"Don't panic, don't panic!" when the monkey got the right words, he didn't respect the boy very much. He took an arrow to Chen ang and immediately bowed down and said, "I hope the grandmaster will give me guidance. Can I have a hope of getting the right fruit for the stone monkey who has no father and no mother?"

Chen ang closed his eyes and raised his head, but said nothing.

The monkey begged bitterly, and Chen angcai sighed: "I thought you were smart. Since I didn't speak, I meant that the hope was as difficult as heaven. You, a wild monkey without birth, have never made friends with heroes of the four directions and five mountains, are not guests of the Dragon Palace, and have no fate with the God of heavenly soldiers. The fairies of the three mountains and caves are not familiar with you. The star king Dou Su in the sky has never been close to you, and has never burned a finger to worship the Buddha. In previous and present lives, there are no enemies That immortal can have something to do with you... Go to rest, go to rest, how can you get the right result and become an immortal? "

"It's better to learn some skills, gather in the mountains and forests, pull the flag to revolt, and wait for security!"

The monkey cried three times, like an ape wailing. After crying, he pulled his sleeve and wiped his tears. He asked, "this superior method of longevity has nothing to do with me. I have only one origin and only want the inferior method of longevity! And ask the ancestor, how can I ask for the most inferior method of longevity?"

Chen ang pinched his finger and laughed. "This is the easiest way to repair the life, but you can tell that the mountains and high mountains are many of the monsters who have been living in the world. They are just a few small ways to give up the essence of the moon and the sun. You go from the mountains to the mountains and go to a big monster who is a climate."

The monkey head bowed and said, "can you live forever by this art of longevity?"

Chen ang sighed in a low voice, "it's like a kiln head soil embryo. There's a touch, but it can't stand the wind and rain."

The monkey scratched his ears and cheeks and asked, "how to make a kiln head soil embryo?"

"Chang Sheng Yi'er! But if all creatures become the climate and go against the common sense of life and death, heaven and earth will come to kill you every five hundred years. In the first five hundred years, when the thunderstorm hits you, you need to see your nature and mind in advance. If you can hide for another five hundred years, you will die and disappear. In another five hundred years, the fire will burn you. This group is not an ordinary fire, not a Yang fire, but a bone cutting and soul scattering, The Yin fire that burns your internal organs to ashes starts from your Yongquan cave and goes straight through the mud wall palace. It's dangerous, dangerous. "

"After avoiding this second disaster, there will be a wind of Gua five hundred years later, blowing into the six Fu organs from the fontanel, through the Dantian, through the nine orifices, eliminating the dispersion of bones and flesh, and his body knows the solution."

"These three disasters are sad. You often hear that there are thunderbolts in the clear sky and kill strange animals in the mountains. That is, the goblin who can't escape the three disasters. His hard practice turns into ashes and his ability to make dust... In other words, the goblin's immortal skill is the soil embryo at the kiln head. It looks like a look. It turns into mud as soon as it is poured by wind and rain. There is no result!"

The monkey head suddenly heard of the three disasters. His frightened heart shook and trembled. He begged: "how can the teacher bear to see that the disciples have no results... I don't practice this long life, and I don't practice it. Please pass on the method to avoid robbing the long life, so that I can avoid the three disasters and have a chance to achieve the right results."

"I also know the magic of avoiding three disasters..." Chen Anglao said faintly on the "Why do you beg me? Look at the fairy boy. He got the decree of xubodhi and waited for you at the door. He knew that xubodhi had the ability to cultivate your heart. His family has its own art of change. One change is one life, 36 Tiangang is 36 lives, 72 Disha is 72 lives. How many lives can three disasters harm you? What about you?"

The monkey head was stunned. He looked back at the boy, but he saw that the boy frowned tightly. He was very dissatisfied between his eyebrows and eyes. He said secretly, "it's bitter! He hated the senior brother before he joined the court. What should I do?"

The monkey jumped out of cunning. The monkey first went to see Chen Ang's face. He saw that Chen Ang's face was as calm as water, could not see likes and dislikes, was chaotic, and had no face. The stone monkey was born with wisdom. When he first entered the world, he experienced hardships and was intelligent. He was not so lawless, wild and rebellious in the future. He knew good or bad. Seeing Chen Ang's face, he was suddenly blessed to his heart and bowed: "If you don't ask the two masters for one thing, the Bodhi master has great magic power. There is a fairy truth. Why did you ever instruct me?"

"The founder Chunchun taught me that I am an expert in Taoism. Why should I give up my near and seek far?"

"Please also show mercy to the ancestors, and ask the disciples to show mercy!"

Chen ang smiled: "You PI laipo monkey, do you know how much chance you missed? Few of the 3000 hundreds of disciples under the master Xu Bodhi have received the true legend. Now he has sent someone to collect you. You must trust the hope of the true legend in the future. You have got his green eyes. I'll block his door again, as if I cut off his disciples, so I'll lose face. The master Xu Bodhi is also one of the greatest disciples in the three realms Yes, I just don't want to show my family. You can learn great skills when you go to him. Although he certainly doesn't allow you to expose your origin and have no good relationship, it's also a great opportunity. I'll make it clear. You can think about it again so that you won't regret it and make me ugly in the future. "

How clever the stone monkey is, hesitant and constantly involved in things is the great taboo of the monk. He refuses to follow the child in the past. He has already hated the Bodhi master. Now he has no responsibility. Who will carry such an apprentice?

Immediately said: "no repentance! No repentance! Please accept me!"

There was a faint sigh in the three-star cave of the slanting moon. A golden light flew. Chen ang took it with his hand. It was a golden Bodhi. He smiled and said, "the throwing monkey is really a good opportunity. Although you abandoned the beard Bodhi, he took pity on your qualifications and gave it to you as a gift. Poor man, I'm bad for my neighbor. I don't have the face to stay in Lingtai Fangcun mountain anymore!"

Then he sent the Bodhi to the stone monkey.

This way: "I am self possessed, and there are several ways to tell you to listen to it. You can distinguish yourself from it. You can't distinguish yourself from heaven and earth. You don't learn from the essence of the sun and the moon. I also change the art of change, but only nine changes do not take the changes of the animal's body, only the change of the universe's birth and birth. The Tao has five innate characters, the number is five, and I take nine, which can give you nine lives."

The stone monkey said, "willing to learn, willing to learn!"

Chen ang reminded him, "wait a minute. You answer before I finish. You know there are hidden dangers behind me that I haven't told you!"

The stone monkey didn't dare to rob and listened to Chen ang quietly.

"Although the art of change can avoid three disasters, it is illegal and has endless hidden dangers."

The monkey was surprised and said, "grandmaster, I'm an honest monkey. I don't understand the city saying... What is' illegal longevity '?"

"In addition to the nature of heaven and earth, there is also the Tianting Lingshan to control you. If you don't leave your name on the immortal book, you can determine life and death on the life and death book. You have escaped the three disasters, but if you don't have an immortal book, you still have a life. When the life is up, the king of hell will send a ghost to take you, even if you can't live forever? This is called illegal immortality... Those who don't belong to an immortal book are just stealing life, Very embarrassed! "