Seeing that the truck of British officers behind him and others had seen ghosts in the colorful aperture, O'Connor bit his teeth and ruthlessly took out a detonator explosive wrapped in silk from his arms. He took it temporarily when he escaped from the military camp. Unexpectedly, he needed it to save his life this time.

O'Connor pulled the fuse and shouted at Laura: "Laura, tell the Chinese people that if they shoot at us again, I will detonate the explosives in my arms. At such a close distance, the sleeping poisonous insects will be disturbed. At that time, they will also be buried with us."

Laura quickly repeated O'Connor's threat loudly in Chinese.

Chen Yulou made a pause gesture to the left and right, turned his head and asked Bai Junshi in a low voice: "Mr. Bai, will the explosion of explosives on the ground disturb the Dragon sting soil under our feet?" Bai Junshi stroked his beard under his jaw and frowned: "The earth sealing of the first imperial mausoleum is three feet away from the ground. It is reasonable to say that the explosives should not explode such a thick earth sealing, but those foreigners have let the insects see the wind there, so some are not sure."

"Moreover, we want to kill those foreigners in order to prevent them from bringing disaster to the East, but now that they have such a card, they can chase them again. If they are forced to detonate explosives and disturb the insects chasing them, it is easy to create complications..."

After listening to Bai Junshi's analysis, Chen Yulou flashed a trace of reluctance in his eyes, but he still stopped his men from aiming at O'Connor and others.

O'Connor they were not far from the fire wall, but after the colorful halo swallowed up the people behind, O'Connor had caught up. O'Connor saw a circle of colorful gas on his head, gorgeous as a rainbow, falling over their heads. They were more than 200 meters away from the fire wall. Seeing that they were about to be caught up, O'Connor clenched his teeth, took out the fuse of the explosive bag in his arms, and looked at himself The poisonous insects and colored fog behind him were thrown away.

Chen Yulou saw clearly, gritted his teeth and scolded: "Maddy, these damn foreign devils, brothers, run back and light the second heavy fire net. Brother partridge whistle, let's stay first and kill those foreign devils. We can't let them harm us!"

After saying that, Chen Yulou raised his gun and aimed at O'Connor, but O'Connor was so cunning that he had long found a depression to hide, just so that Chen Yulou could not aim at his key. The explosive package thrown under the poisonous insects attacking Ou Kang and others burst open at this time, and the huge shock wave dispersed the colorful fog gathered by the poisonous insects as O'Connor wanted.

Chen Yulou, partridge whistle and others had to lie down to avoid the earth and rock splash caused by the explosion. The last huge explosion had caused a strong vibration in the huge underground palace below Chen Yulou and others. This time, the bomb detonated by O'Connor on the surface had another huge impact on the structure of the underground Palace, and the land under Chen Yulou and others suddenly sank.

The huge cavity in the underground palace made the geological structure of the whole area unstable. It was shaken by the huge impact of the bomb, which immediately caused the collapse. O'Connor was too close to the tipping point. He heard a loud noise, and the whole person was washed up by the air wave, and then threw it heavily on the ground. This really made him hit a seven Hun eight elements. As soon as his voice was sweet, he vomited out blood in front of him It was pitch black.

O'Connor felt his brain buzzing and couldn't hear anything. The soil under his body suddenly became soft. Then he felt that the whole body and the soil under his body fell down into a bottomless abyss. Chen Yulou and partridge whistle watched the whole high ground fall into a sudden big hole behind him, together with the fire wall.

The huge fissure like the abyss was still expanding, and soon the foreigners were deeply trapped. He pulled out his feet and ran in the direction of his brothers' evacuation, but he immediately found that the White Army division around him didn't keep up. Looking back, the White Army division sprained to his waist and was lying in place. When he saw him turning back, the White Army division waved to him Way: "little boss, run! Don't wait for me!"

Chen Yulou gritted his teeth when he saw this. He unloaded that the gang thieves were all gang activities, and the most important thing was "loyalty" As a leader, how can you just get away? Bai Junshi followed his old man when he was his father and made countless contributions to unloading the ridge thieves. As a leader, how can you leave him and escape without caring? He immediately roared in his throat and ran back to rescue Bai Junshi.

