As a well-known black market tycoon, Bojin has several real estates and properties under his name, as well as various businesses controlled by him. When these are replaced by Chen Ang's real name magic, he will no longer lack experimental sites and human and material resources. Bojin's owl can only watch Chen ang use his shop, control his business, use his contacts and spend his money!

Even those properties with the curse of red courage and loyalty naturally open the door to their owners, because in any judgment, Chen ang who took Bojin's real name is Bojin himself, even more like him than Bojin. Bojin can see with his own eyes how magic takes everything from him.

At the beginning, Bojin thought that Chen ang only imposed a powerful confusion curse, making everyone think he was Bojin, but later, he saw Chen ang take out his own and family's magic books and related inheritance, and even enter the Treasury of gulingge Bojin in a big way to take out his money.

Bogin is almost crazy!

"You can't do that!" Bojin begged, "leave me something!" this was his most futile struggle when he saw Chen ang take out the black magic book inherited by the blood of the bock family through the test of the spell. You know, the bock family once intermarried with the Black family, and his grandfather married belvina, the daughter of President black.

To this end, the bok family obtained some black magic books inherited by black from the Black family, but these things need to pass a blood test of the Black family before they can be opened to wizards.

But now, Chen ang is reading a shadowy magic book. This black family magic book discusses the three Unforgivable Curses. It looks like a rich and inseparable shadow. In fact, Chen ang found it in the shadow under the fireplace of the old house of the bock family.

How to read the shadow?

Bojin doesn't know. In fact, he can only read it when the first ray of sunshine shines on the shadow at the moment of the intersection of morning and dusk with his black blood. But now it is reading freely in Chen Ang's hand, like a burning bitch, who can't wait to pose around the thief's hand.

"Your stuff?" Chen ang raised his head from the magic book and said with a smile: "What's yours? It's mine! You're a man without a name. Remember, what you have now is just an illusory memory, except that it belongs to bokin bock - that is, my memory. You have nothing. Are you a new person?... or an owl? It depends on what I want to turn you into?"

"My improved malicious transfiguration not only integrates the expertise and depth of the arcane transfiguration school, but also merges the nature and coordination of ancient Druid transfiguration. At the same time, it also integrates the convenience and fun of the Wizards' transfiguration. It is a permanent malicious transfiguration. The key is' permanent 'and' malicious'. Permanent means that if I don't cast a spell to remove it, you will never recover And only I can undo this magic. "

"Malice means that I can take the initiative, depending on whether I am kind or malicious. Let deformation be expressed on you, that is, if I like, I can give you an owl brain, hoping it can hold your shallow and poor consciousness."

"Of course, if I take away your memory - you have nothing. The name Bojin bock will have nothing to do with you. You will become a complete, new person... Or something. If I turn you into a male dog, pray for a miracle so that you won't be impulsive to a furry little animal."

Bogin was trembling - it seemed funny that this happened to an owl. He opened his mouth and sent out the sad cry of the owl. Chen ang raised his wand and gave him a malicious metamorphosis. Then Mr. bogin could not help but have an appetite for those small animals moving in the shadow. He was afraid to fly with his wings and rush to the wriggling old bird in the dark house Rat.

After Chen ang turned a few more pages of the magic book, Bojin flew back. The owl's face vividly showed a deathly gray expression. Chen ang glanced at him and immediately restored him to human shape. After Bojin restored his original shape, he had nausea like a conditioned reflex. He almost wanted to vomit, but the hairy touch of his stomach made him creepy.

"I remember that wizards don't care about this. You will eat frog's liver raw, swallow a half large poisonous toad alive, chew a dead mouse, or even rot... Why do you have physiological aversion?" Chen ang asked with great interest. He closed the shadow magic book with his back hand.

Bo Jin crawled forward, like a embarrassed domestic elf, put Chen Ang's feet on his head and said in a trembling voice of fear: "my master..." Chen ang smiled coldly and put a magic wand in his heart. Bo Jin immediately felt a pain of body distortion, and his body began to twist and shrink into a skin and bones.

His head did not change. It looked like a funny look of a big head and a small body. His greasy hair began to fall off, his nose became sharp and long, his ears drooped like a pig, and his face became full of wrinkles and old skin. He was naked, bony and had protruding eyes the size of a tennis ball.

Bogin groped for his new body and screamed like a goblin. He knew what he had become - a domestic elf.

He looked at Chen ang and wanted to vent his anger and fear, but an inexplicable constraint in his brain and the power of a contract made him completely collapse. He had a splitting headache and had to hold a table leg and hit it with his head constantly, so that the external pain could disperse the invisible and untouchable pain that worked in his mind.

"Master... Master." Bojin reached out to Chen ang and screamed, "forgive me, master, forgive me."

Chen ang threw him a broken pillowcase and Bojin sobbed and put it on him. At this time, he already knew that he had been transformed into a complete domestic elf. The memory of Bojin in his mind was still there, but it would only confuse him, because a deep-rooted nature took root in his brain.

"You see, it's not difficult to make you obey and fear, is it?" Chen ang smiled.

"A large number of magical creatures are created by wizards. I don't know how those ancient wizards created a species, but I'm in where are the magical creatures Some clues have been found in this book. On Delia Island, the northernmost tip of Scotland, there is a magical five legged monster. Its body is close to the ground, covered with thick reddish brown hair, has five legs, and a deformed foot is at the end of each leg. "