There are no inscriptions on the bronze coffin, but there are still many decorative patterns around the bronze face occupying the center. From the bronze ware of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the decorative patterns are the most important source of information in addition to the inscriptions on the bronze ware. They not only have strong artistry, but also are very important textual research for sacrifice, politics and culture at that time.

Chen Yulou, zhegushao and others are professionals who know more or less about these things. Although they are not familiar with Chinese culture, they are also better than ordinary people.

The partridge whistle carefully examined the patterns around the bronze coffin and said with a calm look: "these patterns are like T-shaped, and the patterns connected with each other should be thunder patterns, which are mostly seen in the late Shang and early Zhou dynasties, and re popular after the Warring States period. In addition, Kui patterns and animal face patterns (Taotie patterns) are also engraved , the animal face in the decoration has a ferocious expression. On the four corners of the side of the human face, there is a very rare pattern of God tiger biting people. "

Chen Yulou also gathered together to observe carefully. Under the bright miner's lamp, the divine tiger and animal face pattern in the upper right corner of the bronze coffin was ferocious and dignified, but it was not ferocious and terrible. In the arms of the two front claws of the divine tiger with two wings on its back, a woman with broken wings looked ferocious. In the simple and vivid patterns, Chen Yulou and others could see the charm of her struggling.

"No, it should not be that the divine tiger devours people. The patterns of the divine tiger are dignified and solemn. On the contrary, the women it devours show ferocious, evil and strange faces. It should be that the craftsman of the divine tiger devours the bronze patterns of the Dryland and casts the bronze coffin, hoping to suppress the things in the coffin with the majesty and power symbolized by the divine tiger." Chen Yulou said seriously: "Brother partridge whistle, I remember how many of you are afraid of bronze coffins, right?"

The partridge whistle sang in a low voice, "don't come near if the eight characters are not hard! Erect the burial pit, box tomb, move the mountain and unload the ridge!"

"Although bronze is valuable, the ancients believed that bronze was too heavy in gold and iron, and was the inferior of coffin materials. Princes and nobles made their coffins with the best wood. Few people buried in bronze coffins. Unless the tomb owner showed signs of corpse change to prevent him from breaking the coffin, they would be buried in bronze coffins. Therefore, the eight characters are not hard and unreliable. Vertical burial is a taboo in yinzhai!"

"If a person dies like sleeping, of course, he should be buried on his back. If he is buried on his back, he will either have a deep hatred. If he wants the buried person to die, he will not be peaceful, or he will suppress the things in the coffin!"

Chen Yulou took a deep breath: "the bronze coffin hidden behind the long light is made of bronze and in the form of vertical burial. The coffin is also engraved with sacred animal inscriptions symbolizing majesty and ferocity and suppressing evil..."

"The most taboo for corpses is to hold one breath. If a corpse is angry and angry, nine times out of ten it will become zongzi. This coffin is not only surrounded by people, but also dug seven orifices on the people's surface, and buried vertically. It is inserted directly into the bronze coffin with bronze like wood. I'm afraid that the things in the coffin will not change."

"We have tried before. The burning of mermaid cream oil will promote the circulation of vitality. The bronze coffin is supported by a mermaid cream oil long-term light, which simply continues to breathe according to the body inside. After contacting the long-term light path, we can imagine what is suppressed inside!"

Laura said with horror, "what's in it?"

"Dryland beetle!" Chen Yulou replied with a dignified look: "or called strange corpse. It belongs to the most fierce zongzi, or covered with feathers, or top horns, or raw meat scales. This thing belongs to evil and evil. If it comes out, there will be great evils in the world. The red and green zongzi we saw when we fell down are the weakest changes among the strange corpses."

The face of the partridge whistle suddenly became strange. He looked at the bronze coffin behind him and whispered: "The nobles of the six countries should be buried in this bronze coffin. After Qin Shihuang unified the world, he wantonly killed the nobles of the six countries who planned to overthrow his rule. At that time, the royal families of the six countries and a large number of nobles below inherited the rule of dozens of generations. Many families can be traced back to the period of the enfeoffment of the Zhou royal family, which was the population with the highest quality at that time."

"There are many amazing skills among the royal families and nobles of the six countries. After they are caught, these nobles who boast of noble blood are likely to be buried here by the first emperor. They raise their bodies with Feng Shui and Mermaid oil. The corpse of the dead Dryad is sucked away by the bronze Ruomu for the long-term lamp to burn."

