The airship landed slowly in a piece of ruins. Although Chen ang accidentally killed many vampires in the eye of Horus in the experiment, after all, the big bang occurred only in the core camp, and there were few casualties in other blocked areas. The big bang destroyed the order maintained by the British special commissioner. The blood families of the eye of Horus who had been compressed by them also regained control of the situation.

With the help of the chaos after the big bang, they regained control of the military base.

Now, with the help of the manpower brought by Chen ang, they are expanding rapidly. On the one hand, they clean the whole military base, on the other hand, they vigorously develop their descendants among the remaining officers. Even if the British send someone again next time, it is impossible to bring Suez into control again.

Chen ang left most of the people he brought with him. Along the Suez Canal, it will become the second largest base of the Horus eye after Cairo. The blood families of the Horus eye will infiltrate into various regions of Europe through this traffic artery. In just two days when Chen ang combed the Suez region, they controlled a banker in France, The head of a factory in Ruhr, Germany, also imported several latent personnel into London, England.

With the help of this Eurasian artery, the virus of Horus's eye is continuously injected into Europe and the Far East. They go to Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Russia, India and China. Compared with the steady rolling force in Egypt, this time, they secretly expand at the usual rate of 100 times.

After handling most of the institutional work in Suez, Chen ang returned to Cairo by airship.

Zhao Yingqi's eyes are sunken and her face is pale like a vampire. She did not carry out blood clan strengthening transformation. The reason why she is so haggard is purely tired. Obviously, Chen ang used women as animals again. The tradition of reincarnator women as animals and men as robots has been cruelly inherited by Chen ang.

As the true ancestor of the most skillful blood clan, Hong Fan was put on the first task sequence by Chen ang. He had less than an hour of free time every day. Although Zhang Ziqiang didn't have to go out to kill people, organizing relevant documents alone would take up 60% of his time. He had to review relevant intelligence in the rest of his free time. When the eye of Horus expanded rapidly, A flood of important information can drive people crazy.

Zhao Yingqi didn't have a little spare time until she ran back. She resisted her fatigue and gave herself an injection of "anti fatigue medicine". She completely paralyzed on the chair. After a while, when the drug effect took effect, she reluctantly lifted a trace of strength: "old board, I can't carry it! After this business trip, can I take a leave?"

Chen Angtou also said: "no, Horus eye organization is at the moment of transformation from a regional organization in Egypt to a global organization, and there is a lot of work to be completed. As a member of our team responsible for monitoring Horus eye, you must ensure our control in this process and ensure that the organization we create will not get out of control."

"It is expected that we will return to the main god space after completing the second plot ahead of schedule. Then, before the third plot, that is, the confrontation between the two undead empires, we will have a long time in the world and can not directly control Horus's eye. Therefore, in this limited time, we must strengthen our influence on this organization."

Zhao Yingqi took a deep breath when she heard the speech. She was deeply afraid that her strength would be relaxed and then completely become a useless person. She asked curiously, "in fact, you don't have to come in person for this field mission. This small matter should not be solved by you in person. As long as you put under the control of space-based weapons, any nine pillar God team leader can solve it."

"If I don't come, how dare imorton move?" Chen ang shook his head gently. "I left the black book of the dead in Cairo to want imorton to turn over his cards, but if I were in Cairo, imorton would suspect that I would secretly control his cards. On the one hand, he wanted to guard against the Egyptian gods and couldn't act personally, on the other hand, he was worried about my intervention."

"So only when I leave Cairo will he send someone to get back the black book of the dead and open his cards."

Imoden stands in the deepest part of Abu Simbe temple, and the huge stone statues are arranged along the corridor. Here is the temple carved on the rock cave. Only the spring equinox (Ramses II's birthday) and the autumn equinox (Ramses II's accession to the throne) can pass through the corridor and shine on the position where imoden is standing.

Death's bracelet has shown the location of amhi oasis, but imorton is still waiting for someone.

Shentu palace walked slowly into the temple with the morning light on his back. He was followed by four mysterious people. The first on his left hand was a woman with a veil. She was wearing a robe similar to Arabs, and her face was covered behind the veil. Unlike the Arab veil, her eyes were hidden behind the veil, and seemed not to open at all.

The second person on the left hand is a cloud of fog. Although he has the shape of a person, he looks completely composed of a creeping black fog. The first person on the right hand is not a person at all. It is a distorted shadow. He is composed of light, shadow and distorted space, like a glass nameless thing. He is the most dangerous and weird person among the four people.

The last one is a woman, but humans can't look directly into her face, so no one knows what she looks like.

When the four people came to Abu Simbel temple, strange changes appeared in the temple. The broken stone statues around them suddenly recovered a new one, but sometimes, the statues would be distorted into a strange form. The original corridor suddenly extended a long distance, causing imoden to appear on a small point at the end of the corridor.

When Shentu palace took them to imorton, they suddenly stepped into the maze of time and space. Sometimes people dressed as ancient Egyptian priests appeared beside him. Listening to them talking in ancient Egyptian, sometimes a group of modern western tourists came up. They were taking photos with backpacks and smart phones. Sometimes they saw Egyptians dressed as Arabs, They say something loudly in Arabic.

Shentu palace tried to pretend that nothing had happened around him. He turned a blind eye to these strange phenomena. It was clear that the corridor was only as wide as several people in parallel, but when he came to the back, modern, contemporary, ancient, chaotic and foggy, all things were intertwined, just like Picasso's graffiti. He could see his reflection in the mirror of time and space.