At night, the neon lights of Shanghai's public concession flicker and the light walls are brilliant. Across the big and small carnival, the rickshaw driver squats on the side of the road with his hands in his sleeves, watching the giants in and out of the opposite, dressed in suits and hugging the dancers, laughing and scolding loudly. Most of the people in and out here are foreign devils of all colors, but there are also Chinese big classes and compradors.

In the cold night, the foreign scouts looked at the powerful and rich with envy and envy, and then scolded the Chinese scouts who kicked a few feet to patrol the house.

The public concession is the most prosperous territory in Shanghai, while Shanghai is the most prosperous city in China. It is not only a paradise, but also a hell. It is a paradise for foreigners and compradors. It is a dream broken hell for the land lost farmers who go bankrupt in a large area because foreign goods enter China.

Gangsters, compradors, Qingpi, foreign adults, Oriental adults, officials, revolutionary party, Beiyang government officials, warlords, dignitaries, princes of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, Japanese spies, sailors from all over the world... Here you can see all kinds of people, performing absurd tragedies and comedies one after another.

No place in semi colonial and semi feudal China can show such a complex epitome of this era.

There are checkpoints at the boundary of the public concession, which are responsible for searching and inspecting the personnel entering the concession, which is the embodiment of the privileges of the foreign powers in China. The 14 sub district patrol houses and the joint trial public house make the law enforcement power of the concession completely in the hands of foreigners. The foreigners manage the Ministry of industry and bureau of the concession, and the only few Chinese directors are also compradors of foreign firms.

Ying Zheng walked along the North Sichuan Road to the busiest place in the public concession. Compared with the Chinese people of this era, he looked unusually tall. When Chen ang and the Republic created Xianqin, they obviously referred to the height of the terracotta warriors and horses. Therefore, each of these created Laoqin people was more than eight feet tall.

The green skin gangster of the JIEKOU robe Club looked at the strange man with strange eyes. He wore elegant crowns, black clothes, high sky crowns on his head, dark robes and scarlet badges.

This kind of crown, clothes, shoes and wear that looks like Han clothes is a series of ritual systems formulated by Qin Shihuang himself. What he didn't expect is that Liu Bang, who has no integrity, completely inherited this set of things, because there is only the second emperor of Qin Dynasty, but the Han tradition has been handed down for more than 400 years. This series of clothes has become Han clothes.

In the era of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, it was not uncommon to wear long robes and Mandarin jackets, and there were many people with braids. Suits and suits may still be rare in other places, but they were used to seeing them in Shanghai.

But it's rare to come out in Hanfu with a bun on your head.

Ying Zheng silently looked at the ten mile foreign market, which was full of lights, wine and green, but also full of money, and slowly moved forward. The green skin of the next brother paohui looked at him wantonly in the corner. At the same time, he whispered, "this melon boy has a very big head. What's the origin?"

"See a strange thing!"

Next to the local green skin frivolously raised his chin: "Yi is a little red guy. When he comes to ALA's territory, he dares to be leisurely. Dressed like Yi, he is either a psycho or a revolutionary party."

"Look, there's a patrol shop!"

Ying Zheng's dress not only attracted the attention of street gangsters, but also attracted the attention of patrol shops. Several Chinese patrol shops rushed up under the leadership of foreign patrol shops.

The patrol shops rudely greeted Ying Zheng with a fierce look on his face. On the contrary, Ying Zheng's face was dignified but gentle. There was no trace of an eternal tyrant. A Chinese patrol shop spit on the ground, shouted hoarsely, and said to Ying Zheng, "who are you and what are you doing in the concession?"

Ying Zheng said calmly, "concession? Is the land ceded to those barbarians?"

"How brave!" when those Chinese patrol shops heard that the two foreigners turned pale immediately, they rushed up to protect the master. Of course, the foreigner patrol shop also understood Chinese. Although Ying Zheng had a slight accent of the elegant language of the Qin Dynasty, which made it a little difficult for him to understand, with the help of the dog leg next to him, he still heard Ying Zheng's words clearly.

He pushed aside several Chinese patrol shops and came up and said to Ying Zheng, "you call me Yi people! Your former Emperor also called us that. Then the British Empire launched two wars and hit his palace. Since then, a treaty has been signed that it is not allowed to use Yi people to call us."

"You barbarians of the Far East are no longer allowed to call us civilized people with such insulting names."

The foreigner sneered and spit out an English word: "barian!"

"I suspect he's a dangerous man. Catch him!" the foreigner ordered the shop. He looked at Ying Zheng with cold eyes and commanded several Chinese shops to rush up. Ying Zheng smiled and said, "unexpectedly, a barbarian who is about to perish can still be so powerful in China."

He looked up at the eastern sky and thought.

The ground shook slightly, and there was a neat sound in the distance. Not far away, there were several screams of men and women, and the pedestrians in the distance became agitated and fled to the shops on both sides.

After a few breaths, the sound became louder and louder, and gradually people could hear it clearly. This was the sound of the cavalry of the brigade galloping on the ground. The corner of the mouth of the foreign patrol shop was still smiling, ready to see the picture of Ying Zheng being beaten by a baton and falling to the ground.

But the next moment, he was pierced by a crossbow shot from a distance, nailed to the ground not far away with his fat body.

Ying Zheng calmly watched several crossbows and arrows stir up a strong wind, wiped his cheek, shot at the patrols around him, the thick bronze crossbows and arrows, easily tore their limbs, and strung them on the ground like cloth dolls and on the wall of the nearby shop.

Fresh blood splashed at Ying Zheng's feet and was trampled by him without looking.

The green leather gangsters who were watching the play peed in their pants. They screamed and fled to both sides. When they were slow, they were cut off by the cavalry coming up from behind. The bronze hoofs made a crisp clatter on the cement road.

Countless bronze figurines and horses gathered from all directions behind Ying Zheng. The bronze carriages and horses they sat on were neat and uniform. The whole team was silent. The good roads in the public concession played a role that foreigners did not want it to have. The shops on both sides hurriedly closed the door, and the curious people lay in the crack of the door, Looking at this army that seems to come out of history.

Ying Zheng stepped on the chariot beside him. He personally took the reins and watched the colorful lights and neon lights spreading along the road. He leaned on a bronze sword, faced the terracotta warriors who surrounded him, and shouted in all directions: "I am the first emperor! Attack the six countries and unify the world! Establish the great Qin Dynasty!"

"After sleeping for thousands of years, when I wake up, I only see the collapse of my hometown and the fall of China!"

"Great China is my land, the head of the Chinese people, and my people. Now it has perished and lost its country, reduced to barbarians, and covered with clothes. The hometown is full of the spirit of Sao Hu!"

"The generals will listen!"

"Yes!" the bronze terracotta warriors shouted in unison.

"Wash Sao Hu with me and level this place! Make the great Qin Dynasty glorious!" with the roar of the first emperor, the bronze terracotta warriors and horses poured into the ground like mercury along the cement land of the concession.