The next morning, O'Connor and his party came to the construction site at the foot of Lishan Mountain, which had been protected by Feng Yuxiang. The British Council in Wuhan sent someone to contact Feng Yuxiang. Before that, Yan Xiangwen suddenly committed suicide when he was the Shaanxi supervisor, and Feng Yuxiang, the division commander of the 11th division of the Zhijun army, took over the Shaanxi supervisor.

Feng Yuxiang was the head of the Northern Warlords in Shaanxi. When he met O'Connor at the Shaanxi governor's house, he wore a soldier's uniform. Because he was a soldier, he always liked to look hard-working and simple. However, he was also devout in Christianity. When he met foreign "religious friends", he also wore a cross hanging on his chest, which looked like an alien.

In fact, at this time, believing in Christianity once became a trend in China. Warlords were proud of believing in Christianity. If you think deeply, it was nothing more than fawning on foreigners. In this stall of the scuffle between Chinese warlords, foreigners spoke more effectively than the great president of Beiyang.

Not to mention anything else, the British people have a loose hand and give Feng Yuxiang some cheap interest on arms and loans, which is worth his flattery.

Feng Yu Hsiang's hospitality to "archaeologists" from abroad was very warm. He politely invited O'Connor and Laura to pray in his family's chapel. In the name of discussing doctrines and the Bible, it made him familiar with these foreigners.

At this time, although Britain suffered a heavy blow, first, Feng Yuxiang may not know. Second, even if Feng Yuxiang knows, the family background of the British Empire is still so much. Neither the French nor the Germans dare to look down on Great Britain, which is in charge of sea power, not to mention the Chinese warlords? Although the British family business has failed, it is always a bit more noble than the lower Yellow people. O'Connor and others think so.

In their opinion, most of Europe has culture and civilization, Christianity is a universal value, the British are first-class civilized people, Europeans are second-class civilized people, the Americans are obscene civilized people, the Japanese are civilized barbarians, and the Chinese are better than those African aborigines at best. They belong to semi civilized barbarians and religious Chinese, It is a completely civilized species among civilized barbarians, which is more noble than others.

Therefore, when Feng Yuxiang revealed his religious identity, they still had a bit of high opinion and favor.

But when the two sides discussed the division of specific interests, this goodwill was immediately forgotten. The British Deputy Director who led the way looked cold and said with a hint of order: "we ask Beiyang to protect our archaeological team, suppress local thieves and rebels, and facilitate our activities here as much as possible."

Feng Yuxiang laughed and said: "We must protect the legitimate interests of your country, but we can't betray China's interests... Right? Now on the streets, there is a bad reputation for your archaeological activities! Qin Shihuang is a great emperor in China, and his tomb is also an important property and treasure of the Chinese government. If your country forcibly takes over its archaeological activities, I'm afraid it will stir up public opinion The debate against Britain, you know, is also haunted by the rebels in the south. "

"If we Beiyang give in to Britain! The rebels in the South will besiege Beiyang in public opinion, and the cultural and educational circles will strongly oppose such acts of infringing on Chinese treasures and reselling Chinese cultural relics..."

The deputy director looked cold and said faintly, "the British government has no intention of stealing and excavating Chinese cultural relics..." as soon as he said this, Feng Yuxiang scolded in his stomach: "you are lying to ghosts! It seems that Gansu Dunhuang scriptures were not displayed in your British Museum more than ten years ago? The Chinese people gave you so many treasures in the Chinese Museum?"

"... but with all due respect, the Chinese government simply does not have the conditions for the excavation and preservation of cultural relics. Your country has no archaeology at all. Only under the development and protection of Britain can your country's history and culture be recognized and recognized by the international academic community. If you give it to you, these valuable cultural relics will only fall into the international cultural relics market, causing inevitable damage and loss Lose. "

"This archaeological operation is of great importance. China hopes to have a battalion of Embassy guards to protect our archaeologists at archaeological sites and work normally. At the same time, general Feng also needs to provide reasonable help, such as guides and excavation workers. For the sake of the friendship between our two countries, general Feng should carefully consider our suggestions."

In order to force Feng Yuxiang to agree in the shortest time, the deputy director had to violate the exquisite shit stirring technique of the British diplomatic community and use a hard threat to make Feng Yuxiang relax. Sure enough, when the deputy director's tone implied a threat, Feng Yuxiang agreed to all the requirements of the UK despite his ugly face.

The Vice Consul knows that the matter of giving Feng Yuxiang benefits and bribes can be left to them. Now the top priority is to let O'Connor and others start work.

At the foot of Lishan Mountain, Laura saw an orderly excavation site. Laura was surprised to see several people dressed in hemp shoes and dressed as "local masters" inserting a semi cylindrical shovel into the ground. The head old man had gray hair and kept the whip of the former Qing Dynasty. He coiled his braid on his head and carefully looked at the soil brought up.

