When Gulu came back, he saw Chen ang looking through a black leather notebook with copper edges and corners, with a name Tom Marvolo Riddle on the cover. He was so absorbed that Gulu's arrival didn't make him look up.

Chen Ang's fingertips twinkled with the blue light of arcane energy. As his index finger moved on the page, he analyzed the clever magic structure and soul fragments.

Different from the magic of this world, the arcane skill learned and used by Chen ang is a force with perfect internal logic and rigorous system. Its energy is conserved and stable, and the rules of arcane skill operate in accordance with order. In Phelan continent, arcane masters can use arcane skill to extract the power of four element planes and eight derived element planes, Even created the magic net, a creation that extracts arcane energy from countless energy rich planes.

Although he has left the multiverse where Phelan continent is located and came to a universe without element plane, it is not difficult to extract arcane energy from the dark plane of the universe at Chen Ang's arcane level. In the magic research of arcane masters, plane is a subtle concept of space, which is an analysis and positioning of space by great arcane masters.

Although there is a theory based on the special laws of the multiverse where Phelan is located, there is also a general analysis of cosmic space.

Chen ang combined with the mages in Marvel world to open different dimensions and obtain the knowledge of magic energy. Combined with Phelan's arcane system, he improved the source of arcane energy. When he first entered the universe, he anchored some lower latitudes in the universe through the measurement of some cosmic constants. In those complex and infinite dimensional spaces, Lock some planes that do not have the concept of time.

Through these planes, Chen ang can use the vacuum sea in the universe that fluctuates with Planck time to absorb endless safety energy.

In addition, he can extract matter and mass from some dark matter planes, and even lock in the space structure of some massive stars distorted by gravity - fire like element planes to extract energy and matter.

This is the great power of the great arcane master and the macro application of space science, energy science and information cosmology.

When the Wizards in this world are still squeezing the magic in their own blood and realizing some chaotic and disordered magic results through the essentially chaotic magic, Chen ang has pried the vacuum energy sea of the whole universe through the low latitude dark plane, and there is boundless arcane power to squander, In particular, Chen Ang's recent construction of the "eternal well" vacuum zero energy level absorption structure has improved the efficiency of energy mobilization to the stellar level. With the development of Chen Ang's research and his deepening understanding of the structure of the universe, the energy he can use will only become stronger and stronger, and the arcane skills he can achieve will only become more and more terrible.

That's why he always keeps calm.

Now the 'eternal well' arcane creation is about to be completed. Even if you want to weave a magic net that includes level 9 spells and covers the whole earth, you still have enough energy. "It's time to take some practical action!" Chen ang said.

He put down the Voldemort's Horcrux in his hand and had a deep understanding of the madness and stupidity of the Dark Lord. It doesn't matter how unreliable this way of splitting the soul to achieve immortality. Putting this soul fragment in front of any great arcane master is tantamount to exposing everything. In the Oriental fairyland practitioners, they put their names and birthdays, When the hair and blood guards are the same as the lifeblood, when the arcane masters try their best to hide their real names and try to deceive the gods - how stupid is it to place their reincarnation fragments on an ordinary magic notebook?

Lichs want to build their own soul box with the highest immortal artifact, and then exile the soul box to the star world and bury it in the outer plane. Finally, no one can find it.

A dark lord full of hatred and different intentions of his subordinates actually gave his soul fragments to a subordinate who has never been called a loyal minister - which is the most foolish behavior in any magic world.

Why not build it in concrete and sink it into the Pacific trench?

Chen ang, who dragged Voldemort's soul to play for a long time and wantonly looked at the memory in his soul fragments, did not regard the Dark Lord as an obstacle from beginning to end. As long as Chen ang cursed his soul fragments, the villain boss was doomed. How can Chen ang pay attention to it?

This Horcrux, which is related to Voldemort's life, just started with Chen Ang's improved spell on old Malfoy - say it, do you believe it?

One left his soul box to his subordinates; Put it in the stronghold of the sworn enemy; In the vault; Put it in your defenseless old house; Finally, after a careful placement, he was stolen by his subordinates who went with him; Take it with you; It's the enemy himself - Chen ang has never seen such a stupid Lich in his long history of reading. This is simply a negative textbook of how lichs protect their soul box, and has made the stupidest mistake possible - except for the last point, which is very creative.

Seeing Chen ang sigh and close his magic book, Gulu finally had time to ask Chen ang for instructions: "master, the relevant materials have been prepared... I have caught a Death Eater with the mark of the black devil and got the map of Azkaban, although the magic execution department put it on a magic protected island in the cold waters of the North Sea."

"But that's not enough to bother the great master... Now it's only about the Dementors and the monsters."

"Ignore the Dementors, let's set off for Azkaban now." Chen ang picked up another black book beside him and whispered to Gulu with a smile: "On the origin of black magic in making Horcruxes, some ancient wizards raised an interesting possibility... In ancient Egypt, Seth, the God of power, murdered his brother Osiris, and Horus, the son of Osiris, was committed to revenge for his father. Finally, under the arbitration of the gods, Horus and Seth divided Egypt into two parts, upper Egypt and lower Egypt."

"The father of Horus, Osiris, the God of the underworld, was dismembered by Seth. Finally, Horus collected most of the remains of Osiris, only one of which was swallowed by crocodiles and was missing, but Osiris finally resurrected with the help of anubis. Many ancient wizards believe that this is the origin of Horcruxes."

Chen ang picked up the black metal book and whispered, "the black magic of making Horcruxes retains Osiris' knowledge of immortality, but lacks the knowledge and power of Osiris' resurrection, not to mention the secret of making Osiris a ghost."

"What Voldemort's loyal relatives pursue is not the former?" Chen ang said with a smile: "let Voldemort revive as a mummy... I know they have found an ancient resurrection spell... The flesh of servants, the bones of ancestors and the blood of enemies."

Gulu trembled and heard Chen ang continue: "everything they pursue is in this book. The black book of the dead, which records all the secrets and powers of Anubis, is that anubis resurrected Osiris, and anubis gave the position of God to Osiris... All Voldemort's persistent pursuit in his life is here."

"Of course, if he wants to have eternal life, in addition to the black book of the dead, he also needs a Golden Book of the sun."

"If this scripture falls into Dumbledore's hands, he can easily kill all the soul fragments of Voldemort through the Horcrux. If Voldemort gets this book, he can resurrect with a stronger posture and become a demigod mummy, eliminating all the future troubles of splitting the soul."

"The black book of the dead has extremely powerful dark magic power. Anyone who gets it has the opportunity to be more powerful than Voldemort."

Gulu stared at the metal book in Chen Ang's hand. His eyes were full of enthusiasm and desire. He said timidly, "master, who is worthy of such a powerful power except you? This book should be yours by nature."

"If I take a book from old Malfoy, I'll give it back to him." Chen ang smiled, "put this book into decola Malfoy's textbook. Remember, don't close this book. If you close it, no one can open them without a key. And I don't want to give away the key."