Even Chen ang did not expect that Zhu DAHAO's merchants could be so decisive and straightforward. They were used to wandering the caravan, so they packed it up very quickly, and the orders were neat and uniform, just like an army. If there was a fight, the emperor would enfew all countries this week. Except for the big countries such as Qin, Qin, Lu, Chu and Jin, half of the small countries and old states were not opponents of this caravan.

The merchant Zhu DAHAO also summoned his own sons and daughters who had become useful and those who had not become useful, and ordered: "I want to dare to do a big business and earn great wealth, but there are many obscure, dangerous and uncertain places in it. Therefore, I call you here and let you choose. If you are willing to go with me, go pack your bags. If you are not willing, go out in vain and stay here!"

There was an uproar among the children and grandchildren of Zhu DAHAO merchant. When most of them were sensible, Zhu DAHAO merchant had earned so much family business and operated smoothly, so he didn't encounter such a setback. How did you expect to encounter such a difficult choice?

Many people immediately begged Zhu Qishu to give up such appalling acts.

But could Zhu Qishu be the ordinary children who could shake their minds? He just sneered. Under the accumulated prestige, someone began to shake. A grandson who was loved by him begged: "Old ancestor, you want to do that big business. We can't stop you, but we have to leave some family property for our children and grandchildren. We can manage ourselves by dividing a few cattle and horses. How can we be swept out empty handed?"

As soon as this was said, many people agreed.

Unexpectedly, the merchant Zhu DAHAO just smiled coldly and said, "this cow and horse are all my business capital. It's not enough. How can I waste it on you? I can write you a few letters so that you can use my accumulated contacts. In addition, every grass and tree, even a straw, are my capital. Whoever dares to move it, it will be the law of the family!"

Several worthless sons were stunned, and some people who knew the inside story shouted, "father, when migrating cattle to Yiqu, you don't know how many people will freeze and starve on the way. Would you rather freeze and starve cattle and horses than leave them to your children?"

Instead, Zhu Qishu said with a smile: "Those who freeze and starve on the road are the loss of my capital investment. Naturally, they have to be included in the cost. They can only try to reduce the loss, but it is a necessary loss. What I leave to you is not the cost, but the loss is outside the cost. It is not helpful to the business I want to do! Every bit of capital needs to be used on the blade in doing business. Now I take risks When you do that big thing at great risk, you naturally have to exchange your whole wealth for capital. Will you waste it in vain? "

After all, Zhu Qishu only had a heart of stone, regardless of how hard his children and grandchildren begged. He still made a big gift to him with his oldest son, saying: "I know that my father is in danger when he goes here. My father is willing to put all his wife and children's foundation on him to win a great wealth, but I won't pay for it. In that case, my father might as well entrust me with the industry he can't take away and explain the contacts he has been in business for decades. I will certainly help here. Maybe there is something useful for that big business!"

Zhu Qishu looked at his eldest son with wrinkles and very calm eyes, and suddenly smiled and said, "you are still the most like me!" he entrusted the industry that could not be settled for the moment to him, and handed over his personal connections that he had operated for decades. In this way, the humble eldest son inherited his father's wealth.

Zhu Qishu called his children and grandchildren away and divided the family property, but only left the youngest young man with Chen ang. Only because he had already regarded this little son as a major capital of the business, because what he said in front of Chen ang, other children and grandchildren still had a chance to retreat. This son didn't even have a chance to get off the ship.

In addition, he did it again and invited the snake demon to come and said: "this time, I disturb Changxian because there is a big deal to be done in the Yiqu state, and he also asked Changxian to be a guarantor. After this, I am willing to offer half of my family!"

The snake demon said: "Do you know that I can't get rid of my nature until I practice, so I have to sleep and settle in winter. It's good to disturb once, but the Yin fire rises and damages the true Qi. If I disobey my nature and can't settle in the whole winter, it will greatly damage my cultivation spirit. Although you have great kindness with me in the past, I have protected you for decades. If I damage my cultivation for you this time, I've already broken my kindness. No more fate! "

"I'd like to exchange this feeling for the help of the immortal this time!" Zhu Qishu said calmly.

The snake demon attached to the statue floated a layer of black air, dragged a jade amulet into Zhu Qishu's hand, and heard the snake demon say, "if you have an invitation, pass it on to me, and I'll follow you for dozens of miles. The four guests have great origins, so it's inconvenient for me to show up in front of them."

Zhu Qishu kowtowed his head and thanked him. He took the jade charm and didn't mention it.

When he went away, the snake demon sighed faintly in the small account: "Zhu Qishu, I don't know your calculation? Those four really have a lot to do with the black hand who calculated the three realms and shocked the heaven, as you think. If I were you, I would also sacrifice my life to become an immortal. Can I hope to live in a muddle? I don't lack the courage and diligence to fight to death!"

"But I have two ways to avoid the three disasters. If I have the assurance of longevity, how can I throw my life into such a dangerous vortex? But I can't give up this opportunity! I have to watch outside the vortex like walking on thin ice, put a line into it, and carefully explore the opportunity based on this connection. If it's wrong, break this line and get away 。”

"Zhu Qishu, you are this thread!"

Zhu DAHAO's business management is very reasonable. However, in half a day, the caravan has been cleaned up and can start. I don't know what means Zhu DAHAO used for business. Although everyone in the caravan complained, none of them dared to retreat and flee. Even the miscellaneous Hu who followed around the caravan kept up with most of them.

When we set out, the weather was bad and it was snowing for the second time. Chen ang sits on the bronze car with a brazier raised in the middle of the car frame. Through the fire path in the bronze car, the whole car frame burns warm. Chen ang and others are people with great magical powers. They don't need these. They just make an appointment with the Buddha and can't use magical powers.

Chen ang didn't care much about the Golden Lotus agreement, but the old gentleman would abide by it. In order to prevent Lao Tzu from freezing into a zombie and turning into a potentially unique evil thing in the three worlds, he had to rely on this human technology to keep warm, but he attracted the young man surnamed Zhu. He didn't know how ruthless his father was to him. He was just silly and happy. With a little love, If you ask for advice, stay in the car while it's warm.