There are two generals around Chen Yulou, red girl and mute Kunlun Moller. They have been favored by him since childhood and are loyal. Seeing that he turned back to save people, he refused to abandon his young master and hurriedly turned back to save people. Partridge whistle and red girl have some feelings. Seeing that she went back recklessly and couldn't bear to leave her, they ran back.

Other unload mountain robbers wanted to go back and drag their young master back, but after all, they didn't have Muller's loyalty. Seeing the power of the collapse, they couldn't help hesitating for a moment. After such a moment, the land where Chen Yulou was located, together with the surrounding land of dozens of feet, fell into the abyss, leaving an invisible depth of nearly 300 meters in diameter on the ground Abyss.

When Chen Yulou woke up, he felt wet all over. The Bai Army division was lying on the stone beach not far from him. They should be near an underground river, which should be a karst cave caused by the erosion of the underground river. When Chen Yulou traveled south and North, he also went to the Yunnan Guizhou generation. The Bashu aristocrats and the royal families of the more and more Yi people liked to use the underground river to erode it Huge karst cave, as a natural tomb.

But he has never heard of these huge karst caves in Guanzhong and the remaining veins of Qinling mountains?

Chen Yulou wondered, and how could there be such a huge underground river inside the Shihuang mausoleum?

He didn't have time to think about it. He hurried forward to check the situation of Bai Junshi. After looking at it, he found that although the Bai Junshi was flooded, they were not hurt. They should have fallen directly into the dark river and pushed to the shore by the water. Only then were they safe and sound. Chen Yulou quickly grabbed someone to wake up the Bai Junshi.

The White army master was dying. He opened his eyes and saw Chen Yulou. He cried, "it's damned that the young master was in danger to save me!" Chen Yulou asked him not to say this first. It's the most important thing to find out where they are and how to go out. He'll worry about other things after going out.

The cave is more than ten feet wide, but it is blocked in front and behind. The top of the head is several feet high, but it is all rocky mountain walls.

"We should have rushed down from the upstream. Most of the underground rivers are underground, and only one section leads to the karst cave. We are lucky to be rushed into the karst cave when we are unconscious." Chen Yulou Ning said.

"Little... Little boss!" Chen Yulou saw the White Army division standing by the underground river and said to him in a trembling voice of great horror, "I'm afraid we're not lucky to be brought here!"

Chen Yulou was shocked when he heard the word "take to". He vaguely saw the White Army division's blood color on his face. He just looked at the underground river in horror. Chen Yulou looked up and saw that the water of the underground river was very clear and could look directly at the bottom of the river. There was no light under the ground, but the river seemed to emit a faint blue light.

At this time, Chen Yulou remembered that the two of them were in the cave and should be dark. Where could he see Bai Junshi so clearly, just like under the moonlight in the excellent weather? Now I think it's the river reflecting light.

The dark river was about a foot deep. Chen Yulou saw a clear face at the bottom of the river, which was reflected in front of him through the refraction of water waves. The face was closed with a pale face. It was the foreigner who threatened them with explosives, that is, O'Connor. He was carried on his back by a body wrapped in armor.

The armor man face down, flat lying at the bottom of the river, slowly moving forward along the water flow. He was not only the armor man in the river, but the first to meet, fell at the bottom of the river and slowly floated to the front. When the armor man came to the middle of the underground river in the cave, he quietly released his hand with O'Connor on his back.

Chen Yulou saw that O'Connor's body floated faintly and floated to the river in their eyes.

Chen Yulou caught up and carried O'Connor's body to the river. When he dragged it, he bumped a few times, which seemed to stimulate the instinctive reaction of the body. The body suddenly choked and coughed a few times, and a stream of water gushed out from his mouth and nose. He even recovered his breathing, and his chest began to rise and fall. At this time, Chen Yulou already knew how he survived.

His face was pale. He took out his pistol in his arms and was about to shoot O'Connor head-on.

The white master quickly stopped and said, "young master, let's see what happens when he wakes up. Just in case something happens to us." Chen Yulou quickly nodded. He knew that the white master was right. He shouldn't kill this foreigner now. The strangeness here is far beyond their imagination. A dead man lived under their eyes, They themselves may have survived in this way. Except for the foreigner, they have no other samples to observe.

