On Mount Tai in the East Mountain, the emperor of the east mountain looked West and south, and his face was cold. A ghost with golden eyes hurriedly reported: "emperor! The other four emperors have arrived!" the emperor of the East Mountain got up and went out to meet him. As soon as he saw the four governors of Mount Hua, Mount Song, Mount Hengshan and mount Hengshan, the emperor of the West Mountain said angrily: "That old gentleman doesn't give face! If the monkey attacks, brother, let's light up the army, catch the demon monkey and ask him to explain to us!"

Zhongyue emperor Songshan Zhongtian Chongsheng emperor objected: "What you said is not right. The demon monkey is just a disciple of the non local immortals! Even if he leads the bull before the old gentleman, it may not have anything to do with the old gentleman. I know that the non local immortals is the leader of tianwai limitless sect. He came into our world and doesn't respect our gods, but allows his disciples to do evil... We'll punish him!"

"The old gentleman is high in the dourate palace. He has high morality and high reputation. How can he despise him? It's better to ignore the old gentleman for the time being and only ask the teacher and apprentice for guilt!"

Xiyue emperor immediately retorted, "why should the second brother grow the ambition of others and destroy his prestige? What if the old gentleman comes personally? Is my brother still afraid of him?" the two people couldn't go together, so they quarreled. The other Yue emperors only looked at the face of Taishan mansion, LED by Dongyue emperor, and they asked Dongyue emperor to arbitrate.

Dongyue emperor got up and said, "don't offend me easily... But don't take the demon monkey, the Lord of mountains and rivers, where is the earth God's face? Send me orders!"

"Ascend our emperor's court, call the mountain gods and land of the four seas and eight wastelands, and the Dragon gods of the four rivers and all the mountains and rivers in the world to worship!"

"In the ghost kingdom of Kaisong, I ordered the five ghost emperors, many Yin Tianzi, the top ten Taibao and other Yin division gods to come to me quickly. I was promoted to 36 prisons and sentenced to 72 Cao... I ordered 5900 gods and 18 million Yin soldiers in the ghost kingdom. I should personally lead the fight against chaos!"

The emissary was ordered to leave. However, in a short span of time, there were the supreme emperor of the upper hall, King Bingling Renhui, Queen Shuming of Dongyue, king of the Western Qi Dynasty, King Bixia Yuanjun, Tianxian official of pengxuankong cave, deputy immortal official of Changbai Mountain, deputy immortal official of Liangfu mountain, Saint heir Youling Hou, Huiling Hou, Jingjian master, Xuanling Hou, four mountains and four heavenly saints, Zhang Kang and two saints on the left and right, showing the response of thousands of Saint kings and underground Cui Fu Jun and other officials of Dongyue were ordered to come to the imperial court and worship the great Dongyue emperor.

After a while, there were also Zengfu Xianggong, father-in-law of Songli, Zhaohui Lingxian king, Baoguo Xianying king, Yiyong Wu'an king, Chongning Zhenjun, Baoguo Jiaying Duke, DIHE Lingxi Marquis, six Shangshu, good Shangshu, evil Shangshu, six Cao Qingjian, two generals of Zhendian, general Jin Wuwei, three Yuan Wu guest, three Hou Zhenjun, two que gods on the left and right, King Bai mule, commander of the land, Marshal Wen, and nine in the land Grand Marshal, soul chasing Zhu Taiwei, xiezhen Hou, marshal Liu, judge of the 15th division, 24 case masters, 36 cave celestial immortals, 72 blessed land immortals, Jinglu blessed land governance and transformation immortals, the saints of Daiyue Dynasty, this year's Taisui God King, LINGJI Hou governor Gao, the world's great City God Lord, and the order God of Kyushu Society, came at 4:00 on August.

In this world, the city god land, the mountain god and river god will come... A total of 190500 gods and 2200 immortals. The remaining ghosts send countless Yin soldiers, which makes the world's City God empty. Half of the Yin gods under the command of the underground Yan Jun come under orders. It is the emperor who commands the land of the world's City God, the mountains, rivers and the underworld, who overlooks the underworld, controls the power of good and evil in the world and holds the power of death and life in the world.

It's no wonder the Jade Emperor is uneasy with such power.

As soon as Dongyue emperor Longting sat down, the four governors added as deputy seats and ordered Fengdu emperor to say, "bring the book of life and death!" Duan didn't pay attention to the ten halls of hell. Cui Fujun, the underground Prefecture under the throne of hell, presented the book of life and death. Fengdu emperor opened the book of life and death for Dongyue emperor and presented it. Cui Fujun said: "To the great emperor, the name of the demon monkey is clear. It is the surname sun given by the old gentleman. The immeasurable god named Wukong. In the soul word no. 1350, it is a stone monkey born in heaven. It should enjoy a 342 year old life and a good end!"

The great Dongyue emperor bestowed kindness and said, "subtract the rest of the yangshou and send ghost messengers to take it!" so he beat the life and death book back to Cui Fujun, the underground government. Therefore, you hooked Wukong yangshou. Immediately, two ghost messengers stepped out of the line and went to get Wukong.

The four Yuefu kings were puzzled. Mr. Hua Shan asked quietly, "brother, the demon monkey destroyed my 100000 mountains, killed my mountain god land, hurt Shi dare and other God generals. We light up troops and horses and ask questions. Why..."

Emperor Dongyue opened his eyes and sneered, "take him? What crime has he committed?"

Mr. Hua Shan opened his eyes and tongue and said, "the heinous crime of killing mountain gods and destroying Lingshan is beyond punishment!"

