David closed his eyes and felt it carefully. After that, he shook his head and said, "no, I can't feel the abnormal smell at all, but this should be the location of amxi oasis. I separated a trace of the smell of Shentu palace of Yan devil team, and there are several strange smells around him. Dr. Chen has to find the entrance."

Chen ang looked at the desert with a flash of clarity in his eyes. He smiled and said: "originally, he was ready to feel my backhand arranged in the black Scripture of the dead. He was ready to lose a chance to ambush a chess piece around imodon. Now it seems that he doesn't need it."

Edward reminded, "but if you return the black Scripture of the dead to imorton, he won't have no doubt."

"I know!" Chen ang nodded. "So I arranged two backhands. The first is to let him relax his vigilance, but now it seems that this backhand that must be exposed can be used in more important places! David, is the strange smell you feel an extremely twisted negative emotion that can amplify the strange smell of hatred, fear and malice in your heart."

After hearing this, David was shocked. He closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for a long time before he said: "It does have this feature. I didn't notice it at the beginning and almost caught the words of others! This breath is transformed by extremely distorted emotions. After a little induction, you can detect the madness and malice. It makes people upset and emotional. I thought it was a natural reaction affected by the breath. Unexpectedly, it was moved by people and aroused demons."

"That breath is like a black fog, but it can't be checked by people's naked eyes. It can only be scanned with mental power. Everyone should be careful!"

Chen ang stretched out his hand and twisted out a wisp of strange black fog from the void. He slightly lifted an inexplicable radian at the corner of his mouth and said in a voice: "the smell of black fog should be deliberately left by imorton, but there are three very weak smells, which is very interesting." Chen ang gently closed the black fog in a little mana and gave it to the others to adapt in advance and get information from it, so as not to be caught off guard after being right.

After Edward felt for a while, he said in a deep voice, "black fog should be something similar to spiritual infection, or a part of the characteristics of spiritual infection. It can absorb people's negative emotions and expand, and Alienate People's spirit. It is similar to the smell of the ring I felt in the world of the ring, but it is not so terrible."

David's face was very ugly. He knew that his spiritual resistance was the worst among the people. David was accidentally exposed to the smell of the pit. If he faced it directly, he might have died without a burial place. He could not resist this enemy.

Luo Sheng took over the black fog, closed his eyes and inquired for a while, and said, "it is similar to the devil Qi, but as long as the true meaning of Wu Dao is sharp enough, he can kill it with the true meaning of Wu Dao. But spiritual infection should only be a part of it."

Chen ang enriched the people next to him by saying, "bring down the experimental body prepared on the airship." soon, a black blood clan dragged down an evil man with a face full of flesh, a face of tyranny and cowardice. Edward and others knew what Chen ang was going to do and retreated silently for a few meters. Edward also asked Elizabeth to set up a simple barrier.

In the magic array, the evil man stared at the crowd and retreated around him, but his eyes looked at Chen ang, pretending that people and animals were harmless. No one in the presence was as old and cunning as him. How could he not see the resentment buried in his eyes. Chen ang didn't even look at him. He directly bent his fingers and attached the black fog to him.

The crowd then raised their interest and observed him carefully. The resentment in the evil man's eyes was quickly exposed to the naked eye. Soon, he no longer covered up the tyranny and resentment in his eyes. He stared at Chen ang fiercely and roared bloodthirsty in his mouth. The flesh on his back began to melt, and the bone spurs on his spine quickly pierced the skin and highlighted it.

A black fog of rotten flesh and blood ran around him. In the fog, the evil man quickly alienated. He was not human. His bones were thick and twisted. The black fog on his body was strongly corrosive. Even with the constraints of the magic array, everyone felt an amazing malice and rushed at him. Luo Sheng just flashed a sword light in his eyes and killed the malice that rushed at him.

The black fog maliciously bypassed Chen ang directly, as if his position had something that even this extremely distorted malice was afraid of.

The situation of others was not very good. David quickly closed his mind and resisted with will based on his previous experience. Edward was covered with a trace of holy light and eroded by the black fog of the resister, but David's eyes were red and out of control. At this time, Chen ang lightly popped up a finger and a sharp will to kill everything.

David felt relieved and regained consciousness.

People looked at the twisted bones of the evil man who died. Edward said in a deep voice: "in addition to spiritual infection, this black fog can also corrupt the soul and flesh. The rotten flesh and blood turns into black fog, which is corrosive and negative energy. In this process, the spiritual infection ability and Corruption Ability of black fog will improve rapidly, which is extremely dangerous for people with weak will."

"Moreover, the physical attack ability of the black fog parasite will also be improved in this process." David added: "the black fog is like a special parasite. It increases its value rapidly by corrupting the host's flesh and soul. No, I doubt it will not only corrupt the flesh and blood. If it takes a long time, even the bones will melt away, leaving only a human shaped black fog."

"But before decaying the bones, it will transform these bones." Luo Sheng took out his long sword, threw away a bone, looked at the strange color on the bone stubble, and explained: "its hardness has reached the strength of some special alloys. With the addition of black fog, any of us is very troublesome and may be killed by it."

David took a deep breath and said in a trembling voice, "it's just a breath of others!"

Chen ang looked at the bones and said with a cold smile, "he is not as terrible as you think. This strange black fog is equivalent to a part of his body. In other words, the target itself is composed of black fog. Although it still has very dangerous lethality, it is not as terrible as you think that a wisp of breath can kill the enemy."

He stretched out his finger, pointed out the remaining three wisps of breath and said, "the breath information of the remaining three targets is incomplete. I can't carry the complete information of the targets like black fog. I can only detect some of their incomplete characteristics. You should be careful."

Then Chen ang looked at the transparent and twisted breath like colored glass and said: "From the perspective of this breath, it contains distorted space, light and shadow, but under these appearances, the real essence is actually a chaotic time. This creature - yes, it is not a human, but a time worm. The form he shows is actually distorted by his projection in different time periods. Its essence is a time distortion."