Seeing a wild boar like a hill appearing on the other side of the mountain, Chen Xuanzang quickly climbed down from the steel pipe and said to Wukong, "master, the pig demon has come. I'll go down first!"

"Go down?" Wukong said, "why go down? I plan the music of solo dance, and I can dance with each other."

"One step away... Get up!" Wukong said to the other members of the band.

Wukong first loosened the electric guitar and picked up the violin from behind. The magician put down the bass and set up the accordion. The lead singer Zhuang bifan didn't know when to sit in front of the lotus at the mouth of the cave and casually pressed an impromptu Prelude on the piano. Mark, a northern European man, is still in charge of tuning. Abe Qingming sits and starts debugging the cello.

Only Hans, the dance director, sighed helplessly: "I haven't skipped the female step for a long time!"

Chen Xuanzang was frightened and said, "Mr. Sun, the pig demon has been brought here. You don't need me anymore. Mr. Sun... Mr. Sun respects his identity. You can't take personal revenge!"

Wukong sighed: "it's not so simple to let the pig demon into the play... We must rely on the charm of dance and music. Only when you use dance and really bring it into that emotion, can we play a love hate entanglement and call the pig demon back."

"This is art. How can it be called private revenge?"

After saying that, he ignored it. He first took the rhythm with his violin. With a slow and melodious sound, the magician's Accordion followed first, followed by Cello and piano, playing the famous music of Spanish tango - one step away.

Hans slowly folded a budding lotus flower around him and held it in his mouth. A furry thigh slid out an elegant arc, stretched out a hand and slowly stroked his face. His expression was full of tension. Under the action of the puppet symbol, Chen Xuanzang had a lotus flower in his mouth, couldn't help but open his thigh, and a slender white leg leaned out towards the steel pipe. With Hans's drive, Fully relax the tension of the body and send a tempting invitation to the pig demon.

The tango song has come to Xunxun and is ready to go. Chen Xuanzang, who dances around the steel pipe in the moonlight, has danced soundly. Every moment is like making the most enthusiastic invitation to the pig demon.

Zhu Gang hyena's wild boar stared at the 'Goddess' dancing in the moonlight.

Its steps began to dance with the music. The four crude hooves were suddenly as graceful as a vigorous galloping horse. Although she had not learned tango, Zhu ganghyena learned how to cooperate with Chen Xuanzang's dance steps without a teacher. At first, they were separated by a distance, but their dance was seamless, agree in opinion.

Although separated by a distance, it seems to stick to the body, the same fit and the same tacit understanding.

A huge beast, a dignified female monk, a rude, ugly but handsome man, a beautiful but persistent young man, a bloodthirsty and tyrannical demon, and a universal Exorcist.

They have combined strength and softness, ugliness and seduction, ferocity and harmony, and all kinds of temperament with conflict. They have collided with the spark of art and the tension of reality, which makes the sensitive tuner, Viking Han mark from northern Europe, leave exciting tears.

Let the band's performance reach a climax!

Looking at the "goddess" dancing under the moon, Zhu ganghyena couldn't help approaching him. It seemed that she wanted to get close, but she wanted to escape because of her shame. Unexpectedly, Chen Xuanzang perfectly showed the ambiguity between Tango lovers. Chen Xuanzang smelled the smell from the pig demon's ugly face and was almost vomiting in his chest, but his limbs perfectly showed the temptation driven by Hans, Accompanied by two parties and a group of band members with artistic pursuit, this dance with different thoughts reached the peak of the Tang Dynasty.

Miss Duan was stunned and almost petrified.

Only Miss Duan murmured, "my man, why is he a more girlish person than me? He is so excellent, am I not worthy of him! Or should I be more masculine?"

The dance is superb. Now the plot performed by the two dancers has arrived. Zhu ganghyena can no longer stand the surging emotions in her heart. When she boldly expresses her feelings to the "goddess", according to the script, it should be the goddess's indifference and alienation, hurting his heart and bringing the dance to a climax again. However, Zhu ganghyena's performance is obviously out of control.

It stretched out its tongue full of mucus and fishy smell, couldn't stand the animal impulse, and licked it at Chen Xuanzang.

Looking at the thick note like a strong man's waist, he stretched it out to himself. Chen Xuanzang was struggling fiercely. Anger, fear and countless emotions were intertwined fiercely, and he couldn't even suppress the puppet symbol. This emotion was manifested in his limbs with a trace of extraordinary tension. In the end, he still couldn't struggle, But when the sticky feeling stuck to his body, despair flooded him like a tide.

A drop of clear tears falls.

This time, Zhu ganghyena's out of control, but because of Chen Xuanzang's interpretation, he has reached the peak of art in another sense.

After the Banque dance music was performed, at the halftime, the band members, led by Sun Wukong, stood up and applauded loudly to express their praise and admiration for the two dancers.

"Great!" mark sobbed with tears in his eyes. "This is the peak of my art career!"

