After leaving vakandadu, Chen ang was busy communicating with the people's Revolutionary Committee. All the heroes were decadent. The atmosphere on the ship seemed a little dead. Steve saw the black leopard tchala sitting next to his sister princess Surui, holding his head in both hands, holding his hair tightly and burying his head between his legs. He hadn't moved for a long time!

Steve sighed, sat next to tchala, looked at the Sleeping Princess and future Princess in the medical cabin, and whispered, "have you found a way to recover them?"

Strange frowned and said, "ebony throat has great mental control. I need to take them to Kama Taj for treatment!"

"Can I go with you?" asked tchala, whose voice was hoarse and suddenly raised her head.

"I'm sorry!" Steve said guiltily when he saw the Panther's bloodshot eyes.

Special Cha shook his head: "you didn't do anything wrong. Captain! I'm too incompetent... Unable to protect my family and country. All the reasons are because I'm too weak. Thank you for your selfless help. I can't save Su Rui and nagia without you."

After setting the autopilot, Chen ang returned to the cabin and said to Steve, "the people's Revolutionary League's dispatch of troops was blocked, and the United States strongly protested against our interference in the political situation in vacanda... The greedy capitalist was ready to move. Your old superior, Nick Frey, was the initiator. As I expected, as soon as we left, the Divine Shield immediately began to appease crow!"

"Like Chamberlain before the 1930s?" the eagle eye sneered.

"Does s.h.i.e.l.d. want to have a Munich agreement with Klaus on Zhenjin gold mine?" Steve said angrily.

"Sounds like!" tchala, who knows history and knows British and American culture, said, "sounds like I can only be Czechoslovakia and cede my Sudeten district? Or will I hand over the Zhenjin gold mine to the five countries?"

"Therefore, the people's Revolutionary Committee can not interfere in the situation in wakanda when the United States strongly protests!" Chen ang concluded.

"Not even if Crowe colluded with aliens?" Steve roared.

"As soon as our forefoot left, the one eyed dragon who looked at everything immediately hooked up with crow. He shamelessly reached a compromise with crow who invaded wakanda. Now crow is afraid that he has obtained the friendly agreement he wants and expelled ebony throat. Next, we will soon see that techala, the autocratic ruler of the United States about wakanda, was expelled by the domestic revolution The news of leaving the country in exile! "Chen ang said sharply.

"No way!" Steve didn't believe it at all. "The American people won't support the mercenaries and bandits who invaded vacanda!"

"But capitalists will!" Chen ang said: "I got the news from the people's Revolutionary League official that Crowe announced the stored value of Zhenjin gold mine and wakanda's technology. You don't know, it shocked the whole industry... Stark industry bought wakanda's newly issued Zhenjin futures, and Crowe sold wakanda's interests to the world. You should see yesterday's economic news, wakanda Zhenjin futures ... that's really a wave of division! "

"Imagine that vacanda is in the hands of their king - closed door, vacanda is in the hands of Crow - with equal interests. Who will they support those consortia and capital?" Chen ang asked sharply.

Steve was speechless. He bowed down and said, "what have those people turned our country into?"

Techala, who had been king for a few days, was well aware of this interest relationship. He said calmly: "Now it is impossible for vacanda to be closed. Whether we like it or not, we have been involved in the wave of world crisis. In that case, the tradition of vacanda is no longer an obstacle to me. I am willing to build a more open vacanda. Will this bring me more friends?"

"If before Crowe usurped power... It would bring you a lot of friends," Chen ang said.

"But at this time, they have become Crowe's friends, because he is more generous and holds all the cards of vakanda in his hand. Now you have nothing but the identity of a king. Rivers, mines and border tribes have chosen to support jadaka because he defeated you in the battle to win the throne!"

"The loyalty of the tribe is far more fragile than you think. They know the essence of survival!"

Chen ang glanced at the information in his hand and said, "of course, there are people who want to contact you, but... They are all losers and dissatisfied in the previous round of partition. They need your promise to sell more interests of vacanda in exchange for their support!"

"Tell them!" tchala said angrily, "don't even think about it!"

Chen ang said, "in this way, crow has a few more friends."

Steve Ning said, "if I heard right before, that meteorite came from a part of the four knights of the Apocalypse..."

"If you want to convince people who are crazy about Zhenjin for this reason, I can only say that you are too naive! Zhenjin is not a secret in the industry. Its value is far higher than gold. It can be said that it is the concentrated embodiment of technology and wealth. In the past, when vakanda flowed out a little, its charm made those hyenas crazy. Now Zhenjin is like a golden mountain Tibet has possessed those industrial groups and consortia. "

"They repeatedly studied the Zhenjin they bought, and some even named the next era as the Zhenjin era. They firmly believe that since lower African blacks can rely on it to create a miracle country, so much smarter higher whites can do better... These are not the apocalyptic disasters you can calm down with empty words!"

The Panther trembled, "my compatriots are not inferior."

"I believe in this... But you have to convince those racists!" Chen ang said. "They are not a minority in the scientific and industrial circles. Your brilliant scientific and technological achievements have not won respect, but made those racists more greedy. They even claim that blacks do not deserve Zhenjin."

Tchala clenched his fists. The pain of subjugation and the humiliation that blacks were forced to accept made his tears flow out.

Chen ang sighed, turned the topic and said, "but this is not the worst news."

Steve, eagle eye, Sam and strange have gathered around Master Wang and others. Chen ang said, "I've been studying the plot of ebony throat to help crow control vakanda until I heard the ancient legend that human beings originated in Africa. In the Red Sea region, that is, now Egypt, they accepted the Apocalypse and evolved from ancient apes to human beings."

"But the ancient ape tribe that evolved - Eve tribe, is an ancient ape with extraordinary ability. The ancient ape tribe that did not leave Africa was tested by the Apocalypse to verify whether they are the best race and the race needed by the apocalypse, but the ancient ape failed!"

"They have destroyed the civilization, and the remaining ancient apes can only pray to the creator for survival. Therefore, the creator asked his adopted son to lead the four knights and come to some of their own strength. Around these five forces, the ancient apes formed five ancient tribes and sealed their wisdom and strength. They guarded their seals. According to the agreement, once the ancient apes felt themselves If our civilization can accept the challenge, they can awaken these five forces, take back everything and meet the test of the Creator! "

"Among them, the knight representing material and war dropped a Zhenjin meteorite. The ancient tribe surrounding this force is wakanda!"