Hogwarts has started school. Harry Potter is so bored by Lockhart these days that he doesn't even have time to read the Golden Book. Moreover, he has too many roommates. Ron, Neville Longbottom, Seymour Finnegan and Dean Thomas, he has almost no free space. For some reason, he doesn't even want to share the book with Ron.

Maybe it's because he used disgraceful means when he got the book!

Moreover, based on Harry's understanding of Ron, if he saw the magic book made of gold, he would shout. The whole Gryffindor knew it. Harry was deeply disturbed by his previous magic behavior. From the material point of view, the sun Golden Classic was valuable, but the gold was worth a lot of gold gallon!

He hesitated and wanted to return the book or give it to Dumbledore, but whenever he took out a very short space to secretly check the sun golden Sutra hidden under his pillow, the light reflected on the golden pages reflected on his glasses, and a voice in his heart always said to him - try it!

At this time, it always reminds him of the illusions seen in Eris's magic mirror.

Harry was tired of dealing with Colin and Lockhart during the day. He had made a detour as soon as he saw Lockhart in the corridor. But Colin crave was hard to avoid. He seemed to have kept Harry's curriculum in mind. Every time we met, Colin would respect and worship him and say to him, "Hello, Harry." Harry was tired of answering "Colin, hello" six or seven times a day.

That night, when all his roommates had rested, Harry could no longer restrain his pounding heart. He put down the curtain, took out the sun golden Sutra from under his pillow, took out his magic wand and whispered to the Sutra, "fluorescence flickers!"

The white light at the top of the wand shines on the sun golden Sutra. This magical magic book reflects a brilliant light. This light flows close to the page. Although it is not dazzling, it has its own brilliance. The golden light reveals a sacred and eternal charm. The golden floating ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics describe the poetry of the gods.

The Golden Book Harry looked at was engraved with a hymn of the Sun God:

Praise you, ah La, towards your amazing rise!

You rise and shine, rolling the heavens aside.

You are the king of the gods, the Lord of all things,

We come from you and are sacred because of you.

Your priests greet you at dawn and wash your heart with laughter;

The sacred wind blows over your golden strings with music.

At sunset, they hug you like every cloud

From your wings, the color of the sky shines.

There is no doubt that this is a poem praising the sun god, but Harry can't think of anything to do with magic, let alone see the secret of resurrection magic. He didn't give up turning down two pages. The dead get up and praise the sun actually wrote three pages in the book. He racked his brains and couldn't see anything from it.

Harry was very disappointed. He closed the page angrily and whispered, "it may be just a scam, as Malfoy's father said! It's the props that Bojin, who opened the black magic shop, deceived the Muggles... Or I can't understand the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics at all. Maybe Hermione can understand it. She's miss know it all!"

He was going to put the Golden Book under the pillow, but he just touched the pillow and bounced out of the bed like a spring. He was excited and incoherent and said to himself, "but I can't understand the strange hieroglyphs above!"

"How do I know the meaning of the poem engraved on it?"

Harry took out the Golden Book again. He confirmed that he was strange and ignorant of the words recorded above, but when these words flowed in the golden light, he inexplicably understood its consciousness. All this happened so naturally that he couldn't react for a moment.

He was going to recite the spell like a poem.

But as soon as he was ready to pronounce, he heard the sound of Ron's molar next to him. Harry picked up the sun Golden Classic and found the invisibility cloak next to him. He was going to live in the abandoned classroom where he found Eris's magic mirror.

He sneaked out of the dormitory, down the stairs, through the common room and climbed through the portrait hole of the fat lady.

Returning to the abandoned classroom, the Eris magic mirror has disappeared from here, but the desks and chairs stacked in the corner and the inverted wastebasket remain the same.

The moonlight shone into the abandoned classroom, so that Harry could see everything clearly even if he didn't light the lamp. Harry was distracted when he looked at the place that Eris's magic mirror had visited. This was one of his most familiar places. On those nights, he came here late at night every day and stared at the magic mirror for a long time. He spread out the sun golden Sutra in the moonlight and turned to the page recording the poem "the dead rise and praise the sun".

In the moonlight, the light flowing on the golden book is a little cold. It is different from the golden color Harry saw during the day and the dark gold just under the fluorescent spell. Now the book is full of platinum brilliance.

Harry cleared his throat, lowered his voice, and sang along with his instinct: "praise you, ah La, amazing rise towards you! You rise, shine, and roll the heavens aside. You are the king of the gods and the Lord of all things. We come from you and are sacred because of you."

"You have passed the zenith, and your heart is happy; your boat in the morning and evening meets the good wind; in front of you, Matt holds high her feathers that determine destiny, and Anu's palace is noisy because of your name. Ah, your perfect God, the eternal God, the only God! The great eagle flying with the rising sun! On the green fig tree, your forever young image flashes by The heart of the river in heaven. Your light illuminates every face, but no one knows. For thousands of years, you are the eager source of new life. "

Harry learned the ancient Egyptian language without a teacher. The long priest's voice came out of his young voice with a trace of holiness. It was very strange in the abandoned classroom at night. Gradually, Harry's body became transparent and entered a gray and cold world. Everything around him began to become colder, and everything lost some color except the moonlight, If Harry looked straight at it, he could even see that the surrounding scenery was a little distorted like in a mirror.

But he doesn't notice this now. He has devoted himself to the sun golden Sutra.

His voice unconsciously became high pitched, like the magnificent chants of the priests in the grand sacrifice of ancient Egypt, echoing in the empty corridor of Hogwarts. In the distance, there was a scream of excitement from the Pipi Ghost: "little ghost! There are little ghosts who don't sleep and travel in the corridor at night!" the Pipi ghost took the lead and flew to the place where the sound was made, Filch and his cat followed at a distance.

The ghost who broke into the abandoned classroom didn't know what he had interrupted.

It only saw an indescribable glare shooting at him, and felt a sharp pain all over. If the magic of Hogwarts Castle hadn't protected it, he would almost be out of his wits. Even so, Pipi ghost still felt very weak. It screamed and ran back to the dark and went somewhere.