"We should pay tribute to the two dancers for their great performance!" the magician said excitedly.

Wukong spoke highly of him and said, "in dance, Chen Xuanzang is qualified to be my mentor!"

"I have thirty-two concerts a year! I want to invite you to be my special guests and dance with me!" Zhuang bifan clenched his fists excitedly and said, "speak up, what's your dream?"

Miss Duan couldn't help wiping her eyes and sobbed, "I don't know why, I'm just sad."

Hans wiped his sweat, pointed to Chen Xuanzang and said excitedly, "this is the dance I want!"

Then, at Wukong's suggestion, all the people present gave them two thumbs up, and then the magician took out the magic mirror from behind and looked at all the people: "come on, let's look here..." in the magic mirror, there were a lot of magicians dancing, and the magician then said, "one, two, three..."

Everyone said together, "eggplant!"

Looking at the demon mirror, a huge light burst out. Chen Xuanzang finally felt that the bondage of the puppet symbol on his body was loose. Then with a cry of grievance, he cried out. The cry fell into the endless light, as if shaking in a whirling sky. Chen Xuanzang stroked the chest and suddenly came to the door of the familiar hotel.

He has also restored his men's clothes. In front of him is Miss Duan.

Miss Duan was looking at him curiously, shaking her hand in front of him, and kept saying, "Hello! Can you hear me?"

Chen Xuanzang suddenly shook off her hand and said, "I hear you. What's the matter?"

He already knew that now he had broken into the pig demon's dream, but Miss Duan smiled with a trace of gloom before meeting. She lowered her head, didn't speak for a long time, and then suddenly saved him. Chen Xuanzang hurriedly pushed her away: "please respect yourself, Miss Duan!"

Unexpectedly, Miss Duan suddenly looked up and changed her face and said, "what did you just say? Who's Miss Duan... OK! There's someone outside you, isn't it?" Xuanzang saw that her fist was still as big as a sandbag. To measure the force value of both sides, he said calmly, "aren't you Miss Duan?"

"I hate it!" said Miss Duan shyly. "When you are nice to others, call them Cuilan instead of others! Just call them Miss Duan... Who knows that Miss Duan! Are you lying to others?"

"Wait!" Chen Xuanzang suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed, "you say... Your name is Cuilan?"

Miss Duan's face changed again: "why, do you want to pretend you don't know me?" "I tell you, one day, you are my Gao Cuilan's man, and one day, you are my Gao Cuilan's ghost!"

"Gao Cuilan?" Chen Xuanzang said in horror, "Zhu ganghyena, is that Gao Cuilan?"

Miss Duan looked down in horror and said: "You already know. Listen to me, it's not what I want. My father didn't plan to open a pig farm at that ugly family. My family runs a restaurant - gaojiazhuang. The famous Gaojia roast pig is my specialty. The dead old man is obsessed with money. He has to say that Zhu Gang hyena and I are a natural match and want to marry him. I have opposed it... We can elope!"

Miss Duan's tears were about to flow down: "that Zhu Gang hyena is really as ugly as a pig. I don't want to marry him. Take me away!"

In a trance, Chen Xuanzang felt that someone was looking at them. He looked back and found an ugly young man hiding behind the curtain in panic. His eyes looked at Miss Duan from the curtain.

With a sigh, Chen Xuanzang suddenly raised his middle finger towards the sky and said, "Monkey King, fuck..."

Wukong's voice came to his ears: "if you have had pain, you will know the pain of all sentient beings; if you have been persistent, put down persistence; if you have been concerned, you will have no concern. If you want to make the pig demon truly aware, you have to endure the same pain as the pig demon. If you have been painful, loved, hurt, engraved on your bones and heart, worry about your heart, regret and don't fall, then you can fully realize and put down the past!"

Wukong first pretended and told a section of the life teachings and feelings of the eminent monk.

Then there was a burst of laughter. Wukong laughed and said, "I'm one. I'll take revenge on the spot! Chen Xuanzang, you read the hoop curse 138 times, and I remember them one by one! I tell you, it's 138 difficult. If I don't play 138 tricks with you, I won't be sun!"

"God's special influence on demons and Dharma... Grandpa Sun told you everything! I just want to play with you!"

Then Wukong smiled evil and erased Chen Xuanzang's memory of the latter paragraph.

"I manipulate you, I humiliate you, I play with you, I torture you, what can you do? You don't even know how unwilling and angry you used to be. You don't even have the right to retain your memory. Poor, sad!" Wukong revealed his demonic nature and quietly looked down at the man who used to be called master.

He thought of his other master again and sighed in his heart: "master, do you want me to give up the past, give up the miscellaneous thoughts of fighting and defeating the Buddha, those past, as a new monkey, start over, and bring me here?"

"But isn't that another understanding?" Wukong sighed. "Isn't that a Wukong?"

"Don't break the hard stone!" Wukong said faintly, "I don't understand!"