"Have you decided?" the magician's father-in-law Gao sighed faintly.

"I've decided!" Gao Cuilan unknowingly shed tears and painted her makeup on her eyes. She slowly picked up the red cap and put it on her head: "I decided to try again. For the last time, if he really loves me, he will stop the wedding. If he doesn't love me, I won't come to an end."

"Thank you, help me hide!" Gao Cuilan, no, it should be Miss Duan wearing a red cap. Where no one can see, her eyes are bleak.

The magician sighed, "have you ever thought that it's not that he doesn't love you, but that he can't love you."

"My lover is a hero of the world. His heart can hold the whole world, but he is unwilling to leave a corner for me. If so, I am willing to use everything I have to let him understand that there are all sentient beings in his heart, but there is only him in my heart. I will complete his hero of the world in exchange for his heart... There is a small corner belonging to me."

"Some people guessed the beginning, others guessed the end." the magician said with emotion: "maybe I shouldn't tell you his destiny. But I still don't understand. Is that answer really so important?"

"It's important to me and to every girl."

Miss Duan sat in the sedan chair and whispered through the curtain: "I am willing to do everything I can to help him become the person he wants to be, but he must tell me whether he loves me or not!"

"Let's go!" she whispered. Zhuang bifan looked back at them, raised the suona in his hand, and then the loud sound of gongs and drums sounded. The vast sending off team began to go to Zhujia pig farm with sedan chairs. There were red happy paper everywhere, firecrackers and big red flowers everywhere, but there was no festive atmosphere in the whole team.

In gaojiazhuang, Chen Xuanzang looked at the distant seeing off team and remained silent.

"People have gone far! You are still looking..." Zhuang bifan's voice came from behind him.

Chen Xuanzang looked back and said in surprise, "didn't you go to see off your relatives?"

"If you look the same, it must be me?" Zhuang bifan sneered, "it's the illusion of the monkey king!"

Chen Xuanzang sighed, "I didn't expect that I just turned Gao Cuilan into Miss Duan, which made me confused and left behind the purpose of reforming the pig demon."

"Thanks to me, I still swear to bet with him." Chen Xuanzang sighed, "I understand that I lost this bet at the moment I was moved. Because I can't let go until now, but if I stop Gao Cuilan's wedding with Zhu ganghyena, I will completely fall into the trap of Sun Wukong. He wants me to play the adulterer and destroy my idea of exorcism."

"So?" Zhuang bifan asked, "you just watched Gao Cuilan marry Zhu ganghyena."

As like as two peas, "Xuan Zang," replied, "actually, Zhu Gang is a nice person. If he throws his appearance, he is better than most men in the world. Gao Cuilan, she is just the same as Miss Chang. But she is not a person who cares about appearance."

"As long as like as two peas do not give up the appearance of Gao Cuilan," as long as we put aside the prejudice against Chu's appearance, we can give up the same idea of miss Gao Cuilan as long as we miss. We can give up the foreign minister and put the surface down. This is probably the real way to turn the pig into a monster. Because of the appearance, he is discriminated against. He just needs to put aside his obsession with the color.

Zhuang Baldwin looked at Xuanzang quietly, then responded coldly: "Zhuang Baldwin can't be Zhuang Baldwin, why can't Gao Cuilan be Miss Duan? You see that the magician is not a magician. You think you see through the illusion, and you think there is no role-playing in the illusion."

"But why don't you ask yourself why you wanted to kiss?"

Chen Xuanzang was stunned. He touched his heart and said, "so..."

"So a magician is not necessarily a magician, but Gao Cuilan is really miss Duan." Zhuang bifan said, "I can be Zhuang bifan, anyone can be Zhuang bifan, but for you, there should be only one Miss Duan."

"Is Gao Cuilan really miss Duan?" Xuanzang closed his eyes and recalled the scene when he and Gao Cuilan met for the last time. He frowned and smiled and stripped away the fog. Any performance was not as clear as his heart: "moreover, Miss Duan did not lose his memory!"

"She's just acting for me!"

Xuanzang took out a pair of finger tigers from his arms. When gaojiazhuang subdued the pig demon, he picked them up from a female puppet and left them on him for some reason.

"What are you going to do?" Zhuang bifan saw Xuanzang suddenly with a firm face and ran in the direction of the sending off team.

Chen Xuanzang's voice came back from a distance: "find Miss Duan and kill the pig demon!"

"Have you agreed to put down your prejudice against the appearance of the pig demon? Have you agreed to gamble with the monkey king?" Zhuang bifan shouted behind him.

"But that doesn't prevent me from killing it!" Chen Xuanzang said rudely, "if you dare to move my woman, move a finger, I'll kill it alive!"

"It's too violent!" Zhuang bifan sighed. "It doesn't look like a person who is going to become a monk soon."

At the wedding scene, gongs and drums were noisy. Zhu's pig farm was covered in red and decorated everywhere. Zhu Gang hyena stood in the center of the auditorium with big red flowers and bridegroom's clothes. A matchmaker who looked like the four aunts employed by the empty childe but gathered all their four characteristics led Gao Cuilan in with a red cap.