In the floating heavenly palace of the first imperial mausoleum, Ying Long whispered to the "public loser class" of the master builder of the Qin mausoleum next to him, "how are the tomb robbers? We still have to wait for them to 'wake up' His Majesty Qin Shihuang! They should also start the great drama of the immortal Qin Dynasty. The third plot of the mummy can be successfully launched only after being certified by the protagonists recorded by these gods."

"The place where they fell is the third machinery manufacturing plant... In Xianqin, it should be called 'water refining puppet construction supervisor'. It is a newly transformed water refining machinery plant, which uses special water materials as tools for machining, machinery manufacturing, metal grinding, smelting and manufacturing, as well as a special factory as a transportation medium."

"Since we made a breakthrough in the direction of magnetized water beam operation and magnetized water machine tool, the craftsman supervisor put forward an idea: can we build the production line in water? Or directly build a production line with water flow, without metal and machinery, and all tools and transportation are made of water materials."

"I remember that water material machine tools have been studied in this field for a long time!" Ying Long asked.

The public transport team explained: "Yes, since the scientific and technological breakthrough in water materials, we have been able to manufacture 'xuanming real water' with a temperature as low as minus 273 degrees, the 'Blood Sea real water' that can erode Edelman alloys, and the 'unitary heavy water' that can be synthesized only under the special environment of high temperature and high pressure such as star cores. After that, we can use special water materials and magnetization control technology to process metal and other materials Machine tools, officially began research and development. "

"After the successful development of the first generation of water material machine tools for high-speed grinding with magnetized water and processing metal and non-metallic materials, we quickly upgraded to the second generation of water material machine tools with functions such as polymer magnetization quenching, radiation irradiation and super conductive grinding, which can basically complete most metal processing tasks. After the breakthrough of water material machine tools, water quenching for smelting ores The success of the water refining method of process and alloy smelting has finally broken through all the scientific and technological bottlenecks of the integrated production 'flow' line. "

Ying Long sighed: "The ore is mined underground with magnetized beam water, the ore is crushed by hydraulic hammering equipment, the slag is separated by magnetized water sorting equipment, the metal elements are extracted by electromagnetic water quenching method, and the alloy is smelted by water refining method. Finally, the alloy is processed, assembled and packaged by water material machine tool. The whole process of transportation is completed by water flow, just like a river with materials flowing down one by one The hand of real water processes, assembles and debugs the materials, and the final finished product is completed. "

In fact, the armor people Chen Yulou and others saw were the C-type puppets of the terracotta warriors. The river they fell into was already the semi-finished stage of the C-type terracotta warriors. Ying Long manipulated these semi-finished robots to grab them and transport them to the middle of the underground palace.

As for the type C terracotta warriors that Chen Yulou saw floating downstream close to the bottom of the river, it was in the commissioning stage of the transportation process. If they woke up in advance, they might still see the scene that the terracotta warriors carrying them were polished and modulated by the magnetized water flow in the surrounding rivers, and the skeletons of metal skeletons were constantly loaded with various parts. The whole scene was even more frightening.

As for the reason why Chen Yulou and others lost their breathing, it is more simple. Breathing is nothing more than to take in oxygen, but Chen Yulou and others are full of high oxygen water. These invisible water masks are the water material equipment for delivering oxygen to them in the dark river, just because they can't find this water material equipment in the water.

Under the protection of oxygen and water equipment, their breathing mode is completely different from the ground, and their lung movement is relatively small, so Chen Yulou mistakenly thought O'Connor had lost his breathing.

Ying long looked at a circular waterfall in the suspended underground palace. Below the waterfall was the canal transporting Chen Yulou, O'Connor and others. When the canal came to the suspended heavenly palace, it lost its gravity and was transported to another water material production line by magnetic fluid propulsion equipment. Therefore, it looked like five tianhes interwoven into five reciprocating waterfalls under the suspended heavenly palace.

Countless terracotta robots slowly separated from the waterfall and formed a huge square under the suspended heavenly palace.

At this time, it is natural for more sophisticated mechanical craftsmen to check. After a square array is checked and debugged, it is put into the underground palace production system for production activities. There are more terracotta robots in silent reserve. It is conceivable how they will shock the whole world when they are born!