The six Prince Chile was stuffed with a volume of scriptures by Chen angsai. The volume of scriptures is pure gold in color, and the end is a good selling picture. The texture is like gold and silk. When spread out, there are countless Sanskrit in the size of flies, dotted outside dozens of visualisation pictures like stars. The font pictures are glittering silver and extremely sacred. The dozens of visualisation patterns are composed of countless runes containing spiritual hint information, Spread out, it is like a pool of silver light. The pattern of God and Buddha on it is solemn. It is a treasure at a glance.

Wukong can see clearly that this is a very clever spiritual suggestion technology. Under the solemn God Dharma phase, it is a profound study on the spirit, consciousness and brain function of human species.

Wukong said in secret, "my grandmaster is really not a good man! Can you study such technology without dissecting and slicing 180000 brains? I'm afraid not only people, but also all kinds of heaven, cattle, horses, monkeys and pigs have been poisoned by him!"

Thinking of this, Wukong was worried and sighed: "I'll tell you how the thousands of demon troops I've taken in are greedy for ink. It turns out that my ancestors are also interested in the brain of monsters! Poor! Poor... I don't know how many demon kings are left. There are three demon kings, including the monkey king and the lion Camel king. I don't know if they are complete! Don't be sliced and studied by my ancestors."

At the thought of this, Wukong shivered and thought: "I forgot! When I was born with a stone monkey, I once saw it. I was the only stone monkey, and I was the only one. What's more, it was the silicon-based biological imitation of carbon-based configuration, as the ancestor said. Isn't it a research sample of great scientific research value? My brain must also arouse the interest of the ancestor..."

"When I went to worship the master, the ancestor came inexplicably, could it be..." Wukong didn't dare to think down and quickly tied up the heart ape. Now Wukong has to teach the truth. Of course, he won't have these worries. Chen ang is no longer interested in the brain structure and Yuanshen consciousness of the stone monkey. He just needs to set up an assignment and ask Wukong to study himself thoroughly and report it.

But he said in his heart sincerely, "thank you for not killing your ancestors!"

When Wukong looked at the sixth Prince's eyes again, there was a trace of happiness. The sixth Prince knew that the Scripture in his hand was a treasure and put it away quickly. He was worried in his heart and left in a hurry without saying goodbye.

After the six princes left, other nobles didn't dare to come up again. They asked Chen ang to be more clean. Wukong quickly asked for advice and said, "grandmaster, I have many difficult problems in studying the Zhou Bofu, and I hope the grandmaster can give some advice to the disciples." Chen ang smiled and said, "master, it's also good to preach and teach! Wukong, just mention it, as long as it doesn't hinder the specific homework, I'll answer you for the teacher!"

Wukong asked, "master, it is clear that the Buddhist magic power originates from consciousness, but consciousness is just a sense. How to generate mental power and become a magic power?"

Chen ang explained: "in the past, when I discussed Taoism with Lao Tzu, I once said that the Taoist school looked at flowers, gathering, dispersing and condensing, just vitality! It said that matter has temperament duality, that is, particles, waves and Qi, and Qi becomes all things. It also said that the Buddhist School looked at flowers, dynamic and static ups and downs, just thoughts! It said that idealism is only me, everything in the void, and reality is achieved."

"But the master also said that the world is objective and material... Buddhism divides the world into non color world, color world and desire world, observes different levels of the world with its own consciousness, and believes that it is an objective and real world. It is only interesting and does not see the truth. Now the magic power of Buddhism is objective and true. How to explain?"

Chen ang smiled: "The theory of nothingness is paranoid, but it also conforms to the objective facts. Buddhism recognizes that the material endowment includes not only the attributes we see, but also the attributes that people can't see, that is, the objective things that people know are only limited to their understanding. Just like the iceberg on the sea, standing on the shore, you can only see a small part, which is beyond his understanding of the world There are more material properties and concepts. "

"But in the understanding of this objective phenomenon, Buddhism is different from real science."

"Buddhism says that color and emptiness refer to the attributes of objective things recognized by people as hue, while the part of objective things hidden under the sea that people can't recognize temporarily and their attributes and laws are called emptiness. However, they can't correctly make people realize that these laws are the objective laws for people to understand the world subjectively, but the objective laws of the world itself."

"They can't realize that this is the attribute of the objective world given by human consciousness. Instead, they think that this is the objective attribute of the world itself."

"This falls into the pattern of idealism and turns to the view that human consciousness can determine the hue of emptiness of things, that is, I think the flower is a flower, and it is a flower. If we understand emptiness, the flower is just a phase. Put down the flower phase and pick up the world phase, and the flower is a world!" Chen ang demonstrated to Wukong with a golden datura flower in his hand.

The golden datura flower shed a little light. Wukong looked into it. There was a world in the flower.

Looking at Chen ang again, Chen ang looked at himself deeply and suddenly realized, "this is the magic power!"

