"So, what's the real past like?" Chen ang took him forward, bypassing the illusory cosmic light fragments and coming to the real memory of the world. Dumbledore saw himself falling under the knife of a man wearing a complex metal mechanical armor, and there were more people in strange clothes behind him.

He saw Voldemort die when his soul was cursed, and Snape was pulled to the destination of his soul by a huge spirit body called death.

I saw Ron die miserably under the huge fireball vomited by a mysterious man. I saw the man holding the formula and shouting in Japanese: "fire escape - the art of Hao fireball!"

Upward, there are a group of new "visitors" and a new reincarnation, death, injury and conspiracy. He sees all living beings in this world struggling, seeing themselves fall down thousands of times, seeing the end and beginning of reincarnation again and again, and the memory of countless reincarnation surges, which is true and painful.

Chen Ang's memory of the world traced back with arcane skills is really terrible. There are countless Dumbledore. The memory of countless reincarnations almost collapsed Dumbledore next to Chen ang, and his personality fell into chaos. Out of a kind of evil interest, Chen ang also threw a memory he collected into it. Dumbledore shouted: "morgos! Leave the world!"

"The ring... Must be destroyed!"

"Sauron has returned, and the Middle Earth will fall into darkness again!"

"Why is the spirit diamond in this world? Morgos, is it the one I know?"

"The deep water city has become the evil lair of morgos... The winter city has been destroyed. If the good forces in Phelan don't unite, the tragedy in our world will be repeated!"

"I will reorganize the diamond protection team... Be careful of the power of the ring!"

"I'm Gandalf. After the Middle Earth war, with the help of the residual power of the Holy tree, we came to a new world. That's the world that morgos's claws are peeping at. Three jewels, one rises to the sky as a star, and the other falls into the underground world... No, I'm Dumbledore! I'm the headmaster of Hogwarts. My world is being violated."

Dumbledore opened his eyes. He was panting. His beard was soaked with sweat. He looked at Chen ang in horror and said, "morgos... Where are you from? Do you want to erode the world?" Dumbledore roared and his long beard trembled violently.

"Calm down..." Chen ang said calmly, "don't forget that the world is still under the control of others."

"The memory of being manipulated and constantly cleaned by others. Think about it. Even if I control the world, can it be more tragic than now?" Chen ang asked. Looking at Dumbledore who was gradually silent, he explained: "now, we have a common purpose. You should have seen through the essence of the world. It has been cut off by others."

"Through reincarnation again and again, you steal the power of your universe."

"Your world is like a book." Chen ang did not know when he had returned to the observatory and looked at the peaceful Hogwarts outside the window, as if everything before was a false memory inserted by the Dementor curse. If he ignored the fierce battle in the forbidden forest, Hogwarts would be like a pure land.

When Chen ang pointed his finger, a thick English book appeared in his and Dumbledore's hands. If the words on the cover were translated into a collection of Harry Potter books 1-7, "there is a time line intercepted, which is the book. There is a beginning." Chen ang opened the book page and Dumbledore did the same. He looked at the words inside and looked very ugly.

"All kinds of experiences are the plot in the book. The existence has been adding new characters to the book. In this way, every time you finish reading this book, the next time is a new plot and a new book. It also takes this to steal the power of the complete universe where you used to be."

"I have studied thousands of reincarnations you have experienced in this book and found that there are several requirements for the completion of the content of the book. First, the plot is complete, that is, the causal end. At the end of the story, no matter good or bad, everything that happens in the middle will have an end and answer. Second, the death of the key characters, that is, you, Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron, Snape and Voldemort If the devil and other characters die, most of them, especially Harry Potter and Voldemort, die. Third: time! At a certain time, even if the story is not over, they will forcibly stop and start reincarnation. "

"If you want to save the world, you can't directly confront that existence, because you are as small as an ant in front of it, and I won't help you, because it's not good for me."

"What do you need!" Dumbledore raised his head and asked wearily.

"Do you feel the huge energy well I opened up in outer space?" Chen ang asked, "I can even create that thing... What else in the world can meet my needs?"

"I'm not interested in anything except the matter itself," Chen said.

"I just want to create a world, a civilization, a complete world in a mobius ring on the timeline and in a reciprocating cycle. The normal world should be a continuously extended timeline, but what I want to see is a continuously extended world in the time dimension, but in the timeline, destiny, that is, in the time + 1 dimension, it presents a ring world."

"Every cycle is a new beginning... A world where files are deleted while characters are not deleted, a civilization established in a cycle of time."

"In this world, death does not exist, because at the beginning of the next cycle, everyone will rise again. In this world, it is easy to cross, and countless you can appear in the same cycle."

"Only such an interesting experiment is worth my effort."

Dumbledore understood him and whispered: "You want the end of this book to become the beginning of the next book. We live in a book that exists. Every time it reads, it will add new variables to become a similar but new book. And you want to let the story of this book go back with the last change before he reads this book At first, the one who exists in this way has a book that can never be turned over. "

"This is what I am interested in, a world of circular timelines, a timeline that does not extend radially and infinitely forward, but spirally and infinitely upward. I am curious about the results of your civilization."