Chen Yulou looked up from the front of the bronze coffin and said, "the bronze coffin is really strange. It doesn't fix the coffin cover with a wedge structure, but locks the whole coffin from the inside with the art of Mohist mechanism. If I'm right, this lock should be a yin-yang Jiazi lock. If the lock cylinder doesn't rust, as long as you know the time to enter the museum, you can open the copper coffin at 4:8."

Several people didn't know how long they had stayed in the underground palace. Before, they had been attracted by Mermaid lamps and bronze coffins. Now they were a little distracted. They felt hungry in their belly. O'Connor and others took a few compressed biscuits with them. When Chen Yulou and others fell down, supplies were taken by others. Now, as soon as they were scattered, they took a little dry food with them except the kettle none.

Chen Yulou regretted that he had wasted less than half a pot of water so easily before. Now the supply is far from enough. They went on exploring like this and said to others: * the dry food we are bringing today is enough to sustain our three days' survival. After three days, we can not explore it again. In the current situation, the complexity of the imperial mausoleum and the complexity of its structure are far from our three days to see a way out. Fortunately, the building of the imperial tombs is in the belly of Mount Li. The area is large, and there must be worms and snake animals to survive.

"We also carry fire and can get fuel. Before, we have encountered many underground insects, most of which are non-toxic, dry with fire and can eat."

While Chen Yulou was talking, Laura's face became very ugly, and others were not as good as there. Partridge whistle silently added: "there should be an exit from the previous underground river. Nearby, I'll see if I can find the water source." Laura was dumb. She thought of the Yin corpse of the terracotta warriors flowing down at the bottom of the underground river. A word choked in her throat, but she couldn't say a word.

Chen Yulou just took off the kettle, handed it to him together with Moller and red girl, and whispered, "try if there are poisonous insects first."

Chen Yulou asked everyone to be quiet first. He had excellent hearing. If there was water nearby, even the slightest sound of water could not hide him. At least it could point out a direction to the partridge whistle. Everyone held their breath temporarily. The needles in the whole tomb path could be heard. Chen Yulou was attentive, and the heartbeat and breathing of several people nearby could be heard clearly.

The partridge whistle's breath is long, the heartbeat slows down, Moller's heartbeat is fast and powerful, and her breathing is slightly heavy. The red girl's breathing is calm, and her heartbeat is relatively gentle. The old soldier of the White army has decreased his physical fitness. Chen Yulou can hear that his heart rate is somewhat uneven, and secretly decides to let him rest for a while. Those foreigners have never learned how to adjust their breathing. They are heavy and fast, The heartbeat is not flat.

Chen Yulou secretly distinguished the breathing of several people, but suddenly heard a heartbeat. The heartbeat was abrupt. Chen Yulou could clearly distinguish that it was not any of them. He was a little nervous immediately. He suspected that it was his own illusion, so he listened more attentively.

After dozens of breaths, another heartbeat sounded as promised.

After listening for nearly a quarter of an hour, Chen Yulou finally determined that, in addition to the eight of them, there was a heartbeat beating nearby. Although it was weak, it was quite clear. The heartbeat was more than ten times slower than ordinary people. Chen Yulou noticed the time of Laura's watch on her left wrist. It would beat once in a minute and a half, followed by the faint breath.

The sound was very weak. Chen Yulou listened attentively for a long time before he locked the source of the heartbeat.

This made him sweat from behind. He was sure that the heartbeat came from the bronze coffin behind him, and with the passage of time, the heartbeat was accelerating, and it seemed that something was waking up.

Although others don't know why Chen Yulou has been motioning to everyone not to speak for so long, his face is gradually ugly, but it can be seen by the naked eye. Now Chen Yulou's face is iron blue. He made a sign to everyone to leave here and took the lead to run forward.

The partridge whistle didn't know what had happened, but it didn't hesitate to follow up. The White Army division, Moller and the red lady under Chen Yulou didn't consider it, so they followed their young masters to evacuate here quickly. After hesitating for a moment, the three foreign devils followed up. Chen Yulou ran out of the empty bronze coffin for only 200 meters, Suddenly there was a dull noise, like someone knocking on the copper coffin.