"This is the magic power. The power to push back the function of the magic power is the power of mind! In fact, there is no power of mind? It's just magic power!" Chen ang sneered. "It's clearly a flower, and what ordinary people can't recognize outside the flower is also a flower! It's not funny to say that it is a world?"

"Fire can burn and water can flow. This is the objective attribute behind things. People can't see it, but they can understand and summarize the material attribute. Buddhism says it is the emptiness of material. What else is the wind, land, water and fire, creating a lot of 'emptiness'. It can be seen that once the understanding of the world deviates, there will be all kinds of distortions. What Buddhism says about mental power and willing power is just distorting science !”

Chen ang said: "Wukong, the truth behind the objective existence of Buddhist supernatural powers is actually very simple. This world has various attributes beyond our understanding. Compared with the visible world, the invisible world can be called the dark world. Anything is regarded as' empty 'outside our understanding. In fact, there are many things that do not exist. For example, ordinary people can't understand In the air, we use carbon monoxide as a poison gas weapon, so when ordinary people see the people killed by us, they will exclaim - divine power! "

"Buddhism, on the other hand, only found some forces that ordinary people could not perceive, and realized that some of the world that ordinary people could not recognize, that kind of force is magic, and the law of that kind of magic acting on the world is divine power. The observer experiment revealed that part of the" force "of consciousness acting on material, and the general name of the force of consciousness acting on material is mindfulness. And using this objective existence The law of 'power' is the magic power. How simple! "

"In fact, think about it, Wukong!" Chen ang gently stretched out his hand and took in a stone: "as a teacher, I used gravitational waves to move matter. Is this gravitational wave a magic power? With such means, it's not a magic power for countless immortal Buddhas?"

Wukong touched out a flashlight, turned on the switch, lit up a small piece of the sky, smiled and said, "so, master, I'm taking this flashlight to shine. It's also a magic power? There's electricity and magic power!"

"No, Wukong! Electricity is not self-reliance, but external force, so this is a magic weapon, not magic!" Chen ang said with a smile: "moreover, if ordinary people study electricity, you can't be called a magic weapon!"

Chen ang put a little bit on Wukong's head, and Wukong felt that there were many formulas and data in his mind. Chen ang said, "this study of mental power is related to your homework. I won't guide you, but can only give you some basic attributes of mental power to inspire your research."

"So it is!" after Wukong's analysis and understanding, he realized, "master's research is thorough!"

"This mental power is really mysterious. Only with the power of consciousness, it can pry these many laws and cultivate all kinds of magical powers. Is it true that the practice of magical powers is to be familiar with these things? No wonder Master said that the so-called epiphany, realm and consciousness are just information. What's the difference between brainwashing and consciousness?"

"Therefore, apart from science, all practices can be brainwashed. If master can study thoroughly, master the information of the Tathagata, and brainwash the ten or eight Tathagata Buddhas, how difficult is it? No matter how difficult it is, it's just a technical problem!"

Chen ang shook his head and said, "Wukong, you are wrong!"

Wukong raised his head in surprise and saw Chen ang answer: "even scientific research can brainwash. How difficult is it to wash away the original personality, instill scientific literacy and knowledge, cultivate a researcher and seek the way of science?"

"Knowing is knowing, and not knowing is not knowing. In this world, there is only the difference between knowing and not knowing. Is there any difference between knowing through insight and knowing through brainwashing? Knowledge is always the same and objective. All the differences are just that brainwashing technology has become an immature problem. All will can be brainwashed, all memory can be brainwashed, and all emotions, personality and self can be brainwashed. Because people are only objective The world is just a thing! Since it exists objectively, it must be able to understand, transform and develop! "

"Brainwashing is a great way! You can't forget your knowledge! If something goes wrong? The technology is not good!" Chen ang read a poem on the spot and asked Wukong, "Wukong! If you don't want to learn, just tell me that you have developed brain washing technology for most life forms including you. Once you send it, you can learn it."

"When the technology of being a teacher is mature, even the personality will not be lost. The self still exists and is absolutely no different from what you have learned! Wukong, would you like to?" Chen ang smiled like Lingshan Buddha, with the light of seeking knowledge and curiosity about Wukong's brain structure flashing in his eyes, full of the thirst for knowledge of research.

Wukong sweated on his back and said, "master, I must study hard!"

In the void, Chen ang burst into frightened laughter and said: "Science must be repeatable. If it can't be repeated, it must be pseudoscience. I'm so scientific. Of course, it can be repeated. If I have time, I must study what interesting things will happen if I copy my information and brainwash the whole universe. Unfortunately, there is a brainwashing paradox. A person's scientific cognition can never develop a technology to brainwash his own information perfectly. So even if To brainwash the whole universe into my cognitive level, there are also very serious sequelae. "

"Hey, hey! It's just the collapse of original cognition and the death of personality!"

"Alas! The whole universe has become me, which greatly dilutes the interest of this experiment... However, paradoxes are a dead cycle that occurs only when the cognitive level is not reached. I will be able to develop the technology to perfectly replicate my cognitive world without damaging the experimental body... Then the experiment will start... Hey, hey, hey!"