As a qualified behind the scenes, the villain boss, how can he not study how to control a person with the system.

As early as the beginning, when Chen ang received his first doctorate, he found from the universal behavior of human beings that carbon based upright apes on earth always think that their behavior habits and thinking patterns are the result of their own "free will". They always feel that their social behavior may be controlled by the system and system, But their spirit must be free.

The extreme manifestation of this stupidity is the MLM personnel who endure difficult conditions in small rental houses, attend classes and play games every day, and more generally, religious believers who study various scriptures, pray and do activities every day in religious places.

If you add up the two numbers, you will be surprised to find that the number of upright apes who are controlled by people but still think their spirit is free and their faith is noble accounts for 70% of the whole planet.

This makes this stupid extreme performance look less stupid!

After all, as a social animal, human genetic instinct and social requirements tell themselves that conformity is safe, and it is the safest in the crowd - this is also a way for the spirit to manipulate them - tell them that they are gregarious, they must gregarious, and those fools will spontaneously and consciously alienate themselves and try to integrate into the crowd.

Therefore, whether MLM or missionary, the basic requirements are a relatively closed, alienated and convergent small society.

Such as closed trial lectures of MLM, religious missionary sites and ritualization... The brainwashing essence of the two is the opposite of characteristics. Therefore, if Chen ang needs to create an emerging religion in modern society, MLM personnel are undoubtedly a focus that can be developed.

To generalize this general psychological law, it is not difficult to let a person's behavior and psychology be manipulated by the system, so that they think they are free, but they do not know that their every move is manipulated by the behind the scenes, such as a string puppet. To be precise, it is very easy.

The merit retribution system created by Chen ang is a model.

"Merit is merit, and sin is sin!" on the surface, Chen ang was honest. He said straight: "you understand too wrong! You think you are doing merit by removing those sinful people!"

Yizhi Zi was surprised and said, "isn't it right?"

"Of course not..." Chen angzhen said, "I ask you, if one of your men greedy for your money and committed a great crime, and another of your men killed him, would you be happy?"

Yizhi Zi suddenly realized: "such a self-made man..."

"Yes!" Chen ang said with a smile, "you will not be happy, nor will you feel that the murderer's subordinates are meritorious. The reward and punishment are from the top, not from the bottom. The sinful man has the power of the god Buddha. This is the power of the god Buddha. How can you do it on his behalf? Can you blend in such a great event as running reincarnation and judging good and evil?"

"Do you still think you are innocent and meritorious?" Chen ang sneered.

"Then why is there merit?" Yizhi Zi didn't understand.

Chen ang said with a smile, "it's just that the god Buddha used your hand to complete retribution and told him to repay evil. You see, he is very sinful. The god Buddha used your hand to rob people and make him die under the sword. You are a link of retribution, so you should be blessed. Just like the murderer's subordinate, if he asked you to kill at your command, he would be meritorious."

"This is the difference between being ordered and not being ordered. For example, if you kill a sinner for justice, you will naturally go to hell to suffer and punish you for the crime of killing life and the difficulty of ten evils. But if you follow the doctrine and kill God in the Buddhist scriptures, such as coffee and Buddha enemies, you will naturally ascend to the pure land of heaven, with great merit!"

"Although the sinner is not the enemy of the Buddha, you have the earthly reporting system. The villains killed must be the king Buddha of Bo Xun MOFA Zizi. By your hand, the king Buddha will bring earthly retribution and let those villains get karma. You see, should the merit of rewarding good and punishing evil and rewarding good and evil in the world be attributed to Bo Xun Buddha?"

Yizhizi understood at a glance and realized: "although I have the crime of murder, I can also receive a trace of merit from Boxun Buddha by adhering to the kindness of Boxun Buddha. This merit is not that I killed the guilty person, but that I complied with retribution and was rescued by Boxun Buddha. In addition to the crime of killing life, I can redeem me."

"You have some savvy!" Chen ang said with a smile, "you are guilty of killing people. Buddha Boxun brings down retribution, remembers good and evil deeds at the place where you commit crimes in the dark, and makes heaven. It is boundless merit. Buddha Boxun brings down retribution by your hand, so he lends a trace of merit to you to redeem karma, but you don't know the salvation of Buddha. It's sad and lamentable that you will fall into hell sooner or later!"

Yizhizi murmured, "what kind of savvy is this? The tribal chiefs and wizards all act like this? I heard that the people of Eastern Qin have a law. The murderer will die, and the murderer will naturally be executed. Only by the order of the king of Qin and adhering to the law, the murderer will be executed, not only innocent, but meritorious."

"Therefore, the Bodhisattva at the end of this wave is free from the king Buddha, just like the king of Qin in eastern land, who made a Dharma that good and evil are rewarded. But the right to reward good and evil is in the hands of the Buddha."

"Of course." Chen ang said with a solemn face, "Buddha Boxun presides over justice for all beings. Naturally, only Buddha Boxun himself can preside over justice. The justice presided over by others is not justice, because Buddha Boxun says who is justice and who is justice. If you want to cross Buddha Boxun to preside over justice, first learn the iron fist of Buddha Boxun's justice!"

"The secret is the system. The maintenance of the system lies in violence!"

"Violence is the god Buddha demon, and those who are not god Buddha demons are trying to violate the system..." Chen ang crushed a nut with his right hand, put the nut into his mouth and chewed it carefully. Na yizhizi shivered hard.

After eating a nut, Chen ang continued: "if there is only violence and the system is not established, it is a demon. There is no way to uphold justice."

"So..." Chen ang asked, "do you know what merit is?"

Yizhizi said piously and solemnly, "the merit of Buddha Boxun's universal power and surpassing the virtue of all sentient beings is merit!" he deeply buried his old head to show obedience.

"Nanwubo Xun, the king Buddha at the end of the law!" Chen ang read the Buddha's name.

Na Yizhi Zi also followed, "nanwubo Xun, the end of the law is free of the king Buddha!" as soon as the voice fell, he saw a golden number jump out of the merit value - merit + 0.01.