After Wukong first refined into a crystal like brain prototype in his head, his divine power gradually increased. Although he lost his nature during this period, he also passed through the disaster without danger. These days, his monkey nature gradually recovered and became a little naughty. Now he has the power of calculation, which may be comparable to the Buddha. When he reads it, he knows the infinite changes, so he only has to learn mathematics to understand the changes of rhinoceros vitality.

There are no types of vitality in the sky. Flowers, trees, mountains, rocks, veins, wind, rain and lightning are all formed by the rise and fall of vitality. Among the hundreds of 29600 kinds of vitality, Wukong has gradually passed 120000 kinds. Wind, rain and lightning are generated easily, and strange flowers and fruits are created at any time.

The green bull was also very envious when he saw it and asked, "Wukong little saint, along the way, the four seasons melons and fruits used by the two masters and many vegetables were produced by you. In the past, when we came out of Luoyang, you still needed to select and sow seeds, but now you just need to enlighten the vitality. How can you be so divine?"

Wukong smiled: "Brother qingniu, don't make fun of me! The vitality of the heavens was developed by my grandfather. I learned this skill when I created the vitality of Qinglian that day. My grandmaster taught me to use physics to see all over the world and many aspects of vitality. Only when I gradually understand the way of materialization of vitality can I get something. My brother is with me day and night, how can I know such a path? I still have knowledge to consult my brother !”

Qingniu was depressed and said, "how is a path? This stone turns into gold and reverses the five elements. I can still play two hands. The world is full of vitality. How complicated is it? How can I be poor in physics?" although he thought so, qingniu refused to lose his kung fu and said, "what do you don't understand? You can ask me. Even if I don't know, I can ask the master to solve your doubts."

Wukong asked honestly: "The existing vitality of the vast world is not difficult for me. I can either extract gas or enlighten. As long as the vitality still exists in the world, I can be created. However, I see that Grandpa Lao Jun created a new world and transformed the vitality world. When the turbid and turbid are divided, there are many different vitality. I think that among the 129600 vitality, there is no lack of the Enlightenment of heaven and earth In this way, it is estimated that only when heaven and earth are opened up, or when heaven and earth are broken, can I have the conditions to appear? How can I evolve such a heterogeneous vitality? "

"If we can fully evolve the vitality of the one yuan number, it may be useful for our practice."

After hearing this, qingniu knew that some of Wukong's vitality could not be incarnated because it did not exist in the world and existed at the time of the founding of the world. Now, heaven and earth changed greatly at that time, and there was no reason for their existence. It could not be found from heaven to earth. It can be said that it is innate material and innate vitality. How to absorb and evolve? He had to run to ask the old gentleman.

Shaoqing, the green bull ran back, pretended to be a big brother and said, "the master said you were blinded by a leaf. This method was taught by leader Chen ang."

Wukong listened and thought for a moment, and then suddenly realized that if Chen ang had any guidance, but Wukong ignored it. In the quantum Yuanshen drawing, there are many unfinished intelligent quantum organs imitating Huangting body and God, including a three-phase material reorganization, which can work together with the kidney, have the energy of biochemical vitality and recombinant materials, and can synthesize the innate vitality.

Wukong looked at the drawing carefully, but he accelerated the collision of Yuan Qi with pole cathode and Yang, and reproduced the high-energy phase of Yuan Qi when heaven and earth were opened up, which can synthesize the innate yuan Qi existing in a very short time.

Wukong originally planned to refine a set of Liangyi yuan magnetic magic weapons with extreme cathode yang to accelerate the collision of vitality and study the secret of innate vitality. However, before the results were achieved, someone came up to disturb. It was said that the king of Qin heard that there were great sages and invited people. Lao Tzu, Chen ang and Yin Xi went to the palace for a banquet, even qingniu and Wukong.

When a saint attends a banquet, Yin Xi is the one who sings his name and should be the guest.

