Harry watched Voldemort's soul struggle and wail on the black book of the dead. Voldemort howled: "Malfoy... Do you think you can replace me with these? No... you can never replace me. You may think you have surpassed me with the help of my temporary failure, but you have always been a poor imitator... You are just imitating me and being my shadow!"

"Imitate you?" Malfoy smiled. "No, no, no, my predecessor, the Dark Lord, what is worth imitating about your stupid rule that seeks to maintain terror and tyranny?"

"In the eyes of real pure blood nobles... You are just a kind of mud! Even if my father and they make you a climate, mixed blood is mixed blood, and it will never be possible to really lead the great pure blood family. Only me, decola Malfoy, who has the purest and greatest blood of 28 pure blood families, is qualified to rule all this and be the king of wizards."

Malfoy sneered: "when you subdue people with fear and rule everything with death and tyranny, you are doomed to perish. Instead of becoming a 'Superman', you become a slave to yourself and a madman with great power. But unlike you, I command everything with 'power will' and my power with wisdom. I will establish a new order in the magic world."

"I will build a country and create a new order."

Malfoy smiled proudly. He whispered: "Let's have a look! The new order I created... Thank the petier sisters. She has brought me a truly just and reasonable order and the truth of rule. In the Indian magic world, noble wizard blood effectively and powerfully rules the magic world there. They divide wizards into four classes according to their blood and talent responsibilities."

"Every wizard can know their subordinate class from their surnames. They call it - caste!"

"Great creation!" Malfoy praised: "There is no kind of mud among wise Indian wizards. The purest blood of wizards, those noble wizards with perfect and powerful natural magic, are called Brahmans, and the next level of pure blood is the essence of sardili. Brahmans study magic, while sardili rules the Indian magic world. The majority of ordinary wizards and those who intermarry with Muggles are called Brahmans It's a Barker, and those mud species - whose parents are Muggle wizards, are Sudras. "

"What a perfect order!" Malfoy praised: "there, mud species and hybrids are very obedient. They know their position and keep the Indian magic world peaceful and prosperous."

"Harry Potter -" Malfoy suddenly looked back at Harry and asked him, "your father is one of the 28 pure blood families, the noble sardili, but your mother is just a sudra. Do you know what caste people like you are in the Indian magic world?"

Harry shook his head and replied, "I don't care... What I really care about is whether they love each other, blood... It doesn't make any sense."

"Family... A sacred place." Malfoy calmed down. He didn't care: "intermarriage between high and low is the untouchable people. But I don't want to transplant the order of Indian magic world completely... My great England has its own national conditions here. How can I learn from others? Although India is a rich country, it was also a British colony."

"The magic world in Britain has been polluted by mud for too long! Under the leadership of Dumbledore's muddleheads, many glorious pure blood are mixed with Muggle blood. If they are screened, I don't know how many holy pure blood families can be left. For example, you, Harry Potter and the Potters were also in laws of my Malfoy family. We must treat them more leniently."

Malfoy's arrival was explained to Voldemort and Harry.

"So we can't take all India and need to transform it. I didn't find the way to create divine order until later." Malfoy said enthusiastically: "filch... Come out! Let his highness Voldemort see you."

With Malfoy's call, Harry looked back in surprise. Not far away, a trembling figure staggered over the Bush and walked to the open space. His head was balding, his hair was messy, and his ugly face swept away the ferocity and doves Harry had seen before. It was filch, the gatekeeper of the school.

Surprisingly, filch held a magic wand in his hand. His eyes were deep set and full of blood. Filch looked at Malfoy's Black Book of the dead in fear and said in a trembling voice: "master Malfoy, do you want me to clean up Potter?"

Malfoy sneered: "filch, you bitch... Although you have magic and become a wizard, you should remember that you, a wizard who stole the blood of magical creatures, are only the lowest of the Wizards. Potter is one of the 28 greatest families. You should remember your identity. Who allows you to call yourself 'I'? You slave!"

The expression on Filch's face twisted for a while, and he bowed his head and said, "the master said yes."

Malfoy turned his head in satisfaction and said to Harry: "To create an eternal sacred order, we can only rely on the greatest and most magical power of our wizards - magic. In the beginning, those cheap goblins dared to be compared with our wizards. It was our ancestors who subdued them with strength and blood, and let those rebellious Goblins who killed wizards become today's loyal domestic elves serving pure blood 。”

"This is the glorious history and great move of our pure blood ancestors, but today, as the descendants of those same people, some people forget the glory of their ancestors and fall into the middle of mud species... At this time of crisis, it is time for me Malfoy to stand up and make pure blood glory and make pure blood great again!"

