The walkers ran around several times, but their mana was exhausted, tired and tired. They looked at the mountain turned into ghosts and gods, stretching dozens of mountains. In the past, it was the territory of the mountain god. Now the mountain turned into ghosts, and even a mountain of spirits and beasts turned into fierce ghosts. They almost reappeared in the hot hell of Bayan and burned the Jedi in Montenegro.

This is no longer the problem of one or two evil spirits in the world, but a sign that the world has turned into hell and hungry ghosts!

Among the six reincarnations, humanity and animal Tao are already in the world. Now, the heavenly ghost of hungry ghost Tao and the burning black mountain hell of hell Tao have all reappeared in the world. The next three are connected with each other. Now that there is an accident in evil ghost and hell, how can Shura be better?

That day, ghosts were even more heaven and man, and heaven and man died. They were involved in heaven and man. They said that tomorrow's human world had better be just too busy for themselves.

Is it true that the six ways of destruction will turn the world into an infernal hell?

After escaping from the mountain temple, the walkers found a remote place to settle down. No one was in the mood to talk. They all thought about these changes silently in their stomach. Bhikkhu Huishan crossed his legs and chanted scriptures. The old Taoist Qingchen was thinking alone. Only Chen ang was in the mood to break up with everyone: "The God of Zhongshan in the mountain temple, although he only took a rough look, he also saw that he was a serious God, not any wild monster occupying the God's position."

"All the mountain gods and lands in the world are organized, organized and backstage people. Although they are the lowest officials of the celestial immortals and can be ordered and scolded by the incoming immortals, they are also at the grass-roots level of the compilation. They have names in the appendix to the book of immortals and the book of life and death."

"The court information management work was done well that day. The yangshou of all living beings in the world has been managed online. It can be controlled through the terminal of the life and death book. I don't believe that there is no one in charge of the immortal books?"

The middle-aged devil stroked the goat's beard and sighed: "what the elder said is that even the mountain gods canonized by Tianting have turned into fierce ghosts. The netherworld really poked a big basket!"

"But it's strange!" Chen ang frowned. "Have you noticed that although those ghosts are fierce, they seem to have scruples. Otherwise, if they start first in the ghost village and mountain temple, we may not be able to escape. Now it's like they're deliberately driving us away."

"Drive us away?" the strong man wondered, "these ghosts are extremely fierce. How can we drive them away?"

"It's like a tiger chasing a sheep, avoiding its strength and chasing its old and weak... You see, this time, the weakest of us are dead. They let the stronger of us go like a tiger chasing a sheep!"

The strong man sneered and said, "you said that! Those ghosts have no knowledge and wisdom. They kill people all by their ferocity. How can they think like you said? I think you are too worried, elder!"

But I don't want the old Taoist to say, "as Tao you Chen ang said, the ghost flying away that day is not as good as me? Why not chase it? Moreover, the heavenly ghost is transformed by the evil ghost way, and its intelligence is not inferior to that of strangers, and even vicious and cunning. In retrospect, the ghost, Jiao yanheishan ghost, did stay in his hand that day!"

"But... Why is this?" the strong man was convinced by the two and was more confused!

Monk Huishan stood up and said, "gentlemen, let's not mention these first. Not far ahead is the home country of the Western King. Let's hurry up and go to the home country of the Western King!"

When the others heard the news, they stopped discussing it. After identifying the direction, they went to the West King's mother country.

Bypassing the mountains in front, people felt that the birds and animals in the mountains were silent, the demon atmosphere was faint, and the ghost atmosphere was dense. They refused to stay if it was not a good place. A depression surrounded by Kunlun ancestral veins was exposed in front. Several rivers originated from Kunlun Mountains and flowed in this valley.

On the river valley, it is a paradise like country. Along the river, villages and towns are surrounded by a small town, which is particularly beautiful surrounded by towering snow mountains.

When the walkers saw the crowd, they all looked over with joy. Even the strange things they had just met were put down for the time being and said happily, "is this the home country of the Western King of labor and capital? Monk, how do you know?"

Monk Huishan replied, "when I entered the mountain temple, I saw a verse on the flag building. It said the origin of the mountain god. It was the Mountain God appointed by the queen mother of the west to guard the mother country of the west king. On weekdays, there are many achievements in resisting demons and protecting the mother country of the west king. Even the four seasons sacrifice is provided by the people of the mother country of the west king, so there are some records in the eulogy."

"The home country of the Western King." the old scholar said in a deep voice, "was it the country of the Western King's mother that King Mu of Zhou met when he drove the eight steeds to patrol the world in the west?"