"Boss, I'll pay more for the play later!" the matchmaker said to the magician.

"The match snatching scene later is the same as that of the worship scene!" the magician bargained: "well, I'll add a chicken leg to your lunch box at night. If you quarrel again, you won't even have a chicken leg. Empty childe won't hire you anymore. Why? Because you are always good at adding scenes, he has no face... Playmaster!"

"Long winded!" the magician turned his head and said, "light, give me some face. How about shining on the bride? You're not afraid of nightmares on the groom! You have to accompany so many mass actors for mental loss?"

"Why hasn't the man arrived yet?" the magician wondered, "is Xiaozhuang late again? The soul night must be three minutes after the plot turns into a low tide before the rhythm is right? He must have added lines without authorization after dragging the play for so long!"

"Ready to worship!" the magician shouted at the matchmaker.

"Miser!" the matchmaker scolded in a low voice. The suona over there had sounded. In a noisy atmosphere, Gao Cuilan (decorated by Miss Duan) stepped down from the sedan chair and was led by the matchmaker with a red satin to Zhu Gang hyena, who had been waiting there for a long time. The surrounding actors held their breath.

At this time, the magician's long-awaited voice finally sounded: "wait a minute!"

Gao Cuilan turned back in surprise. The red cap on her head floated down with the wind. As expected, Chen Xuanzang broke in from the door. He took the tiger to block left to right and rushed to the lobby: "wait a minute!"

Chen Xuanzang looked at Gao Cuilan and whispered, "is that you?"

Gao Cuilan showed a bright smile: "it's me!"

Chen Xuanzang grabbed Miss Duan's hand, pushed away the matchmaker and rushed out. At this time, Zhu ganghyena suddenly grabbed Gao Cuilan's hand, just as the onlookers cheered up and witnessed the passion tear of a wedding scene.

Little by little, Zhu Gang pulled Gao Cuilan back. Chen Xuanzang couldn't resist his amazing strength. He grabbed Gao Cuilan's hand and was pulled back to the lobby.

Zhu Gang hyena grabbed the hand they held together and separated them with a minute.

Gao Cuilan, no, Miss Duan is very angry. Her luck runs through her body. Her Qi turns with her strength. She forcibly mentions her true Qi and wants to give Zhu ganghyena a good look. Chen Xuanzang is afraid that she will kill the pig demon and annoy the demon's evil nature. He quickly stops and says, "no!"

At this time, Zhu ganghyena suddenly let go of Miss Duan's hand, but he still grabbed Chen Xuanzang. He finally looked directly into Chen Xuanzang's eyes and whispered, "you're coming!"

Gao Cuilan (Miss Duan) was stunned, and Chen Xuanzang was at a loss.

Zhu ganghyena grabbed Chen Xuanzang's arm and held him in her arms.

Miss Duan's flying ring suddenly fell into the dust and woke up a large crowd of onlookers. She also alerted Zhu ganghya to look back. She said incoherently, "sorry, I'm not careful. I'm disturbing you!"

"Why don't you dare to look directly into your eyes, because I'm afraid you see the three words in my eyes." Zhu Gangxuan's eyes said, "I love you!" the hot eyes made Chen Xuanzang feel wrong and terrified.

The magician laughed in the back and said, "Gao Cuilan must be Gao Cuilan. Gao Cuilan can be Miss Duan. Why can't Chen Xuanzang be Gao Cuilan? Zhuang bifan is not Zhuang bifan, and the magician is not a magician. Of course, Chen Xuanzang is not Chen Xuanzang. Yes, you are Gao Cuilan!"

"You are the one the pig demon loves, and you are the one who dances in the moonlight. Miss Duan, although her name is Gao Cuilan, she is actually a adulterer."

"Well, Chen Xuanzang, my grandson cheated you. Now I let you know who you love and let her know that you love her, so next... It's your turn to choose. You can tell yourself that you don't sacrifice other innocent people or Miss Duan. Now you don't need Miss Duan to sacrifice, just you."

"Admit it! You just refuse to sacrifice, you are biased. Miss Duan is not an excuse, nor is love an excuse. You are just... Selfish!"

Chen Xuanzang was stiff and looked at Zhu ganghyena's affectionate but ugly face.

Lost consciousness for a moment!

The magician became Wukong. He smiled and said, "I know you dare to choose. You can make a choice between saving the pig demon and saving Miss Duan. This choice is not what I want. What I want is to tap your ugly choice. I won't let you be a adulterer because Miss Duan is innocent."

"Now I want you to be Gao Cuilan. Tell me, do you want to pursue your love or endure this ugly? What appearance is not important and what looks broken. I just want you to admit that you are selfish. You value appearance as much as Gao Cuilan."

"I don't value appearance, but I'm a man!" roared Chen Xuanzang.

"Men and women are not important!" Wukong waved.

"Now, there is a choice in front of you, which can let you cut off the love between men and women, let Miss Duan forget you, let everyone not get hurt, and can save the pig demon. As long as you choose to bear Gao Cuilan's pain," Wukong laughed.