O'Connor went behind Laura and said in surprise, "what are these Chinese doing?"

"Shh!" Laura interrupted, whispering: "I've heard Chinese archaeologists mention in archaeological documents that Chinese explorers and grave robbers use an archaeological tool called 'Luoyang shovel' to bring out tens of feet of underground soil for analysis and inspection. They will observe the color and smell of the soil and determine its age, geological characteristics and tomb sealing."

"Experienced Chinese explorers can even rely on them to determine whether people excavated this land on a large scale hundreds of years ago."

"It's amazing!" Laura exclaimed.

"In the art of geomancy, the first thing is to taste the soil and water..." the gray haired old man whispered to the nearby Chen Yulou: "I've tasted 17 ancient wells around. I'm sure the water here is soft and sweet, with three parts of golden water and seven parts of silver water. It's rich and long. It's also similar to the earth. It weighs eight Liang, and it's good."

"Then why do you frown so often?" Chen Yulou didn't understand.

"It's the soil brought out by Luoyang shovel. It's very strange! I've found the sealing soil on the upper layer of the first emperor's mausoleum, but if it's true according to what I found, there are signs of sealing soil within 12000 steps from here to the left and 30000 steps to the left and right. Moreover, the top layer of sealing soil is cyan black, which is Yangqing mud. Yangqing mud often appears in the tomb of the Warring States period."

"But I only saw this color of Yangqing mud in a noble Tomb of the state of Qin that I explored in my early years. At that time, your father was the leader. He led us to find this big tomb at the foot of the steep mountain. At that time, we noticed the strangeness of this copper colored soil sealing. Later, when we opened the hole on the soil sealing, unimaginable horror happened."

"Later, we learned that this kind of copper colored Yang green mud is also called 'Zhelong earth'. This kind of Yang green mud needs human blood medicine to be mashed together with the Yang green mud excavated from the ancient tomb. A soil pill weighs nine to twenty-nine cents. It is mixed with the eggs of poisonous insects and foreign bodies and poured into the outer layer of the sealing soil of the tomb."

"There are eight kinds of insect eggs mixed into the Dragon sting soil. After adding the eggs of different insects called insects, the insects hatch in the wind. After the soil is covered, if it is more than three feet deep and nourished by underground Yin spring, the insects in the soil will slowly lay eggs and die. This kind of alien insect has a very strange temperament and needs to parasitize on the insects to reproduce. The adults need to parasitize on the insects before they can survive They can lay eggs by poisonous insects. At that time, the eggs laid by poisonous insects will carry the eggs of poisonous insects and insects. The eggs hatched with poisonous insects will parasitize the next generation of poisonous insects in the shortest time. In order to parasitize poisonous insects to reproduce, poisonous insects will secrete a colloid like propolis to protect the eggs before they die. After they grow up, they have to face the wind to grow wings 。”

"So the first batch of hatched eggs, the growing eggs, protect the eggs in the soil, and then die because they can't see the wind, and their parasitic eggs can remain alive for thousands of years. Only when they see the wind, the secretions protected outside the insects will disappear and promote the hatching of the insects."

The old man sighed, "when we were excavating the tomb of the nobility of the state of Qin, because we dug up the sealing soil, the two thousand year old insect eggs in it were exposed to the wind, and then rotted into countless insect insects as fine as dust. Unknowingly, they parasitized in our bodies." then the old man carefully smashed the bronze sealing soil raised by Luoyang shovel and showed it to Chen Yulou.

Some big insects are as big as sesame seeds, and small invisible insects shake off from the sealed soil.

Chen Yulou's face changed miserably. He said in a deep voice, "so there is this kind of sealed earth under our feet? Then how big will the insects in the sealed earth revive if we dig a stolen hole?"

The old man pondered for a moment and looked up and said, "with the wind from the stolen cave, it will disturb the poisonous insects in five parts of the surrounding area."

"These insects like Yin and dislike Yang. They will not appear on the ground illuminated by the sun, but they will soon be everywhere in the stealing cave. We drill into the stealing cave, just like entering the insect cave. From digging to stung the Dragon soil, it only takes three minutes, and the insects will recover and breed. The larger the excavated area, the more insects will be disturbed."

"This is the first defense of the mausoleum of the first emperor!" Chen Yulou sighed: "with the talent of the first emperor, I don't know how many dangers there will be..."

O'Connor looked at the Luoyang shovel at his feet and sneered: "I don't think we need to expect that group of Chinese. They are ignorant and lazy uncivilized people... We don't have much time. We have to dig into the coffin of the Dragon Emperor quickly to prevent those Oriental people from resurrecting him."

Laura objected, "I think we should listen to the opinions of local explorers..."

"Listen to them, we can't dig the main tomb in a year!" O'Connor left here without looking back and walked towards the tent set up on the site. He wanted to discuss with the supervisor here and speed up the progress according to his opinions.