"We are looking for human test volunteers!"

"No attribute requirements, low death, high return, no reinforcement, no self-study, super ability transformation, full level of reincarnation nine stars and one knife! No life and death reward points, no intriguing zero sum game, the reinforcement of the original price of the main god space of 50000 points, 100000 points and 200000 points, all free, all free! Don't miss passing by!"

"From the X-Men world with the most developed powers, Dr. Chen ang, a biological genius, devoted himself to human body transformation technology."

"War police technology is trustworthy. The LORD God guarantees that you can buy it without loss!"

On the trading square of the main god space, Hong Fan stood in front of the booth with a dull face. The loudspeakers around him were loud and noisy. On the table in front of him, there was only a piece of red cloth, on which was written - human test volunteer registration office. In addition, the crumpled leaflets under the table can be seen vaguely: brain development, super ability transformation, clonal lineage enhancement, qigong guided surgery and so on, showing a strong flavor of civil science.

In addition, Hong Fan, the blood sucking Allah, has a pale face, messy hair and no space to repair. He is wearing a pair of plastic slippers and a white T-shirt printed with the Kyushu human body strengthening technology research institute. It can be called the standard configuration of Chinese folk scientific research.

There is only one table for Hong Fan in the whole booth. In addition, there is not even a facility adjacent to science and technology.

Hong Fan also tied a red rope around his neck. If anyone is interested in this red rope, go around the back and you can see a sign that reads "exhibition of the successful transformation experiment of our Institute - blood clan Allah".

"Brother!" a idle and boring reincarnation squatted in front of Hong Fan, pointed to the sign on his body and said to him, "there is a word wrong on your sign! It's called 'Zhenzu', not 'Allah', Allah is a thing of truth teaching, blood clan! It's called Zhenzu, Zhenzu Cain, you know, come on, come on, change it."

"Do you want to sign up?" Hong Fan lowered his head and asked.

The man swallowed his saliva and said, "you know that unreliable research at a glance. I may be fooled!"

"Then why are you standing here?" Hong Fan suddenly yelled, "go away if you don't sign up!... chirp with me." "sick!" the man scolded, got up and walked away. Hong Fan still had a dying face. He didn't get excited until he saw Chen Angshi and Shi ran coming.

"Doctor, sit down!"

As soon as Chen ang sat behind the table, he asked, "why? Hasn't anyone signed up yet?"

Hong Fan whispered angrily: "doctor, if you want to deceive people to come to the door, you should also make the appearance more decent! Covering a wooden table with a red cloth is like cheating people to sign up. Is it too hasty? Why don't you take out one or two visiting instruments in our team's public space to show our scientific research strength!"

Chen ang raised his hand and said, "it's all right. Anyway, I haven't debugged there yet. I bought a blood dome spar from the muddy sky treasure book in the market the day before yesterday. Today, research found that this spar has a special effect on the enhancement of human function by radioactive rays. Now it is being debugged and ready to transform a gamma ray modulator for gene mutation induction."

"Although I have exchanged a lot of instruments with the LORD God and made a lot of self-made with the help of excellent scientific research conditions, I have not finished the research on the blood line I exchanged and purchased, the human body transformation experimental equipment is not ready, and the experimental design is still in preparation. Are you here? It's not urgent."

"As for the facade?" Chen ang pondered for a moment and suddenly asked, "do you think even if we put those high-tech instruments in front of them, those reincarnations will believe that we really want to use them for experiments?"

"Believe!" Hong Fanna said, "people who know you believe that you really want to experiment with them."

"They will doubt whether we want to control them, whether we will set up hindhands in their bodies, and whether there will be any experimental sequelae... Reincarnators, they! I know too well. Like those mutants, I always guess others with the worst eyes. I draw their blood today, and tomorrow they will doubt that I will slice them and transform their human bodies today The next day, I wanted to pry open my skull to see if there was any part of the experimental plan to brainwash them. "

"Naive! I want to brainwash. Can they stop it?"

"In fact, you really want to slice and brainwash?" Hong Fan inadvertently told the truth.

Chen ang waved his hand carelessly and said, "what a waste of slicing! Why do you use slicing as a low-level means? Now the method of living body extraction is changing with each passing day. I haven't sliced for a long time!"

"He didn't refute brainwashing at all!" Hong Fan said in surprise.

Chen ang naturally changed the topic and said, "anyway, even if we prove our strength, they will doubt it. It's better to make some jokes first and let them relax their vigilance. When we experiment with them, the prevention and vigilance will not be so serious. We just have to pretend to be stupid, and those who think they are smart will reduce their prevention."

"But now we have no volunteers for the experiment!"

"Next, we just have to wait for a selected fool." Chen ang said confidently: "Since I've seen TV sales, pyramid schemes and underground religions, I have a correct understanding of human stupidity. Even if I lower the lower limit to this level, I will screen out a group of fools. They will be curious and understand. The more they understand us, the more they believe in it."

"After the first transformation test product is released, those who doubt the Kyushu team will make a test, and the test results will prove for us. This is the essence of marketing. You never care whether the marketing process is stupid or clever, as long as the scope of marketing is large enough. I think Kyushu team will send one more than Kyushu team recruiting human strengthening volunteers Fool, take a big horn and recruit human test volunteers. It's more topical. "

"After the latter is widely broadcast, there will be enemies, opponents and competitors of Kyushu team who doubt what we are doing. They will test and provide reinforcement materials. After the results of human test come out, the impact will further expand. You see, the results are no different."

Chen ang waved his hand and said, "well, I'll go back to study the blood dome crystal and contact me after the first volunteer ascends the throne!"

Hong Fan was stunned and didn't know what to say. At this time, a reincarnator who knew it was a new person at a glance came to the booth and asked with flashing eyes, "are you recruiting volunteers for human experiments here?"

With the instinct of the higher blood clan, Hong Fan, who also saw that it was a spy forced to come, was speechless, so he had to ask, "yes, you are?" the new man stepped forward and said, "I'm here to sign up..."