his face. Baron modu's demon hand passed through strange's chest.

But at this time, a transparent, colorless blade formed by space distortion also passed through modu's chest.

Another strange stood behind modu, and the sign of domam's dark space appeared in the center of his eyebrows.

"You are the same as Gu..." modu said: "they are so hypocritical..."

"This is the power of the eye of agomodo. It's your overflow time, isn't it?" modu's body broke into two halves from the wound. The two halves turned to look at strange, and then stepped forward and fused together, which is another complete modu.

"Why didn't I get hurt by time?" modu said, "you should deprive me of all time when you stabbed me. You must be very confused and puzzled, because I haven't read the book of VisANT emperor or obtained the complete book of kalistro."

"But before I left, when I sneaked into Guyi's library, I accidentally found a incomplete Magic Book -" Xuanjun seven chapters secret Sutra ", and found a secret from Guyi's notes above..."

Strange's face suddenly changed and said, "did you see the notes hidden by Gu Yi's spell?"

"The origin of Kamata Taj... We are all servants of that existence. Apocalypse... Or Yuanshi Tianmo, that is, 'Xuan'... 'Xuan' and 'Jun'. Yuanshi Tianmo and Lao Tzu went west to Hangu pass to discuss Taoism in the Louguan, and passed down Yin Xi's Louguan Taoism and the Yang Zhu school. Later, the Yang Zhu school did not lag behind. One of their Taoist academic factions began to focus on martial arts, They inherited the only notes of the discussion. There was no secret knowledge recorded outside Yin Xi's seven chapters of Xuanjun's Secret Sutra. "

"They are our ancestors."

"This knowledge was misrepresented as recorded by Sison, one of the mages who had read them."

"There is no name for the secret knowledge. It records the knowledge of the doors to different dimensional worlds and the construction of the doors of darkness and the sun well."

"Some knowledge is sealed because it is too powerful. It is a part of darkness. The supreme mage calls it the dark magic code. The part of light is called the book of emperor Weishan."

"But the dark book has long been missing. It has long been stolen," strange said.

"So when I knew this clue, I tried to find it," Morton laughed. "Although there was some trouble in the process... I found it."