So as soon as strange saw Chen Ang's stable hand like steel casting, he was convinced that the investigator was not at the level outside the door. Chen ang skillfully cut the skin on the side of the shoulder of the s.h.i.e.l.d. agent whose shoulder was scratched. His action seemed as accurate as repeating thousands of times.

In fact, it has been repeated thousands of times at the expense of the blood and tears of the experimental body on the experimental platform. I think Chen ang first studied surgery because he couldn't find the top surgeon who participated in his illegal experiment, so he had to take a doctor's degree in medicine. Then he took someone in the laboratory to practice his technology to the top.

At the beginning, Chen ang also made mistakes.

However, he can always eliminate his mistakes in a very short time. With his serious spiritual attitude, he only killed a few hands-on experimental subjects and reached the top level.

Later, he gradually eliminated the experimental research method of surgery, but thanks to Chen Ang's strange hobby of cutting two people from time to time to restore his hand feeling, his technique has never regressed.

After cutting the skin, Chen ang motioned him to pull the hook. Strange seemed to explode and asked Chen ang to talk to him: "you asked me to pull the hook... I haven't pulled the hook for others since graduation! No one dared ask me to pull the hook for him from my hospitalization to attending..."

"You mean you won't?" Chen ang asked him with his head down.

"I mean, I'll do it!" strange stared at him.

Chen ang shook his head: "your hand is useless!"

"I've cured it!" roared strange in a low voice. He was so proud of his career. Even if he became the supreme mage, he didn't want others to call him master strange, but insisted on calling himself doctor strange. Chen Ang's careless attitude angered him.

"How was it cured?" Chen ang asked.

Strange was stunned, and then said vaguely: "I guided my body with my soul and repaired my hand... Things like chakra, true Qi and spirituality... You should be familiar with this!"

Trange saw Chen ang looking at himself with that expression of "you're teasing me". Chen ang slowly said, "so, you don't know how to cure your hand? Have you ever picked up the scalpel after your hand was abandoned?"

Strange was speechless. He whispered, "is the soul attached to others?"

Chen ang continued to stare at him with "what do you say?".

"But I used to be the best neurosurgeon in New York, and you... Are just a Jianghu warlock, Exorcist and so on. Mystery is your business, but can you walk away from my operating table?"

Chen ang slowly took off his gloves and said, "I can say... Are you questioning my qualifications?"

"I'm just questioning your qualifications!" strange said coldly.

Chen Ang's heart did not fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh. He created the whole human race on the operating table. Now a descendant of such a monkey jumped out and questioned that he would not operate. You still have the label of my operation on your gene, you know?

But Chen ang can't use this as a reason. It's an unspeakable qualification.

"Ten years ago, in the investigation of the Japanese gayezizhai case, the victim's stomach was stuffed with many of his own body tissues, which appeared in his stomach after being attacked by ZOB. The most common victim was his two palms, half shoulders, and abdomen, including half intestines... Almost one fifth of his weight of body tissues were stuffed It was in his stomach... I operated and took them out, saving the victim's life. "

With Chen Ang's words, a projection appeared in mid air, projecting relevant files and medical records.

"Eight years ago, in the cult blood sacrifice case, eight victims were sacrificed by the cult leader in a very creative way. Their ribs were opened like wings to expose their internal organs. Their skin tissue was dissected like wings. The skin of the abdomen was always connected with the muscle tissue on the back, opened together with the skin and pasted on the cross."

"Their internal organs were removed and hung in front of the victim for cardiopulmonary bypass."

"The victims watched their internal organs circulate in front of them. When I saved them, they were like angels with flesh and blood as wings. But they were still alive..."

"This case is called challenging the limits of surgery. You should have heard of it."

"It's really interesting to many surgeons, including me," strange trembled

"You think that the cult leader is a crime with a very high surgical level, and even that he has challenged the limits of human physiology... But have you ever thought that if he is the limit, who will save those victims and perform recovery surgery?"

Strange looked pale and said, "it's impossible. No one can save it in that case!"

With Chen Ang's gentle touch, the materials of these people appear in the projection. Even the photos of them after they survived are very detailed. Those people in the materials live like normal people and still live in an ordinary rural town in America.

"It was me who created several surgical techniques and completed the difficult surgery of visceral recovery, rib repair and muscle skin replantation under simple conditions!"

Strange stared at the surgical records and treatments with a blank face.

Chen ang continued to attack him and said: "Have you ever seen a case of hair growing into the whole body after hair transplantation, including blood vessels, nerves and internal organs? The Southeast Asian hair ghost case. I saved the victim. I took three days to remove all her hair. Have you ever seen people in their sleep because of stress reaction, extensive burns, contusion, nerve damage and near brain death In the case of death, the injuries suffered by each victim are unusual. The only common thing is the high degree of nerve damage. I cured the victims of the Freddy case on Elm Street. The six surviving victims can now live a normal life! "

"Have you ever seen a patient who survived a burn for more than ten years because of her strong spirit and was in the middle of life and death? In the silent hill case, the victim, Aretha, was rescued and I performed skin grafting for her."

"In the parasite incident of Boeing 777 at Kennedy International Airport, I created electric shock anesthesia to anesthetize parasites, as well as cranial nerve surgery to remove parasites."

"In the case of Southeast Asian witchcraft, I operated to remove the insects; master Shi Yongde's family, Chunyang, lost his internal power and became a dead man, and I repaired his spinal cord nerves. Have you ever heard of Fujiang disease? The Japanese government asked me to study Asians, and I also provided the Federation with a research and analysis report on neurosis. Hannibal, have you heard? He has no less status in federal psychological medicine You, I had sex with him in psychoanalysis and finally sent him to a psychiatric hospital! "

Listening to this brilliant resume, strange couldn't raise his objection at all.

Only experts know that this series of originality and difficulty have surpassed the fearfulness of surgical operations in human medicine for at least 30 years. In the field of surgery, when strange people still worship the originality of a method of repairing nerves, Chen ang has completed a series of operations with unprecedented difficulty.

The pioneering significance, even the most trivial surgical step, is epoch-making and can be used in the lancet.

If not for his self-esteem as a supreme mage, strange would like to kneel down for him! This is not self indulgence and inferiority, but the truth in the field of Mobai surgery

Chen ang was satisfied and continued to pick up the scalpel and said, "pull the hook!"

Trange obediently opened the muscle tissue and properly exposed the surgical field of vision. Chen ang looked at the spinal nerve in the field of vision. The black fungus wound around the nerve like a black line. Trange noticed this and took a breath of cold air. Like a living creature, the fungus parasitic in the nerve was still transferring to the brain. We can imagine the potential risk.

An agent of s.h.i.e.l.l.d. had told Wu Jimi who was waiting outside about it. All those who knew about it were shocked.

Whether or not these alien fungi purposefully and systematically infect the injured, this has been a serious biochemical crisis from aliens.