The next morning, the airship appeared over the Nile. Looking at the three pyramids of Khufu bathed in the sun in the distance, Chen ang stood at the bow of the airship. He had felt the sudden changes and huge variables in the world. In the system of the LORD God's operation, there was a huge error in the gear called mummy world, Although this error has not reached the extent of tearing a hole in the pluralistic system of the LORD God.

Even this variable will cause the violent surge of the tide of the world force, which is what the LORD God wants to achieve.

However, just as the amount of tonic will become poison when it reaches a certain level, if this surging force tide and world variables reach a certain level, they will also cause a huge tear to the LORD God system, and Chen ang has already planted seeds.

The great force boiling and change caused by tearing the world will give the Republic a new foundation. At that time, the virus called civilization will cause variables of exponential growth. No one can underestimate the great potential of civilization, let alone the civilization specially cultivated by Apocalypse Chen ang, which has extremely high variables and non binding.

In Chen Ang's eyes, countless data and information rolled into a torrent: "according to information cosmology, if the Laplacian demon knows all the information and related variables in the universe, he will show the whole process of cosmic events, past and future. Omniscientism is omnipotent. At that time, the whole universe will reduce the dimension relative to him, because all variables can be calculated and all changes can be predicted..."

"At the level of the Buddha, the quantum changes are known, and the human consciousness algorithm is also known. He has known the soul of the whole universe and reached the level of information unification. He can modify and control the universe and chase more unknowns. However, the reason why he can reach this level is based on the uncertainty of the soul of life or intelligent creatures Controllability, i.e. variables. "

"This variable beyond cognition is the miracle of relative cognition. He can complete the evolution of cognitive configuration and information construction by expanding his variables to infinity. However, the variables of individual life are limited. For example, for human beings, his behavior patterns, memory, emotion and everything are regular and can be recognized, and this regularity and cognition In, it is the reason for constraining variables and miracle creation. "

"It is impossible for man to know the whole universe, because 'man' is an existence containing a set of three views and information structure. Like any orderly machinery, he has limitations. To go beyond this limitation, he must turn himself into 'infinity'. He does not restrict himself, knows and transforms himself, constantly changes himself, and obtains progress and potential."

"Just like an autonomous machine that can infinitely recognize and transform itself, if a machine can use external resources to upgrade itself and create variables by inputting external information, then given enough time, it will evolve infinitely, which is infinity. In this process, all achievements 2 can be abandoned and all previous common sense can be proved False, it will be infinitely close to truth. "

"The Buddha is like this. He has erased the past himself countless times, abandoned the variables that have summarized the law, abandoned countless past himself, and approached the infinite. Except for a Tao heart based on science, cognition, agnosticism and research to transform the world, everything may be abandoned in the next change, including human nature, including the cognitive structure of human beings."

"If there is no limit to infinity, it will eventually lose its variables, become an objective law, and lose the most precious thing in the soul of intelligent creatures - infinite possibility."

Chen ang sighed and said to Zhao Yingqi next to him, "send a signal to let the reincarnation focus. Imorton should have found the location of amxi oasis. The last battle before we leave the world is coming!"

As the airship slowly descended, the reincarnators of Kyushu team, such as Zhang Ziqiang and Hong Fan, and the captains of several other reincarnation teams, appeared on the airship landing platform on the pyramid below. Edward, the captain of the dream magic team, heard Chen ang say, "I won't go down, you come up! Let's go to amxi oasis now."

Edward wondered, "do you know where the amhi oasis is? We've searched all the relevant clues these two days, but we haven't found any trace of it. Even imorton has to use the bracelet of death to find it. How can you know?"

"Imoden is not looking for the location of imhi oasis, because he already knows where it is. He is going to complete the necessary ceremony to open the bracelet of the God of death, go to the four temples and get a lot of information about the God of death." Chen ang replied: "imhi oasis is not difficult to find, but it is not in this world, nor is it the oasis you imagine."

"Most of the time, it exists in an imaginary space and does not exist in the real world. The hand of the God of death is its coordinate. Only the bracelet of the God of death can make it dedicated to the world. I doubt that the whole amhi oasis is in the dream of the God of death, or simply the sunny side of his divine domain. The land shrouded by the amhi oasis is not human."

Edward said with horror, "you mean the place we are going to may be a God's kingdom?"

Chen ang shook his head and said, "it's not the kingdom of God. At most, it's a manifestation of the material world. It has two states that can be transformed at any time. One is the real space state and the other is the imaginary space state. In the imaginary space, the world has no length, width or height, or even does not exist in material deeds, so it will present a strange state."

"This enables anubis to expand and collapse such a huge space at any time in the non divine era of declining divine power. This is an application of the observation and laws of the real world space. It is an existence constructed according to the laws of science. Of course, if you study it with magic or magic, you can also find some laws."

"According to the magic system, it is an 'inherent boundary'."

"Only there can anubis escape the shackles of the rules of the real world. Some of the phenomena are true gods and give full play to their greatest strength!"

Edward exclaimed, "that is to say, amhi oasis is the territory of Anubis, which can give him limited play to his power, which is equivalent to a kind of God on earth?"

Chen ang looked at him with a look at the mentally retarded: "that is to say, after I've talked so much, you'd better regard it as a kingdom of God... Well! You can understand it if you like." Chen ang said helplessly.

Edward said excitedly, "so are you crazy? You want to go to a God's Kingdom and destroy his real body!"