Taoist Jiang woke up vaguely. His brain was drowsy and empty. Severe pain reverberated in his brain. He struggled and found that he could not move. The pain in the back of his brain made it difficult for his brain to resume operation for a while, making him moan unconsciously. From time to time, the vague voice reached his ears.

"The art of punishment is very exquisite. It depends on science, not brute force to get what we want..."·

"Young master, leave everything to me!"

"We have 180 ways to go down Maoshan. We must make this old man Regret living in this world!"

"Vulgarity... I've also read your heretical methods. The book says, peeling! Cramping! Scraping the bone marrow... Bamboo sticks, inserting eyes, and releasing small iron brushes from the urination path... It's vicious enough, but the ingredients of anger are greater than extorting confessions. I don't agree with the use of methods to the disability or even death of the object when tortured."

"Jianghu means! I know... People should be afraid of you. It's cruel, terrible and inhuman. The most important thing is that when it comes to punishment, it's deep hatred and hatred! It's most important to take a breath, but now we don't want to take a breath... We want what he says. So let me try first, OK?"

"Young master, just do it. How dare we talk more!"

"Oh! Don't talk like that. Discuss! It's to better complete the task and achieve the goal. It's not my authority to pressure you, right? We discuss each other in order to dig out the things in his mouth and better complete the work, right? If it's because I'm a little Grandmaster, everything has to listen to me. What's the significance of holding this meeting?"

"What about now? With my method, he will be fine for the time being. When it proves that my method is useless, we will not regret killing or maiming you. Do you agree or disagree? Let's discuss it democratically and equally?"

"What the little master said is!"

Taoist Jiang was fully awake at this time. He dared not open his eyes and pretended to be in a coma, but soon he heard a word that made him desperate, "that little ancestor, I'll get water and wake him up!"

"No!" said the young man with a strange accent of capital Mandarin, "he's awake!"

Taoist Jiang felt that someone came up to him and looked at him. The young voice said, "look, the state of the eyes under the eyelids of a waking person is different from that of a comatose person..." there was another sound of hearing the cable. Taoist Jiang felt that someone had removed his eyelids, and a dazzling light beam immediately shone on him, making his eyes tingle.

"The pupil shrinks when the light is shining, but in a deep coma, the pupil's response to the light will disappear. This is a conditioned reflex that people can't overcome at all... Not to mention those people like him who even shed tears and keep blinking."

The hand pinching Taoist Jiang's eyelid loosened. Taoist Jiang still could only see the vast white in front of him. He kept blinking and shaking his head, not trying to pretend to be unconscious.

The voice asked again, "master and Taoist, how can you see that he is awake?"

"Back to the young master, his shoulders are tight. The shoulders of comatose people will be more relaxed, but he is too nervous, and the look on his face..." Taoist Jiang can finally see a little light and shadow after listening to the two voices and discussing seven or eight ways to distinguish the look and posture characteristics of comatose people. Standing in front of him was a young man with excessively short hair. He looked calm and looked at him like

Wang Chen looked at the only clue in his hand. He woke up healthy and sober. He had asked other survivors in the Taoist temple and tried all kinds of knowledge about extorting confessions by torture he had heard in his previous life. Just because those clues were not as precious as Taoist Jiang and President Jiang, he also asked the teacher's palace to try their means of going down to Maoshan and teaching nine things, It was quite bloody.

But what is disappointing is that other people know very little information. This father Jiang is a person with a sense of confidentiality!

In addition to asking some vague and trivial things from another surviving Taoist, there is no clue about the people from the Shangqing palace. Therefore, it is very necessary to ensure that Taoist Jiang can speak out what he knows completely, healthily, calmly and soberly. Wang Chen taught the teacher Gong: "to torture information, you should keep the torture object sober and calm. You are so bloody and cruel. People are crazy. How can you ensure that what he said is true, organized, clear and complete?"

"It's right to ask something like that, but if it's clear or incomplete, it's a mess!"

"The royal guards use those means because they don't need a clear and complete confession. They can bite people out. They are the means to deal with officials, promotion and wealth, so they should be cruel and cruel. Jianghu people should use these means because they want to vent their anger and revenge. This is the way of royal guards and Jianghu people to vent their anger, and our way of doing things is different."

"When you do things, you need to be clear... Be realistic, right?"

"According to the research of the US Central Intelligence Agency, the authenticity of things tortured by torture does not exist. They will explain some things and make up some stories in order not to be tortured... The US Central Intelligence Agency? It is the royal guards of another country across the sea."

"The United States... Their royal guards have worked so hard to study these things. I'm afraid the cruel officials there are even more cruel than Daming. Such severe punishments and laws must be restless in all directions!"

"Ha ha!" Wang Chen said with a smile, "the world police! Naturally, it takes four quarters."

Taoist Jiang saw a little Taoist bring the water to Wang Chen, which was also covered with a layer of ice. The little Taoist said crisply: "grandmaster, I found their ice cellar, smashed it and sprinkled it in the basin according to your instructions."

Wang Chen rolled up his sleeves, smiled gently and said to the old and young next to him: "I don't know why I use ice cubes, but when I see that they all use them, I'll draw a tiger like a cat! But it's said that this improvement has reduced the death rate of torture a lot, which may be related to the oxygen in the blood! Now I use water without chili powder... I'm not proficient in the front, I use chili water first in a panic, and I don't grasp the time well. I don't have a watch, so it's difficult to time. That's why Someone was tortured and died in front of the company... I have experience this time and should be able to grasp it! "

Then Wang Chen turned back and said to Taoist Jiang, "now let's go over it first. The question... I'll ask you later!"

Taoist Jiang saw him lift the basin to him reluctantly, and master Tao grabbed his hair and said in horror, "wait... What do you want to ask... I'll say now... I'll say now! No... no!"

Wang Chen said calmly, "don't worry, don't worry, it's useless to worry... Let's go through it first. If there's something I'll tell you when I ask you." teacher Gong nodded: "yes... Go through it first!"

Then Taoist Jiang felt that someone pulled his scalp numb. With a vigorous force, he pressed his head into the washbasin, and the cold water slapped him on the face. Taoist Jiang struggled violently, but Wang Chen and the teacher's palace firmly pressed him. Wang Chen silently said, "one, two, three..." as if he was not tortured, but completing the task.

Taoist Jiang's violent struggle made his blood and oxygen consume quickly. However, after 50 times, the conditioned reflex made him open his mouth and breathe and swallow hard. A large amount of water was sucked into his stomach, lung lobes, trachea and bronchus, resulting in strong stimulation, which made him coughing and vomiting, but coughing in the water would only make the water rush into the trachea faster.

Taoist Jiang's pressed hands began to be strong, struggling like a dehydrated fish. His legs climbed disorderly, full of the pain of his lungs and burning trachea. The little Taoist sat on his feet to prevent him from overturning the basin.

When Wang Chen counted three hundred words, Taoist Jiang began to lose consciousness. He had urinary incontinence and convulsive struggle all over his body - in front, Wang Chen just grasped the wrong time and let the victim stay too long in the process, resulting in the victim's suffocation and death. This time, he silently counted a few times and pulled Taoist Jiang out of the basin.