Chen ang, strange and Steve had a final exchange of views before going to operation boningzana.

Chen angning stressed: "At present, the situation has reached the worst. No matter what consideration we take, we can't allow Zhenjin resources to fall into the hands of criminals in collusion with alien forces. The sovereignty of vacanda needs the protection of both of us. Captain Steve... The United States needs to send someone to safeguard vacanda's democracy and sovereignty and defeat the interests of dictators, international criminal organizations and alien forces Interference. "

"Wakanda's sovereignty and Zhenjin, a precious resource belonging to all mankind, are protected by the United States!" Steve said: "I have telegraphed the Divine Shield agency to immediately send effective forces to support, but the strength of the Divine Shield agency is limited, and we can't let the Ministry of defense intervene."

"Because the Ministry of defense lacks global awareness!" Chen ang nodded to understand.

Strange looked up and asked, "what is the opinion of the people's Revolutionary League..."

"The UPR respects vakanda's sovereignty and territorial integrity and is vigilant against possible humanitarian disasters and alien aggression in vakanda. Once vakanda's regime falls into the hands of alien hostile forces, the UPR will provide armed support... But until then, we should avoid this result in a more flexible way."

"Because the UPR hopes to minimize direct interference with political entities on all sides of the earth!"

Strange said: "we were caught off guard when ebony throat suddenly took refuge in crow. Originally crow didn't have the conditions to control vacanda, but now with the help of ebony throat's mind control and collective hint ability, it is possible to realize it. The only reason ebony throat appears in vacanda is Zhenjin."

"Zhenjin is one of the most precious resources in the universe. If it falls into the hands of mieba, it will be enough for him to build a deadly army, break through the alien defense line of the people's Revolutionary League and burn the war to the earth. 7 billion human beings face a threat of survival. Mieba obviously has the ability to make use of this resource!"

"So..." Chen ang concluded: "it is our common wish and that of the United States to prevent Crowe from usurping vakanda."

"The liberators are mainly responsible for the protection of aliens. I have no right to use dimension soldiers. My influence is only limited to the diplomatic authority given to me by the people's Revolutionary Committee. Therefore, it is difficult for us to get direct support from the people's Revolutionary Committee in a short time. However, we can get scientific and technological support. Moreover, after Crowe usurped the throne, I can provide an investigation report and let the people's Revolutionary Committee intervene directly. This is our responsibility Measures to cover the bottom. "

"With our current strength, we need more support from the Divine Shield bureau!" Chen ang explained.

Strange said: "I have sent a message to Asgard people. They will provide some soldiers, but they can only deal with ebony throat. Things inside people on earth are very sensitive. Crow and his running dogs need to be solved by ourselves."

Steve then said, "the support from the s.h.i.e.l.d. will arrive soon, but the time given by tchara is too tight, so they can only come to support later. The data provided by investigator Chen has been urgently submitted to the supercomputing processing of the s.h.l.d. by me, and now the data has come out."

Chen ang nodded and said, "then we have hope against Zhenjin puppets!"

"Crow obviously can't control wakanda. He doesn't have such human and material resources to completely seize the control of a country. Moreover, he is a white man, and his race and color make him impossible to be accepted by wakanda people. Therefore, if the Panther wants to recapture boningzana, it has to face only crow, his men and allies."

"He chose to make a quick decision, which can't be said to be a wrong choice!" strange explained for tchala.

"So Crowe must have a conspiracy." Chen ang concluded: "his strength is not enough to directly control vakanda, but he has a talent such as ebony throat who is proficient in spiritual suggestion and mind control, so he is likely to choose to support vakanda's Royal puppet to influence vakanda's key figures."

"He will package his plot as an internal power grab by the wakanda Royal tribe to avoid large-scale resistance by the wakanda people."

"The backward social system of wakanda and the feudal monarchy gave him a chance!"

"Captain Steve, it is recorded in the archives of the people's Revolutionary League that you have worked closely with a terrible expert in mental and spiritual ability, a person with ability code named Professor X. can you ask him to interfere..."

"We can't influence him!" Steve said frankly: "the professor left the earth after Adam's event and went to the universe to prepare for the apocalyptic catastrophe in the future. Don't say we can't contact him now, even if we can't contact him now. It's too late!"

"So we can only fight back!" Chen ang said with emotion: "crow is just a disease of tinea mustard. If only he does it to vacanda, we don't need to be so nervous. Some countries may be happy to see..." Chen ang said, looking at the captain of the United States: "After all, if those countries know the real situation of wakanda's Zhenjin resources, they will inevitably covet. They may be happy to see wakanda's civil strife... Because they can't intervene without chaos!"

"Crowe obviously knows this, but he can't live without ebony throat now, so I'm sure that once the situation is settled and Crowe's forces are initially stabilized, he will shamelessly sell ebony throat. And those countries will immediately jump in and collude with Crowe, bet on both sides and take the opportunity to plunder Zhenjin."

"At that time, instead, they would stop the people's Revolutionary League from interfering in vakanda."

"Because the people's Revolutionary League can no longer intervene on the grounds of the threat of alien forces - this has become a civil war of forces within the earth. Many countries must want to use this war to pry open the closed shell of wakanda. Just as they did in the last century, the last century and this century, they fanned the flames and shared their interests."

Steve was speechless. Chen ang then said, "this is the truth that the Divine Shield bureau can't support. Listen well. The Divine Shield bureau is constrained by internal interest groups. It's hard to say. The black one eyed dragon is waiting for that moment. Waiting for crow to surrender to him."

"Captain, the interests of the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. may deviate from those of the people's Revolutionary League to some extent, but our interests are the same. We all want to protect the current government of wakanda and the king supported by wakanda people. We want to avoid this quiet and peaceful place falling into a cruel civil war and becoming an economic colony and resource plunder of developed countries in the world 。”

"So we need to unite!" Chen ang said, "save vacanda!"

"I can promise this on behalf of the people's Revolutionary League. Any position of the people's Revolutionary League is based on the basic humanitarian and democratic choice of the people of wakanda, on maintaining the political stability of wakanda and avoiding civil war and external aggression. But the United States cannot promise these... You are so schizophrenic that only you, the captain of the United States and the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. and the Avengers you represent, are inclined to humanitarianism The righteous side may stand in our position. "

"Where does strange represent Kama Taj?" Chen ang asked.

Trange pondered for a moment and said, "karma Taj is not aligned politically, but out of humanitarian and universal values, I will agree with you if you don't deceive us!"

"The people's Revolutionary Committee has faced the stars and the sea. We have no desire for the earth's resources... Even Zhenjin!"

Chen ang continued: "On the outside, Asgard supports us. I exchanged views with Thor remotely last night. His opinion is that we can't wait for crow to reach a compromise with us, because urumhou also knows crow will betray him, but he has chosen to use crow to show that he is sure to complete the entrustment to destroy hegemony or engage in any conspiracy. We can't give him a chance, we can't Indulge this terrorist! "

"Well..." Chen ang said, "the sniper operation will be directly intervened by the three of us. Our only reinforcements are asgards. They will not attack the criminals on earth. Of course, they may or may not come. The Divine Shield Bureau in Schrodinger's state."

"I say this to remind you that we seem to have the support of the forces behind us, but we are actually tied up. We need more direct support!"

"Our own strength!"

Steve thought for a long time and said, "I will inform those heroes I can influence. As far as my influence is concerned, someone should support me."

Trange said without hesitation, "the mage of Kama Taj is in full battle!"