However, the king of Qin sent someone to invite Yin Xi to leave early, but Wukong prepared a dress for Wukong, who was thinking deeply. Wukong was thinking about the structure of Yin-Yang yin-yang yin-yang yin-yang yuan magnetic magic instrument and the collision of vitality, but he didn't notice it. He saw the waiter holding the dress asking him to take a bath and change clothes. He remembered the Zhou rites passed by Kong Qiu: the new bather must spring his crown and the new bather must shake his clothes.

It is a gift of bathing and dressing.

It's convenient to bathe in the soup. Those who are polite are dressed. Those who are newly dressed are dressed. Wukong faces the bronze mirror and shakes his head. Suddenly, he hears someone sniffing and laughing behind the screen. Wukong is silent, but someone withdraws from the screen and calls around. It's the book of the king of Qin, hugs the beauties around and peeps behind the screen.

The king of Qin laughed from behind the screen and said, "Mu monkey bullet crown! Mu monkey bullet crown!"

The king of Qin ordered the right and left beauties to throw Wukong with melons and fruits. The dress was deliberately wider, but Wukong was small, so he seemed a little procrastinating. When the melons and fruits were thrown at his feet, Wukong did not change his face. The king of Qin ordered people to lead Wukong to the main hall. He saw a waiter leading the way in front of the main hall of the palace, and Wukong was behind. He walked forward and raised his hands and feet. He did not obey the Zhou rites and saluted guests on behalf of the saints.

But the dress was broad. Although Wukong kept it carefully, he couldn't help dragging it to the ground, which made the officials laugh and think it was a joke.

Only the supreme historian of the state of Qin left the table with shame and anger.

Alchemist Ti came out from the right of the king of Qin with a strange voice and a strange tune. He imitated the hiss of an ape and announced the guest ceremony. There were occasional squeaks and laughter, which also attracted the laughter of the whole audience. The king of Qin thought that those who saluted monkeys would have more funny plays, but when he saw that Wukong was solemn and unsmiling, the guest ceremony was solemnly and solemnly answered. On the contrary, the ministers in the hall were crooked and disheveled, but they seemed rude.

Chen ang looked at the king of Qin and the alchemist Ti in the hall, but he was indifferent, and Lao Tzu was even more unmoved.

Chen ang only said, "those who destroy Qin will bathe monkeys in clothes!"

Seeing that Wukong behaved properly and politely, and was not moved by foreign objects, the king of Qin waved to stop the rude laughter in the hall and asked, "how can the monkey below learn from people's clothes and pedestrian behavior and return to my Zhou ceremony?"

Wukong replied, "I heard that the ancestral industry of the Qin Marquis was the reward for herding horses. It began at the end of the base and ended as a vassal. It was hired and granted land by the emperor of Zhou. I know that the Qin state was originally a vassal and the emperor of Zhou worshipped it. Only then can we have today's strong vassal in the West. The horse herders are the foundation of the country and the gift! The foundation of the Qin state is also the gift of the princes of the emperor of Zhou."

"The reason why Qin is a vassal is to offer auspicious rites to the ancestral temples, gods and gods; bury the country's leaders with fierce rites and the officials of the Qin Marquis of all dynasties; treat the princes and scholars and officials of all directions with guest rites; entertain the country's scholars with military rites and go on expedition; receive gifts and get close to the people of the country. The country's leader Qin houqing and Guan, he Dahu, chaotianzi, hire Jiashi, mourn the ancestors, offer sacrifices to the gods, guests, drink in the countryside and pay for military travel The reason why princes are princes and doctors are doctors is the ritual and music system. "

"I was baptized in kongqiu of the state of Lu. In order to learn about Zhou rites in March, I learned about Zhou rites. Today, I cater to the hospitality of the Qin marquis. I am well dressed and well behaved, but I see that the Qin marquis is is full of people up and down the hall. I am extremely rude! I have no reason to advance or retreat and lose the laws of the princes. What is the mediocrity of his principal?"

What Wukong said was to whom he spoke. He took out the noble righteousness he learned with Zilu in March, and angrily scolded the Qin court. The friar Ti was shocked and turned pale. He hurriedly interrupted: "how ridiculous is it for a monkey to learn to speak? You step down quickly and forgive the crime of being ridiculous in the temple!"