The young man arched his hands and replied, "it's cold and cold. Who dares to go to Xirong? You'd better wait until the snow melts in the spring!" Wukong had expected for a long time and only said: "don't hide it, brother, the four of our teachers and disciples travel to the West. It's a long way to the barbarians in the West. If you don't dare to wander like this, you'll never finish it for 70 or 80 years."

The boy could not bear to watch them die, but refused to say.

Finally, Wukong said with a smile, "does that little brother know someone who is familiar with the state of Qin all the way to Yiqu and give us a guide. In this way, there is a way to Yiqu in the West."

"This is a way. If someone says peace, the king of Yiqu admires the culture of the Central Plains and may not be difficult for the two sages." the young man said, "but you still have a way to live in Yiqu. After all, Yiqu was friendly with us in the past, but you must never go west again. The ghost people over there live together with demons and ghosts. They are very evil, eat people's hearts and livers, and are like ghosts."

"In addition, the old Yiqu King preferred people from Middle Earth in those days. Later, the people of Jin were trusted by the Yiqu King Yu and sent to our country. The former king saw that Yu was familiar with the geography and customs of Yiqu, so he paid a lot of money to lure him to separate him from the Yiqu king and asked Yu to join us in the old Qin Dynasty. Later, the envoy Yu was the general. Lian Zhan won in succession, benefiting the country for twelve years and opening a thousand miles. Today's Yiqu king is the son of the old king, because of this Things are very defensive to the scholars in the Central Plains. If you want to win his trust and send troops to protect you from those small tribes, you will have many difficulties. "

Wukong nodded and said, "we're not afraid of many difficulties. We're afraid of wasting our time on the road and can't make a trip. As long as we walk on the road, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles it is, my old sun will level it!"

"If you insist, come with me over there! We often trade in Yiqu and know many people who are familiar with the way of Yiqu. Naturally, we Qin people refuse to die with you, but there are many Za Rong people here. They are the dog Rong people left when Yiqu ceded land. They are greedy for good property and do not hesitate to die. If you bribe them with a lot of money, they must be willing." Juvenile road.

"But those zarong have no faith and are greedy. I'm afraid they covet money and goods and collude with the gourong people in Yiqu to harm you. If they come back alone with money and goods, I'll kill that man! It's revenge for you!"

Wukong certainly wouldn't be hurt by a small dog Rong miscellaneous Hu, but he also accepted his invitation and gave a thank-you in boxing.

The young man's family is very rich, but there are thousands of cattle and horses herding. He just wants to kill Hu to avenge them. His family must be a Qin Guohao merchant. He gives the whip to the shepherd and directly takes Chen ang and others to his house. The young man's family does animal husbandry business and manages some goods from various countries. At this time, the merchants are no better than later generations. They really live all over the world, Only because there are many wars in various countries, the circulation of goods is not smooth, the price difference between high and low is great, and the interests are rich. Moreover, because of the opposition of various countries, the risk of trade is great.

Therefore, every time a real big businessman does business, he is like a small army. While guarding against thieves who often gather thousands of people everywhere, he is also guarding against the armies of various countries. The young father is even worse. There are several large herds of cattle and horses in his cattle and horse business. How can these livestock be placed in one place? They chase water and grass every day, and divide the cattle on each grassland. They don't rush to all parts of the country to sell until a fixed season. Therefore, they carry all their possessions at any time.

The youth's home is a market where caravans are camped. Light sheds are scattered to build a market. The center is the father of the youth. There is a tightly arranged caravan. Most of the scattered businessmen who walk around and eat with mixed meals are mostly miscellaneous Hu. Most people in the Qin Dynasty want to have industry and despise such a wandering life. Only these miscellaneous Hu left by the Yiqu in the past, To get used to waiting for a meal.

At this time, Chen ang was riding a bronze ox cart. The strong green ox with plate horns was nothing, but the bronze used for the body was very rare.

At this time, all countries can smelt iron, but in China, the taste of iron ore is quite poor, and the smelting technology has not developed to that level. Therefore, the quality of pig iron is very poor, which is called evil gold, and bronze is good gold, which is of great value. Chen ang riding on a bronze frame is as luxurious as riding on a golden carriage in later generations. Non big country princes cannot be so extravagant.

Think of the overlord of the spring and Autumn period, who is only known as a thousand ride country. Only a chariot can use less than one-third of the bronze chariot Chen ang rode.

When Chen ang drove into the camp in such a pompous manner, the father of the young man heard about it and came out to meet him. He saw a rich member who had the most enviable fat reserves in the world. Chen ang looked at the eyes of those women with mixed beard. He was extremely admired and appreciated. I think in the eyes of people at this time, the rich member's double chin and big belly were no less than the vest muscles said by later generations, Apollo's Belt.

In today's aesthetics, this fat member is also a model of Pan an and Song Yu, a hegemonic president integrating beauty and wealth.

The rich middle-aged man smiled and greeted each other: "the two doctors came all the way, but Zhu was impolite and failed to send someone to meet them. I have ordered someone to arrange a banquet for the two doctors!" Chen ang refused with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhu. Mr. Chen thinks that there is a lack of fate. There is always no good banquet. Several times of going to a banquet will hinder the host. Either blood splashes on the spot, or my soul will disappear later. How can I hinder you at your kind invitation? Or simply entertain. We still need the help of a gentleman for our journey to the West."

After hearing his refusal, some people were dissatisfied. After Zhu DAHAO, a shrewd steward looked at him and said with a smile, "I don't know how to hinder him? Ask the guest to resign my master's face?"

This is a mistake for Chen ang. He is kind!

Chen ang counted silently. He didn't go to dinner many times. It was just a few times when he was in Shushan, either for a birthday or a drink.

But the later results were not very wonderful. The birthday maker lost his own life and gathered people to fight with him on the spot. Whether it was the host, guest, boy and cook, he basically died. Count carefully. He basically killed all the hosts and guests of those banquets! The king of the mackerel sea Kingdom seems to have been killed by the prince! As for the guests on the table, ask him to kill them on the spot.

In this world, there is also one who invited him to dinner, the one who posted the post and the one who invited him. Now he is suffering in the hell on the 18th floor of the hell and has become a pair of brothers and sisters.

Chen ang had to sigh: "last time the king of Qin gave a banquet, he asked my throwing disciple to make a fuss and beat him out of the king's court. He just frightened the queen mother. Did she feel better?"

Zhu DAHAO's face jumped wildly. He was shocked and said in secret, "bitter! How did you provoke these evil stars to come uninvited?"

It is: there is no good feast in life. You often ask the birthday star to see the evil star!