At the port of London in 1920, there was a dense and smelly Thames River of copper and green, which was full of fine bubbles. Most of the ships that came and went were coal burning steamboats, and the shipping of Thames River was very busy.

O'Connor looked at the port of the Thames with a strong uneasiness in his heart.

London, just after the end of World War I, has regained its former prosperity, even more prosperous than before the war. During World War I, the casualties of British soldiers were only 700000, less than 50% of the Irish famine caused by British nobles and less than 1 / 30 of the casualties in China's anti Japanese war. Chen ang believes that this is only the casualties, How can we reflect the weight of the crown of British world hegemony, and how can we reflect the sacrifice of throwing blood on the road of British hegemony for hundreds of years?

In order to defend hegemony, Britain's nearly 50 million people, more than half of them died? Chen ang doesn't think so.

East Timor killed 20% of its population at that time for its independence. The Manchu and Qing Royal Families slaughtered nearly 20 million people in order to eliminate the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, close to the total number of people killed and injured in the first World War. However, the crown of British hegemony fell and only 700000 people were buried!

Chen ang believes that this is a disgrace to Britain. At the time of the resurrection of the evil emoden army of the dead, only Britain has the right to represent the western world, sacrifice the last two generations and shed all its blood in exchange for human light, and justice defeats evil. According to Chen Ang's plan, Britain should fight for 14 years, and only a generation of dead people is more appropriate.

The darkness before justice is always long, isn't it?

Don't Britain have to pay a painful price for the coming dawn?

All this is worth it. For the sake of justice, Britain should persist until the last Indian dies.

At the moment, in the house of Lords, the speaker in silk stockings, representing the honor guard of the authority of the house of Lords, crowded into the auditorium of the house of Lords. It was already full of members. O'Connor carefully passed through the side door and entered the auditorium. At this time, it was already full of people.

A group of members roared at the speaker: "the British Empire should know what happened in Egypt? We have special interests in Egypt. In any case, the British Empire will never allow the Suez Canal, a shipping artery related to the lifeline of Europe and a canal that can control the situation in Europe, to leave our control."

"There has been no news from Suez military base for nearly two months! The shipping has been cut off for a week. Gentlemen, the London Stock Exchange is going crazy. And you don't know what happened?"

"Don't tell us what the telegram says is true. What undead army has occupied Suez. This is the house of Lords, not where those swindlers and lunatics go crazy. We need accurate information from the government!"

The speaker shouted desperately, "quiet, gentlemen, please be quiet. We are sending troops from overseas military bases, and things will come out soon..."

In the chaos, someone stood up and shouted, "if they want war, give them war, no matter who they are! The French or the Americans, but we need to know who they are and where our diplomats stationed around the world have gone? Why are we like a blind man... We are not afraid of the enemy, but the prime minister can't cover our nose and ears."

The speaker shouted, "our enemy is very cunning. I invited Mr. O'Connor, a veteran who was passing by when the Suez military base fell. He will tell us what happened there, but gentlemen, I don't know how to judge, because it's not Mr. O'Connor's confession alone. He brought back a platoon of soldiers to speak with him."

The speaker asked the people next to O'Connor to get out of the way. O'Connor squeezed onto the podium. He hesitated for a moment and then shouted: "Gentlemen, what I say below may be absurd or shocking, but I swear in the name of God that it is my real experience, and I am willing to take responsibility for every word and sentence. It should start with the army I led stationed in hamnata last year..."

"... I and a battalion saw with our own eyes that thousands of thunder fell in the sky. The Oriental bathed in countless silver lightning and destroyed it into white. About 5000 feet away, the hot lightning destroyed everything. Then came a group of evil vampires who occupied the whole military base. The army was as flustered as rabbits. No one could organize it In revolt, I robbed a ship at the port, withdrew from Suez with about a platoon of soldiers, and then came to London to report it to Sir Edmund. "

O'Connor finished his report in the noise of the congressman. As soon as his voice fell, someone jumped up and said sarcastically, "so Mr. O'Connor, do you think we are children listening to the good night story? He should not stand on the podium of the house of Lords, but in the theater. I'm not sure I'll reward him two money for this wonderful story!"

The congressmen at the bottom burst into laughter!

Another well-dressed congressman stood up and said, "we need to know the results of the government's real investigation! The government can't be indifferent for a month. I know the prime minister sent an investigation mission. The Suez Canal lost contact a week ago. How many ships pass through there every day? I don't believe no one has brought any news."

"Yes, we need to know the truth hidden by the government!" someone shouted.

The speaker hesitated for a moment and said to the members: "please be quiet, we will tell you the results of the investigation, and then we will invite deputy head Corbin of the investigation team, but because of some accidents, it may be deputy head Corbin..." at this time, from the side door, the bodyguards helped a "man" in military uniform out in full view of the members.

The reason for putting double quotation marks is that the "person" has only a human shape. His hair is sparse and withered, and his skin is like being peeled off, revealing rotten bones and withered muscles. There are only a few huge black holes in his face, and his teeth are exposed without the obstruction of his lips.

This look makes people shudder.

The speaker whispered: "There were more than 130 members of the investigation team, who were able to obtain diplomatic support from Imperial embassies and even dispatch troops. At that time, under the protection of a team, they were close to the Suez Canal area. Finally, only 51 people fled there. Thirteen people died on the way to London. At present, only 25 people have survived. Corbin is the only one who still maintains his language Ability. "

"The rest of the people are either crazy, or life is worse than death..."

The speaker's words made the house of Lords quiet. The members were either frightened or puzzled. They looked at the rotten meat on the stage that needed help. They only heard him mumble: "black fog... Devil! Army of the dead... Coming here, everyone is dead! Everyone is going to die..."

Then the dying man suddenly trembled violently, his body twitched sharply, his eyes showed extreme fear, and shouted with all his strength: "they're coming! He's coming! Run away... Everyone is dying. No... God! Help me..."

His throat suddenly swelled from his eyes. His Adam's apple protruded and his mouth was wide open. Someone was frightened to see a finger drilling out of his throat, followed by a hand. A large amount of black fog suddenly drilled out of his five senses. Like countless creeping insects, the sword drowned him in the twinkling of an eye. The house of Lords was in an uproar. The members stepped back in panic, and the speaker shouted loudly guard.

At this time, in the misty fog at the mouth of the Thames River, an empty ship silently headed for the port. Behind the skeleton of this ghost ship, there were more unmanned ships heading for Thames port.

Imorton's bald head reflected the sun and appeared in the bow. He stood at the bow of the ship's skeleton and looked down on the busy city. The pilot of the port approached the ship in the fog in a small boat. He shouted to the ship, "check the ship! Hurry up!" because of his sight, he couldn't see anything on the ship's string.

But the long silence still made him feel uneasy. He quietly pressed his hand on the gun at his waist.

At this time, a dead skeleton appeared on the side of his boat. The bones of his skull pierced the navigator's lungs. The pink blood stained with tiny bubbles from his mouth. The pilot opened his mouth like a goldfish, and looked at the old ship's side with great horror.