In Yiqu City, Chen ang and dashizhi Bodhisattva walked side by side. Dashizhi Bodhisattva suddenly said, "God, you and I have agreed to fight for nine days. Why don't we walk around together to see the effect of this widespread education and eradicating the three evils?"

Chen ang thought a little, then nodded and said, "since the Bodhisattva invited him, how can Chen spoil the fun?"

"Then go and see how they are doing!"

The Bodhisattva suddenly smiled cunningly and said, "go and find out in secret. The Heavenly Master should dress up with me and find out in disguise. Don't use this picture, so as not to reveal the horse's feet and can't find out the real situation." when he saw Chen ang nodding and thinking, he smiled and said, "go and try to find out if the destined person has a deep Buddha nature in this city with compassion!"

After that, he changed into a small bird and landed on the branch of a locust tree near him.

"The Bodhisattva is so naughty!" Chen ang pointed to the bird and said with a smile, "I can't learn. You can't change into this animal image, and you don't like the smell of the Hu people. You'd better change into a man of the Zhou Dynasty in Middle Earth!" after saying that, he turned his body around, his bones crackled, and the whole person jumped three points higher, becoming an old Qin man with a tall skeleton and a tough face.

He took out a girdle and put it on his shoulder. He pressed a bronze sword around his waist and said to the bird that had been transformed by the general trend: "Bodhisattva, you might as well make the feathers on your body look better." the bird smelled and looked at him. The wings fluttered and turned into a gorgeous feather. A strange bird with a pure pearl on his head. Chen ang said again: "please put the Bodhisattva on my shoulder!"

The strange bird with colorful feathers jumped on his shoulder

Chen ang smiled and walked like a tiger. He went straight to the market in Yiqu city and hawked along the way: "I'm a Chinese businessman. I collect the best treasures in the world and sell them. Now there are three treasures in your Yiqu department. It's fate to sell them! These three treasures are not easy. Those who are interested should trade with me on one condition!"

Chile wandered around the city where the slave poor lived, avoiding his pursuers. He stumbled in the muddy alley, smelling of cattle and horses from the left and right, and had to pay attention to the feces under his feet.

Now he is no longer the dignified six princes!

But a son abandoned by his father, an unpopular and frustrated prince.

Chile stumbled towards the market. He was hungry and confused. He could only meditate and understand the volume of fundamental visions in the "all naive and delusional two-phase wheel method" at home. A giant Buddha sitting on the lotus and overlooking the universe, with countless small Sanskrit characters in the void behind him - the boundless light Buddha.

According to the only divine power seed he came up with, a banner revolving around the boundless light Buddha, rotates as he recites the truth. When he rotates, the dark golden Sanskrit painted on it will shine slightly, from which bursts of Sanskrit chants, suppress hunger and fire, drop a trace of cool, and alleviate his tired body.

"If it weren't for this" Vajra seven treasures holding glass water observation method ", I would have been killed if I could imagine a seven treasures gold building. It's quite magical!" Chile couldn't help his eyes red when he thought of this. He thought of those brothers. They were greedy and vicious. They wanted to kill him and then escape all the way. I don't know how many dangers they experienced.

"I hate it! Although the Chinese native killed my uncle, the gold and silk recording the two-phase wheel law of innocence and delusion he gave me is a real earth shaking treasure!"

After studying the idea of the Taoist temple, Chile knew how broad and profound the magic was and its power was incredible. It was definitely not just the side door magic mentioned by the two middle earth friars. He thought to himself that most of the two middle earth friars had not achieved anything, so he passed on the earth shaking magic to him.

"When I finish this spell, all those who humiliate me and harm me will die miserably, miserably!"

At this moment, many people's shadows turned in his mind, trying to kill his eldest prince and second prince, insulting his other princes, and the two Chinese natives who killed his uncle, one with a hairy face, Lei Gong's mouth, like a big horse monkey, one with a jade face, like a teenager, and some ignored his father.

"All these people are going to die! Father, I must let you know how big a mistake you have made!" Chile growled in a low voice, "and I will find out who ordered them to take back the gold and silk record of the two-phase wheel law of innocence."

Chi Le's anger turned into a trace of mental strength, nourished the seven treasure gold building in the sea, made it slightly solidified, and stirred the power of the evil spirit in Chen Ang's heaven demon blissful picture. A little light fell, and a cool and cold feeling fell from the center of the eyebrow to the chest, turned into heat, flowed up and down the whole body, moistened, suppressed the hunger and fire, and made him generate a strength out of thin air, Like a grown man.

This is just a trivial ability of Chile to find out that the "Vajra seven treasures holding the glass water to observe the Dharma", which can absorb his emotions and thoughts and turn them into strength, so that he can drag a hungry and tired body and escape many searches. Moreover, he also knows that the seven treasures gold building can not only absorb his own thoughts, but also the thoughts of others.

As long as others have feelings of awe, belief, hatred and so on, they can be absorbed by the seven treasures in the sea, transformed into his own mental power, drive the seven treasures on the gold building, and have all kinds of magical powers.

However, his own mental strength, the thoughts placed on him by those who pursued him, and the residual hatred of those who lived in his shadow in the past are not enough to see and think of all the seven treasures. In fact, Qibao Jinchuang only opened "there are seven chapters in Xuanjun's seven chapters secret Sutra, because the original has long been lost, only the ancestors' notes have been handed down, three of them are missing, and only four chapters have been handed down. I have worked hard to collect them neatly, and each volume contains several kinds of supreme mantra."