"Then Lei Gong gave the decree of the Jade Emperor. He sent a decree to ask us to cooperate. Sin is not a sin. It is up to the Jade Emperor to make a decision. Is that what I say? 80000 Lingshan was destroyed at the root of Lingshan mountain? 100000 mountain gods were destroyed, but when performing their duties?"

"The alchemist on earth was instructed by Lei Gong to move to the mountain. Lei Gong followed the Jade Emperor's will, but did the alchemist follow the Jade Emperor's will or act arbitrarily? No, it's not up to the Jade Emperor?"

The great emperor of Dongyue said faintly, "do you want to ask the Jade Emperor whether the monkey is guilty or not?"

"This is not my priesthood. I have the right to make a decision. It's not wise to use one hand and one hand as the reason to ask for guilt! At that time, the Jade Emperor will acquit the demon monkey. What can you do? Although I haven't asked about the Yin division for a long time and won't open the court of Artemisia, I'm still the king of the nether world and command the Lord of Fengdu and Artemisia. The king of hell's child is coming, and he doesn't dare to disobey my will!"

"Just like just now, I want to cut the demon monkey's yangshou. Who can stop it? Who can oppose it? It is the will of heaven to export it as a constitution. Even if I want the demon monkey's yangshou to end for no reason, the Jade Emperor dare not refute me! This is my gifted clergy!"

"I want the monkey king to die in the third watch. Who dares to keep him until the fifth watch? At that time, he will run away from the ghost. I personally lead countless Yin soldiers here. The earth God and the City God will calm down. The decision-making opportunity and the right and left will be in my hands. That's right! Mr. Hua, you're too young!"

The other four great emperors were convinced, but they knew that the great emperor of Dongyue was old and hot.

Here, Wukong's spirit stone monkey, the quantum Yuanshen in his brain works, absorbs the machine of heaven and earth, and has been secretly checked. When the secret of life and death moves, he realizes that the Qi of dusk entangles the Yuanshen, and there are faint signs of five decline. It is known that the longevity yuan has been exhausted. If it is an ordinary immortal, his magic power has been greatly damaged and his path has been broken, but Wukong just turns the Yuanshen, and then dispels the five decline Qi from the sky, He smiled at qingniu and said, "brother, I just had five failures. I'm afraid it's life and death! Yan Jun sent someone over there to take me!"

The green bull was surprised and said, "how do you say that, my dear brother? You are a natural stone monkey. You are born with a long life. Can you compare it with other animals? How can you end your Yang life like this? Moreover, my dear brother is proficient in the art of prolonging life and avoiding death. Isn't it easy to hide your name from the book of life and death?"

"After I learned the Tao, the yuan God knew that he had a 342 year old life. Presumably, a ghost God of the Yin division cut my life yuan."

The green bull was startled and said: "Yes, you swallowed 80000 Lingshan mountain and caused a great disaster. It must be the wrath of heaven. First check the life in your life and death book, and a ghost will come to take you immediately. If you don't obey, countless heavenly soldiers and gods will come to subdue demons and Demons... It's over! It's over! What can you do? Good brother, go to the two grandparents quickly, and let the ghost dare not take you in front of the two grandparents. Avoid it first Let's talk about this! "

"I'm afraid what he will do!" Wukong said with a smile, "our ancestors have made a plan for a long time. I'm afraid he doesn't have enough people and officials. I'll see if those immortals can stand my old sun's sticks!"

Qingniu advised: "You can't defeat four hands with two fists. There are many soldiers in the court that day. Even if you are covered with iron, you can hit a few nails. Listen to me, it's just the God General of Lei Department, Dou department and a small God with miscellaneous hair. When the court of heaven is angry, there are not many good players of the Four Saints of the north pole, the God of the stars in the sky and the great master of the Nandu Beidou. The most worrying thing is that Erlang guanjiangkou shows his holiness, and you can surpass them alone, People rush up and there are people behind them who secretly shoot cold arrows. How can you deal with it? Millions of heavenly soldiers come down, even if it is a piece of stubborn iron, they will be beaten flat by others. "

"Listen to big brother, let's go!"

"What about millions of heavenly soldiers?" Wukong said with a smile: "brother, look at my magic power..."

Wukong puffed up his vitality, devoured the immeasurable vitality accumulated in 80000 mountains, and suddenly returned to the original and restored a trace of material attributes. If Wukong and others were a monkey pinched by 80000 mountains, there were tons of gold and iron vitality in a hair on his body. He blew down the hair, and the gold and iron vitality in the hair recovered the material essence, each of which was cast by alloy metal.

The evolution of the computing power of the quantum Yuanshen in the brain. In the separation of the hair and the hair, the alloy evolution robot first had the strength to build a small light quantum computer, and reached the information interaction state of quantum entanglement with the light quantum Jade Emperor Yuanshen at the bottom of the matter to share the computing power.

As a result, during a breath, the countless hairs were transformed into Wukong's true appearance, like separation.

As a silicon-based creature, Wukong has a natural magic power after cultivating his brain into a quantum computer. Whenever there is vitality, there are tens of millions of changes, how wide the quantum Yuanshen is, how far the separation is, and how much computing power there is, how much the separation is.

Wukong swallowed 80000 mountains, and his vitality could be more than hundreds of millions of parts. If he was willing to take some risks, with the help of personality assimilation, he could have come out long ago. Therefore, Wukong is really not afraid of many people.

Wukong put away all the hairs in the sky, leaving only one. He said to the green bull, "brother, the ghost is coming soon. You hide with me first and see what they are thinking and making ghost ideas!" the green bull said, "good brother, that's a good idea!" the two pinched a stealth formula, put Wukong's separate body here and hid aside to watch.