"The mother of the Western King is a great God in ancient times. How could she like a son of heaven on earth." the old Taoist sneered, "it's probably a tryst with the queen of the Western King's mother country. It's just a false rumour!"

"The emperor Mu said so, and he was not afraid that the Jade Emperor would pull a list for him after his death?" someone sneered.

Chen ang laughed, shook his head and said, "you are mistaken by later generations. The queen mother of the West and the Jade Emperor are not spouses. They just hold the heaven together. They are relative gods. You underestimate the emperor by putting human relations on the Jade Emperor. Haotian adheres to the three realms of law, regardless of yin and Yang."

"The Jade Emperor is the incarnation of Haotian. Although he manifests his male body, he is a congenital God. He has a clean body and does not do human relations. He is not worthy of the Mother God. Whether it is Ziwei emperor, Tian emperor, Taishan Fu Emperor and Taiyi God, they are all clean bodies and single gods. Only because heaven and earth are divided into yin and Yang and control the three realms, there must be a goddess to dominate the Xuanyin."

"This is a deputy, not a spouse!"

"That is to say, the queen mother of the west is the deputy of the Jade Emperor, who is responsible for controlling the female immortals. She is the queen and assists the Jade Emperor. She is not a husband and wife at all! The original deputy of the Jade Emperor is actually Chengtian following the example of the later earth emperor. Later, the earth emperor was forced to secede because of the Tathagata's advice and the division of the netherworld reincarnation into six ways. The Jade Emperor invited the queen mother of the West from the Kunlun yaochi as the deputy to help Its carding. "

"That's why I said that if empress Houtu comes out, the West Queen Mother will be dissatisfied, because there is only one person on the right of the emperor of heaven. This West Queen Mother is equivalent to the Prime Minister of heaven and earth, and is the duty to help heaven and earth sort out Yin and Yang. Naturally, she won't want her predecessor to come out and hang around."

"The queen mother of the West was the Prime Minister of heaven and the goddess of the right emperor when Taiyi ruled the heaven in the past. After Taiyi abdicated, she was also called the Lord of the East. One was East and one was west, one was on three islands and ten continents, and the other was in Kunlun, the West pole. They jointly ruled the world's male and female immortals. Later, the jade emperor ascended the throne and first married Chengtian to follow the example of the later earth emperor. Later, she invited the queen mother of the west to go out of the mountain and take the Yao pool to the heaven to be the queen of yin and Yang."

Hearing Chen Ang's explanation, everyone was surprised.

The old scholar searched his stomach and organized language to refute. He trembled and read several Taoist classics, trying to prove the legitimacy of the official allocation of the Jade Emperor to the queen mother, but Chen ang only shook his head and said: "These people who write scriptures have not become immortals! They can't count the bullshit. The so-called Jade Emperor and queen mother are all foolish men and women in the world who apply their own knowledge. The so-called emperor's gold shoulder pole is nothing more than that."

"The solitary sun in heaven and earth doesn't last long, so we need to be equipped with a goddess as our deputy. But the immortal is clean. Which congenital immortal do you hear has a spouse? The imperial concubine and Queen's mother are priests who help the emperor adjust the position of yin and Yang. So don't spread rumors! Give people a Thai emperor, and the East Duke Donghua emperor wears a green hat out of thin air!"

"Originally, Haotian should be incarnated as a man and a woman, so it doesn't have to be so troublesome to always change the Deputy Prime Minister." Chen ang revealed the secret that he was not afraid of death over there: "It's a pity that someone doesn't want to manifest the female body. That's why the jade emperor has some trouble. He has to rob other people's deputy subordinates. What's the matter with women's clothes? Lao Jun can incarnate empress Nuwa and match with the Fuxi God incarnated by Lao Jun of Taiqing. Why doesn't he want to incarnate the queen mother and match his own incarnation of the Jade Emperor?"

Here he was not afraid of death, and there someone answered, "attack yourself and suffer yourself. Lao Jun's taste is too strong!"

As soon as his voice fell, a sky thunder appeared out of thin air, cut through the sky, split him to death, turned him into coke, and even disappeared without a trace.

When Chen ang saw it, he just sneered: "you don't have a backstage, but you dare to arrange the head of the official, Lord Zhao? You deserve to die!" he turned to the stunned passers-by and said, "see? This is the proof! After listening to these words, you are afraid that you have been recorded in someone's little book and will be pulled out of the list in the future!"

Then he shook his head and sighed, "poor, poor! The doom is the head, the doom is the head... How did the doom come from? What is the taboo? It's just taboo for those who respect! Some words can't be said or heard... It's bad luck for those who listen to me!"