"That filch is just a mean squib, but under my power, with the black book of the dead Give him the power of magic, kill the unicorn, and replace his blood with the blood of the unicorn, so that he can regain his magic. Of course, there is a little problem, because the blood of the unicorn died with a curse, filch failed to inherit the magical power of the unicorn that is good at healing. "

"Instead, he has gained a blood line closer to the dark magic. He can only learn the dark magic, and his magic can be used only with resentment, curse, tyranny and malice, which makes him have strong lethality. However, in some basic spells, he is not as good as an ordinary wizard, and I can plant curses and contracts in his blood line to make his children and grandchildren live forever The world is loyal to the Malfoy family. "

"This is the ancient lost blood transformation magic and contract magic. The power of the magic contract will ensure that filch will not have any heart for you - this is what I call the eternal divine order. Pure blood is always pure blood, and slaves are always slaves!"

"Filch got the magic, but he also reached the contract. Once he betrayed the Malfoy family, the power in the contract to protect him from the curse of the unicorn blood system will turn into a more vicious curse, making him a 'living dead' and 'corpse slave'." Malfoy looked at Voldemort and laughed, "the Dark Lord? What's my ruling means?"

"When I become the king of wizards, I will control the Muggle society, select those Muggles who yearn for magic and look forward to power, give them Filch's blood, and make them become wizards, so as to expand the population of the magic world and prosper the whole magic society. In order to avoid the depletion and abuse of resources in the magic world, I will transform the society of the magic world."

"I will choose those wizards who are willing to follow me and give them flags. The flags are embroidered with their family emblems. I will divide the functions of the magic world, set up eight flags, take the pure blood family as the flag family, the Wizards as the flag man, and the transformed Muggles as the coats. I will allocate the resources of the magic world according to my status, so that the pure blood family can prosper forever, and the coats can only be like domestic elves In that way, support flag men and wizards. "

"The eight banners have three banners, red, blue and green. Those pure blood wizards should join the three banners. The Malfoy family will be the co owner of the eight banners, the flag owner of the green flag, and the pure blood family close to Slytherin should join the flag. Ravenclaw's pure blood family is in charge of the positive blue flag, while Gryffindor's pure blood is the positive red flag. The flag owner can be appointed only by the wizard of the flag family."

"There are also witches with red, blue and green, non pure blood, who enter the middle three flag according to the college tendency."

"Finally, there are two flags. When I rule the magic world, the mud wizards who appear again, and when I control the magic world, the wizards who conspire and openly oppose me and resist me will enter this flag. There are black flags and yellow flags. The functions of the eight flags are different. The green flag is the ruler and will serve as an official in the magic department. The red flag is the controller of the army and will help me conquer the four directions. The blue flag is Wise men, responsible for economy and management. "

"The middle three flags are executive flags. They are responsible for producing magic items, planting magic drugs and producing wealth."

"The lower two flags will serve as the work of the bottom of the magic world. They clean, work and accept the management of the high flag. There is also coating. They are tools, slaves, servants and slaves of wizards. Other intelligent magical creatures except wizards are equivalent to coating unless I am willing to carry the flag."

"I will root in the eight flag lineage with the magic contract. The most noble flag bearer lineage can perform any magic and is naturally worshipped by the lower blood lineage. The magic is powerful. The next level non flag owners can only perform white magic and life magic, and it is difficult to use powerful black magic. The next level flag holders can only use some magic, magic related to their functions The law, and the coating - can only use the magic allowed by their master, which is the eternal divine order. "

"Divide magic authority and create lineage power."

Malfoy opened his arms as if to embrace the future. He said loudly: "after Malfoy, the order of the wizard world will be eternal and sacred, and there will be no competition. All wizards will live peacefully and freely on the track I set for them! I will be the king of wizards!"

Harry looked at the crazy Malfoy and suddenly shuddered. He felt deep despair and anger at the magic world he described!

Harry whispered, "you mentioned three colleges... What about Hufflepuff?"

"The pure blood close to Hufflepuff will be scattered into the other three flags, and Hufflepuff... It is not necessary to exist, because the great pure blood wizard order can have wisdom, courage and ambition, but it should not be mediocre!" Malfoy shouted.