Chen Yulou was stunned by this fairy palace suspended in the sky. It can be said that there are all the things that Chinese people and even mankind dream of, including wealth, power, mystery and immortality. Several Chinese people are shocked and inexplicable. Although Laura, the only foreigner, feels shocked, she still can't understand the unique feelings of China, Instead, he was the first to wake up.

She pulled Chen Yulou's arm and said, "our companion may not be dead!"

Chen Yulou looked back and said in surprise, "what did you say?"

Laura explained: "do you see the miracles floating here in front of us? What are they powered to float in the sky? The magnificent ancient Chinese palace, what do those pseudo real people seem to rely on to float in the air, and how do those rainbow bridges form?" Laura pointed to the four rainbows under the heavenly palace like an arch guard.

Laura picked up a stone to weigh her hand and said to Chen Yulou, "I want to test this crazy idea!"

After that, she threw the ancient city of Xianyang in front of the stone. The stone drew a standard parabola and fell into the distance. However, after flying more than 100 meters away from the cliff, the stone seemed to break through an invisible force field, instantly lost the influence of gravity acceleration, destroyed the parabola curve, and flew out in a straight line along the tangent of the parabola.

At this time, Chen Yulou and the partridge whistle also saw something mysterious. Obviously, in addition to the space close to the cliff, the gravity of the vast area under the heavenly palace was obviously abnormal, which should be the reason why the heavenly palace was suspended on it.

Laura pointed to the void in front of several people and said, "you should have noticed that after 120 meters away from the cliff, the object loses the gravitational acceleration exerted by the earth and keeps the track of the original force in a straight line. I guessed this when I found the secret of the Hongqiao under the palace suspended in the sky."

"Generally speaking, the possible rainbow outside the waterfall is due to the scattering of the diffused water mist under the intense sunlight, but we are now in the hinterland of the mountain. Although there are stars in the sky for unknown reasons, this brightness can never cause optical scattering, unless there are factors contrary to common sense."

Laura smiled bitterly and pointed to the floating terracotta warriors and horses on the top of her fingers: "When it comes to factors that violate common sense, the scene in front of us is of course an important consideration. I was confused when I saw those stable, such as real Hongqiao, so it is not the factor called 'feng shui' in your mouth that plays a role. But I have a reasonable guess after careful observation in the spirit of science."

Laura gestured and said, "if it is shrouded by a huge anti gravity field, and the Hongqiao under the heavenly palace is due to the water mist splashed by the waterfall, it will rise up with the residual force after entering the anti gravity area. Finally, due to air resistance, after the force exerted on the water droplets is exhausted, it will stay in this anti gravity field forever."

"For thousands of years, such sparse water mist accumulated into the shape of an arch bridge, reflecting the light sources shining on it around, so the rainbow bridge came into being."

"That is to say, after being washed down by the waterfall, if they are lucky enough to enter that large anti gravity field, they may just be pushed to other places by the force, and eventually stop with the constant offset of the thrust." Chen Yulou said excitedly.

Laura nodded: "if we don't find them, it will be a terrible torture. We will be suspended in the air of nothingness. We can't move half a minute no matter how we move. Finally, we will starve and die of thirst. The body will be suspended there forever. Remember, if we enter there by mistake, it will be the same end. Anti gravity space is very dangerous!"

Chen Yulou stared at the empty void in front of him. Although the heavenly palace was towering, there was only a long distance between them. The ancient city of Xianyang built by Qin Shihuang on the ground looked only the size of a mat. In fact, it was an incomparably vast space. Careful observation revealed that there were some traces of manual excavation on the stone walls surrounding the space.

A silver ore is regularly embedded in the mountain wall. It looks like the embers of flying fire meteors.

Chen Yulou can imagine that during the Qin Dynasty 2000 years ago, some strange flying fire meteors fell on the land of ancient Qin. Qin Shihuang sent people to excavate these flying stars, but found a strange physical property of this flying fire meteor. Its radiation can eliminate the mass of matter in a specific space and produce an anti gravity force field.

Finally, the first emperor built his own mausoleum with this flying fire meteor and set up a suspicious tomb for care, which led to the magnificent architectural miracle of the suspended heavenly palace they saw and the first imperial mausoleum, which can be called the first miracle in the world.

Chen Yulou has made up his mind. He carefully climbed to the most spacious place of the stone platform, which is a prominent stone platform about three meters wide. Chen Yulou measured the distance of the stone platform with his eyes. After testing the height of the cliff, he calculated that as long as the play is not too abnormal, he should have a great chance to jump into the anti gravity space before falling into meat mud.

Then he said to the partridge whistle, "let's jump directly! I'll jump first. If it's really what we expected, you learn a lesson and come to me. If I fall to pieces, even if someone Chen's life is bad!"

Although this method is more risky, there is no better way. Such a high cliff has no way up and down. There is only a small stone platform of less than 15 square meters for everyone to squeeze. While the underground river has no way back. The cliff surface is as smooth as a blade. The nearest foothold for climbing is more than 300 meters above and below. It is almost hidden in the clouds and can't be seen!

No one can say that Laura's previous guess is the truth. In case there is no anti gravity anomaly space, or the nature of the anomaly space is different from their guess, the first experimenter will be dead.

Chen Yulou struggled to breathe. His legs turned like a kite and pushed back. With the help of this push, he rushed out of the cliff like lightning. Seeing him fall rapidly, everyone secretly squeezed sweat for him. Chen Yulou spread out his limbs and glided outside the cliff to the greatest extent. He watched himself fly more than 100 meters and suddenly felt light, It was as if all the bondage had left him, and his whole body flew away from the depths of the little void in the direction of uncontrollable force.