Francis dragged his body to walk on the public trading market in the main god space. His mind was in a daze. He didn't know where he was. After running in for a period of time, Francis's self was finally sober. He felt that his body was very strange. His clear perception of limbs in the past had become blurred today.

He flicked his limbs slightly, but looked down and saw a bone hand like claw, which was ferocious in shape, and scratched twice as he perceived.

Francis trembled and looked at the metal claw turned out from his elbow. The three auxiliary claws were bent like barbs, and one of the longer main claws opened and closed freely. On the whole, it was very like the arthropod structure of locusts. Francis felt that he exerted a little force, and this pair of claws could be invincible. He took out a military knife exchanged for 500 reward points from his private space, and squeezed the claw with force, Just scratch three scratches on the hard alloy blade and go deep into the steel bone.

Francis looked at his body in a daze. The twisted transformation result was like a monster. For a moment, he was sad and angry and roared. His voice was full of resentment that had no place to vent.

"Francis!" someone suddenly interrupted his self pity.

Francis looked up and just saw Lothar standing in front of him. Lothar looked at him carefully for a while. He looked indifferent. Only when he saw his exposed claw, his eyes stayed for a long time, which made Francis more angry. He didn't know who to vent his anger, Seeing that one of the culprits who made him look like such a person and ghost was in front of him, he gradually couldn't bear it, and his face showed an expression of hatred.

Lothar noticed Francis's emotion, his face became colder and his eyes became darker.

"What? You want to do it to me?" Lothar disdained. "Francis, you are becoming more and more capable. It seems that the transformation of Kyushu team is very successful! You have the courage to show this expression to me."

The prestige of Lothar was impressive. Francis was stunned by the shadow left by Lothar in the past. He said, "Lord Lothar, I have always obeyed your requirements. You asked me to go to Kyushu team to inquire about the news, so I went. You asked me to sign the volunteer agreement, and I signed it. But did you expect that I would be like this?"

"What you will become is decided by Kyushu team. What does it have to do with me? Command is command and task is task. If you look at me with that kind of eyes, you don't have to ask for those eyes!"

"Ha ha!" Francis smiled deeply with a strange voice: "Lord Lothar has no choice. How can he put me in the eyes? How can I be transformed by Kyushu team? Sir, you only need the results and don't care about the process I have experienced, right?" Francis was not suppressed again by the shadow of Lothar's past, On the contrary, it stimulated his anger after being transformed.

Looking at Lothar's eyes, he became more and more rebellious.

"But did you expect, my Lord, what I want to do now?" Francis sneered.

"I don't care what you want to do, the key is what you can do?" Lothar didn't think: "Francis, you don't think you can turn against me with the free transformation of Kyushu team? Well... I'll see your pay. Now go back with me and do well what I told you before. We'll compensate for your pay."

"Compensation?" Francis covered the falling skin with one hand. The poor skin made his face fall off. He put one hand on half of his shrugged face and laughed wildly. The human body was torn from his head, revealing that half of the reconstructed one was like an insect, and the remaining three were like a human face.

Francis kept opening and closing his mouth and said, "what compensation can compensate for my great pay?" in the compound eyes exposed under his skin, the tyrannical madness was undoubtedly exposed. The people passing by saw the true face of a corner exposed under Francis's painting, and stopped in horror. They saw only Francis's outline and someone's touch, and his lower face was like an enlarged locust, The eight compound eyes on the upper half of the face extend from the eyes, through the temples to the back of the brain. It is a spider.

Such a monster, as long as it appears in front of us, will bring great impact and ferocious terror to people.

Francis used the claw from his jaw, touched the mouthpiece and scratched it to the residual skin on his neck. He smiled nervously again. The resentment and anger in his voice made the reincarnation people around shiver.

"That's enough! Francis." Lothar said with an ugly face, "it's Kyushu, not me, who transformed you into such a ghost. I didn't expect that they would be so crazy."

"You didn't think of it?" Francis said with a ferocious smile. "Did you not think of it or didn't want to think about it? I don't hate Kyushu team. They installed a neural computer vice brain for me to transform my memory. I still remember clearly. I don't dare to blame them. I fear them. It's a group of real demons... So, who can I hate except you?"

"I hate myself. Why, why am I so weak that I dare not hate to make me such a culprit? I resent that I was too incompetent and incompetent to be manipulated by weak insects like you."

"Now I'm too weak, too weak! Weak to face the radiation monster of the Kyushu team before, I still don't have the slightest resistance. Now how strong I am after being transformed, how terrible the Kyushu team is. The more I know myself now, the more I understand that I may not have the opportunity to retaliate like them in my life. What can I do except transfer this hatred to you?"

Francis has begun to integrate with the accessory brain instead of the brain stem. He can gradually control his body and feel the powerful and unparalleled power inside his body. He knows that his current strength can kill thousands of himself in the past. Therefore, he especially understands the horror of Kyushu team and the meeting, Just a wisp of power carried by him killed the terror of his monster.

"To blame, blame you for being too weak! Lothar, you are like a bug in front of me now." Francis sneered.

Lothar smiled angrily: "it seems that you have been transformed by Kyushu team. You have more courage than in the past! Francis, what makes you so brave? Is it the water in your mind during the transformation?"

Francis did not speak, but sent out a challenge through the LORD God, which was about the life and death duel in the arena. The winner could get everything from the loser. Francis whispered, "do you want the information of Kyushu team? Then accept it! I put everything here! Ha ha ha! Lothar, you seedless fag."

On Lothar's angular face, his expression was close to ferocity. He calculated silently for a long time: "Francis used to be a loser. I can kill 100 such losers at will, but now he has the courage to challenge me. If I refuse, I will lose most of my reputation. Those leaders of Kyushu team who want to test will not hesitate to abandon me as a loser and give this opportunity to others. The greatest possibility is Francis ……”

"Although the enhanced transformation can be much stronger at the moment, it has an upper limit. When it reaches the upper limit, it takes several times more energy than the normal strengthening. Francis is unlikely to surpass me after one strengthening. But always be careful and leave a way back." Lothar thought so, but there was no trace on her face.

"You don't deserve it! Francis. You're just my dog!"

"If you want to bite the master, defeat my followers first!" Lothar said coldly, turning to leave a big man in linen.

Someone nearby said in a low voice, "Holy Land's miscellaneous uniform? This is a saint fighter enhancer!" another voice said in a low voice: "Alex, silver holy suit enhancer, although Lothar is the brain trust of the fox hunting team, Alex may be the strongest person of the fox hunting team in terms of positive confrontation ability. He strengthened the universe to the peak of the sixth sense and studied the muscle changing classic of the dragon and tiger gate , in terms of the saint fighter equivalent to the seventh sense, plus the silver holy dress equivalent to the eight star prop, Francis will be fooled by Lothar if he really agrees! "

When Lothar heard these noises, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. These "passers-by" clearly came to tear down the stage. It seems that many people who stare at the Kyushu team want to see their jokes!