With imorton's jump, the crack leading to the underworld opened again like an eye. The distance that one could have crossed expanded several times. The shape of the huge crack was really like an open eye, staring at the people on the edge. Kasekamway, sakyamib and semkate jumped into the crack with imorton without hesitation.

Shentu palace and meinis hesitated for a moment, and followed them into the underworld.

Countless twisted figures struggled at the edge of the underworld. They had no face or even wisdom. They just instinctively grabbed all living creatures and dragged them down into the depths of the underworld. But imorton didn't let them do it. Instead, he moved towards the depths of the underworld step by step. He knew that these twisted figures were the shadows of the souls who entered the underworld for judgment.

Endless, spin out with life.

Sakai, the shadow of original sin, rushed up from behind. He took off his black robe. His body under his clothes was like a bound black fog. Countless black fog with life and will was bound in a human body. From time to time, there was a head like black fog trying to rush out of his bondage. His head shaped like a skeleton opened its mouth and roared silently, struggling in great pain.

Sakai Mibu knelt on the ground of Hades.

Imoden put his hand on his spirit and said to him after a moment of silence: "Sakai Mibo, see? The shadows of those souls... After the soul is judged by Osiris here, if he is lighter than a feather, he will enter the paradise ruled by Osiris, ilu, and leave a shadow representing his own sin here, because ilu is an innocent country."

"If he weighs more than a feather, his heart will fall into the mouth of the crocodile headed and lion shaped monster Amter."

"But Osiris has gone away, and anubis has replaced him to rule the kingdom of the dead. The underworld is still there, but the mortal soul has been completely free, and no mortal soul will come here again! The era of the gods has entered the dusk, leaving only a handful of rotten corpses still struggling!"

"Let them get rid of bondage and pain!" imoden said to sekemib in silence for a moment. He looked back at the countless wriggling and twisted shadows and resolutely turned his head forward.

Sekai Mibu stayed where he was when he heard the instructions of imorton. He lifted his head and lifted the black fog he was trying to suppress. Countless thick fog drilled out of his five senses, and the black fog skull shaped like a skeleton escaped from his body. Strands of black fog fell on the distorted shadows of the soul, eroding them all in an instant.

Imorton came to a huge hall in the underworld. He walked along the old soul into the corridor of the judgment Hall of anubis. Before he came to a huge sculpture of the head of a jackal, the statue of Anubis held the book of the dead in one hand and stretched forward in the other hand. A sky made of gold was placed on his stretched hand, with that hand as the fulcrum and a white stick on a tray The other tray was empty.

A voice that seemed to coincide with the voices of countless people rang through the hall: "imorton! My high priest, are you here to offer your soul and flesh to me?"

The eyes of the statue slowly opened. At this moment, anubis, the last God of death representing death and judgment, finally woke up and appeared in front of imorton. He was no longer a wisp of fuzzy will pierced by Chen ang with the spear of judgment, but came to imorton with a new and complete attitude to complete the fateful duel.

Different from other gods in the world, anubis does not have a divine body like a mortal. He seems to be just a huge and magnificent will hovering over this hall, symbolizing the fair death balance. He is also a part of him. The monster with crocodile head and body like a lion. The essence of God is beyond the limit that mortals can imagine.

The part of him that can be understood by the world will always be only part of the huge iceberg emerging from the water.

Imorton found that he still could not fully understand the power of the gods. If he could not understand, he could not hurt. If he only destroyed part of his understandable surface existence, he might win a moment in this fateful duel, but he would eventually fail completely.

But imorton smiled and replied, "no, anubis! I'm here to take you into the evening!"

"The gods will enter the twilight, but they are immortal after all, and their brilliance is immortal... Twilight is not death, my high priest! We are only a temporary sleep." anubis said slowly: "Emerton, your wisdom is as deep as the sea among mortals, but you are still too young and immature for gods. The soul of mortals makes you unable to understand the way of thinking of the ancient."

Imoden sighed: "maybe! Once I knew the gap between everything and gods very deeply, which made me frustrated. Love covered my eyes and made me weak and dull. I knew that the gods set my destiny and knew that everything about me was at your mercy, but I was unable to resist because I was afraid and stupid."

"Just as I saw a mortal, and not an Egyptian, with a tattoo on his arm representing the Pharaoh's bodyguard, an ignorant woman with the soul of Nina, the daughter of the Pharaoh in the past, I knew that I could not escape the mercy of the gods after all, because I was weak and ignorant, and had many weaknesses of mortals, among which the most dangerous love."

"Mortals don't deserve love... Anubis!"

"Our soul can't help it, and our destiny is manipulated by others. Before we can't be free, the greatest part of our soul, the part beyond the gods - love, will only become our shackles and bind us and have to sink." imoden silently closed his eyes and let the last tear slip across his cheek.

"At that moment, love became the shackle of fate, making me slide in your established direction step by step. Until... It was cut off! Mortal! Can you see the shackle behind it only by destroying what you cherish most?"

Imoden said indifferently, "so I was killed with shackles, but a new will was born on the residual body. I came to you, anubis! Not to avenge you, because the gods are not worthy of my revenge, but to completely obtain freedom and master the power of revenge."

"Sad mortal! Although you have immortal glory, your soul is still just a mortal infected with this glory. All things are powerless to resist God!" anubis sighed, and a beating heart suddenly appeared on the balance in his hand.

Imorton smiled and watched the organ from his body fall on the scale of death judgment.

"Imoden! It is the most difficult to cross between life and death. As long as death exists, there is no resistance in front of Anubis, because the essence of the existence of the God of death is to judge and place the dead. As long as you can't break through the barrier between death and life and still belong to the existence of death, there will always be your heart on the balance of the God of death."

"As long as the scales fall and condemn you, anubis can easily swallow your heart."

"If you are not a God, there will always be death and life. Only the true God can transcend death. Even if you light the divine fire, you are still just a semi divine spirit..." Chen Ang's voice seemed to come to your ears.

Anubis watched imorton's heart rise and fall in the balance, but strangely, no matter what, the balance could not calm down. Obviously, it was close to tilting and stable, and the end with feathers tilted high, but soon, the balance was broken.

Anubis looked deeply at the balance in his hand, and suddenly angrily said, "mortal, do you dare to deceive death?"

He grabbed the heart facing the sky, but this rash action instantly destroyed the balance of the balance. Imorton's heart beat violently, disappeared from the balance silently, and returned to imorton's chest. Imorton felt that the black Scripture of the dead in his arms was generous and bright, and a line of handwriting appeared on the title page.

The power of the black Scripture of the dead crossed the time, like a layer of fog, covering the picture of imorton being eaten by the Scarab in the sarcophagus. When anubis, the God of death, looked back at the time, he opened the sarcophagus. There was no corpse of imorton's death in it, only a fog that he could not see clearly, and everything was hidden behind the fog.

Even the God of death could not understand this existence, nor could he see through the fog and determine the state of imorton.

Unable to determine the death of imorton, he is in Schrodinger's imorton state. In the judgment of the essence of God, he may be dead or alive. This contradictory superposition state makes imorton separate from the essence of the dead and become a quantum superposition, that is, a state of death and life. If the divine power cannot observe the death of imorton, the God of death cannot judge him.

Anubis roared angrily, "how can there be any existence that can hide the sight of the gods? Why does the black Scripture of the dead have this power?"