At the public trading market headquarters of the LORD God space, an undercurrent is surging silently, and I don't know who sent it. A rumor is fermenting among the low-level reincarnators. Lothar still stops near the stall rented by the Kyushu team. Someone greeted him through the LORD God Messenger: "The news has been released. Before, the publicity effect of Kyushu team was very good, and many people noticed their ridiculous performance."

"I asked people to release the news that a new person has signed the experimental volunteer agreement. We don't need to spread it. Those low-level reincarnators spread it as a joke. It has attracted a lot of people's attention."

"Very good!" Lothar whispered with a smile, "no matter what Kyushu team wants to do, there will be endless temptations waiting for them. They would rather abandon the secrets that may be hidden than nip their threats in the bud."

"Since you told them that Kyushu team might find secrets involving Shushan and Datang in the mummy world, many people have reached out to the mummy world!"

"Oh?" asked Lothar. "How did it turn out?"

"Both good and bad!" the voice said mysteriously: "The good news is that many people have confirmed that there are indeed great secrets hidden in that world, and more and more people are staring at Kyushu team. Even Lu Li began to pay attention to that world, and his attention attracted more peeping eyes... The bad news is that Kyushu team may get something in that world as a bottom card. Now no one wants to be a leader."

"You mean they want us to be pawns to explore the way?" Lothar immediately understood.

He smiled without waiting for the man's answer: "well, it's not a bad thing to be a chess piece for those big people. Anyway, they can't want the horse not to eat grass and want the horse to run quickly. We are already the sworn enemy of Kyushu team. In any case, we can't escape this vortex. It's better to use this more favorable position to strive for some benefits for ourselves."

"But we can't stand in the front. We still need those people to carry this pot with us."

"I advise you to be careful." another man said faintly: "The test results of those big guys in the mummy world were not good. They used props to come to three reincarnation teams. As a result, imorton slaughtered two of them alone, showing the strength of more than ten stars. The big guys judged that imorton had produced the prototype of the abyss and was about to degenerate into an ancient evil thing."

"The moon in the mummy world began to have blood eyes. According to the analysis of the big men on the magic side, this is a harbinger of ancient evil things corrupting the earth. There are countless dead people on the European continent. The plot has gone out of control. Britain retreated to the European continent. The Vatican has controlled its initiative and become the spiritual leader of Europe. Religious forces have revived, and even God began to appear faintly."

"The strongest reincarnation team was accidentally involved in the battlefield of the archangel and the fog of original sin under imorton during the battle of imorton's attack on Paris, which was eroded by imorton."

"In Europe, reincarnation found the trace of fan Xinhai..."

Lothar brightened her eyes, shook her head and said, "that's normal. After all, there is no background conflict between fan Xinhai's plot and the mummy world. According to the case before the LORD God, he tends to pull the plot with similar background to a plot world..."

"But fan Xinhai shows the power of the blazing angel Gabriel!" the voice sneered, "or fan Xinhai in the mummy world shows his side of Gabriel... This is all normal fan Xinhai The plot world has never existed before. Those who have experienced the reincarnation of fan Xinhai's plot before always think that this is just a simple background. After all, it is only a low-difficulty plot world, and it is impossible to attract Gabriel and even the Lord behind it. "

"But now the difficulty of the rampant mummy world is enough for the power of God to be mixed in?" Lothar's face suddenly dignified: "this is a precedent. In that year, the two reincarnators closest to the eleven stars fought in the world group of hell detective, didn't they raise the difficulty to the degree of direct intervention of Satan and God? As a result, they died and fell asleep..."

"If this is true, then the mummy's water is really deep! What did the Kyushu team find in that world?"

"And the East," the voice continued: "In addition to the two reincarnation teams under imorton, another reincarnation team went to the East in an attempt to participate in the story of the Dragon Emperor in the third part of the mummy. As a result, the team was destroyed when it arrived in Shanghai. The story of the Dragon Emperor had begun, and it was completely distorted and violent. The Shanghai concession was completely destroyed. The Japanese Navy fought with the Qin army in the East China Sea. The Qin terracotta crossbow soldiers were stationed in Shanghai with bronze crossbows and arrows for 800 miles It covered the Japanese Navy. The reincarnation team was Japan's octuple cherry team. They brought back the news that Britain was close to annihilating the country, which stimulated the ambition of the Japanese military headquarters, prompted Japan to invade China in advance, and launched the Songhu campaign before September 18. "

"As a result, a small team was torn by the wandering God flying fairy crossbow of the Qin army on the flagship of the Japanese Navy. From the video from the big man behind the octuple cherry team, it can be seen that a crossbow and arrow triggered a gravitational tide, set off a tsunami in the East China sea and pinched a fleet into an iron ball. Not to mention the reincarnation of octuple cherry, even the big man may not be able to escape alive."


The teacup in Lothar's hand was crushed when he was distracted. He didn't realize it. The voice over there seemed that the description was not immersive enough. He spent hundreds of reward points to transmit a video. Lothar clicked the video and saw the picture peeped by props such as truth crystal ball, The newly launched Yishi class Super fearless warship Yishi, as the first ship of the formation, sailed to Shanghai.

The voice opposite the communication also explained: "At that time, the Japanese naval base stationed in Hongqiao was attacked first. Therefore, it was determined that the attacking party was the Qin army, but there was no video outflow. Later, the Japanese military ministry deliberately used this as an excuse to invade China, so it sent a fleet headed by battleships Yishi, changmen and lu'ao, carrying 50000 advance troops of the Kwantung Army to Ma'an islands, which was attacked by the Qin army in the East China Sea 。”

Lothar has seen this part of the video. Even the Zhenzhi crystal ball can not clearly capture the track of Qin crossbow. Only in the slow playback picture, a black undetectable trace crosses the center of the picture, and finally causes a gravitational tide over the fleet flagship. The ship team on the sea with the sea water is overturned, and the steel is twisted into solid iron centered on the detonating point The ball, followed by the second wave of impact, was wrapped into a huge water ball with the flagship as the center and a huge fleet stretching for several nautical miles.

In the picture, it can be seen that blood seeps from the steel ravaged and twisted, especially taking several troop carriers carrying the Kwantung Army, which is like squeezing towels. Blood and water mixed with meat mud gush out of the twisted ship body and dye a large area of sea water red.