In Cairo's Giza port area, O'Connor has been waiting here for a long time. Evelyn and her brother Jonathan have just arrived. Giza port is the largest port in Cairo. It flows down the Nile River. Choose the waterway close to the Suez Canal to reach the estuary Delta. There are the most dense ports in Egypt and the exit of the Suez Canal connecting the Mediterranean.

Several people were going to port said, where they took a British ship from the Suez Canal and sailed to London through the Strait of Gibraltar through the Mediterranean.

British troops are stationed along the Suez Canal. O'Connor has not yet expanded the power of the Horus eye. They have no doubt about the strength of Britain. Even in Cairo, the strength of the Horus eye has become lawless. But O'Connor is still willing to believe in the British government's control of the Suez Canal.

Giza port is located on the left bank of the Nile, opposite Giza pyramid across the Nile. Evelyn stared at the three majestic pyramids across the river. On the largest Khufu pyramid in the center, dozens of people in black with Horus eyes guarded the top of the tower with swords. Evelyn could only vaguely see a mysterious figure on the top of the tower.

Whether it was an illusion or not, she always felt that the man seemed to be watching them.

"O'Connor!" Evelyn cried anxiously, "it seems that someone is looking at us!" "where?" O'Connor took out the telescope in his arms and looked down the place Evelyn pointed out. He was surprised to see Chen ang standing at the top of the pyramid and smiled at them. O'Connor put down the telescope in panic and turned his head and said, "no one!"

"Let's get on board!" he hurriedly took Evelyn aboard the passenger and cargo ship.

Evelyn felt more uneasy. She kept looking at the Khufu pyramid and wondered, "really? O'Connor, why do I think you're lying to me? There's someone watching us..."

At the top of Khufu pyramid, Zhang Ziqiang hurried to find Chen ang and said, "there must be a reason why imorton came here the day before yesterday!"

"The bracelet of the God of death hides the coordinates of imhi oasis, the location of the pyramid built by the scorpion emperor. It is buried in the temple of the ancient city of Thebes. After being excavated by imoton, it has to go through Giza pyramid, Kanak temple, philai temple and Abu Simbel temple to obtain further coordinates, so as to lock the imhi oasis."

Chen ang smiled: "When attacking Giza pyramid the day before yesterday, imoden should have obtained another coordinate. Yesterday, intelligence learned that imoden and others excavated another buried temple, which should be the location of another part of the site of Karnak temple. Now they should be on their way to Aswan city to find a part of the coordinates hidden in philai temple, and we have to clear it during this time Take care of the Suez Canal, and then duel with imorton in amhi oasis. "

Chen ang sighed: "without the spear of judgment in our hands, imorton can kill the scorpion emperor, but if we don't add fuel to the flames, won't we miss an opportunity in vain?"

Chen ang pressed a mechanism hidden in the scepter in his hand. At the end of the scepter, a golden spear tip was prominently nailed out. The shape of the spear of judgment has completely changed. Its top is inlaid with a round diamond, which is the head of the sun god's staff that hides the secret of the ark. The diamond seems to condense endless sunlight, which is led into the spear below On the tip.

With a slight shake of Chen Ang's wrist, the spear tip of the trial spear emitted an incandescent ray. He cut a half man high boulder hundreds of meters away into two sections. Looking carefully at the spear tip of the trial spear, it seemed that the sunlight hundreds of meters around was all concentrated in a place the size of a needle tip, and the brilliant light gave birth to the ultimate destruction.

"I left the black Sutra of the dead at the top of the Khufu pyramid. Imorton will soon send someone to take it. Don't stop it. As for the trip to amhi oasis, he will wait for us..."

Zhang Ziqiang wondered, "why is he waiting for us?"

"To be exact, it's the spear of judgment in our hands." Chen ang explained with great interest: "this is the tacit understanding between me and imorton. He knows what I want to do, and he is also using me to complete his transformation. Therefore, he will bear it temporarily until he obtains the strength to face me face to face under my promotion."

"It's imperative to kill gods. I'm really tired of such stupid gods in this world. They shrink their heads and hide their tails. They shrink their heads into their shells like frightened turtles. They should contribute their strength. Let people with more potential and vitality."

"I gather the power of the sun god's staff and the spear of judgment together, so that this weapon has the power of killing God. When imorton gets it, this artifact used by the God of death to test his warriors will pierce his own heart."

Seeing that the passenger ship carrying O'Connor and Evelyn was slowly leaving the port on the Nile, Chen ang also ordered: "let's go! It's time to wake up the sleeping imperialists. I'd like to see if the grindstone I prepared for imorton has honed the ability of a God. I hope the Empire won't let me down when the sun doesn't set!"

On the side of Khufu pyramid with its back to the Nile River, a huge air bag, white boat body, all kinds of heavy firepower weapons and huge hanging warehouse slowly rose. When the streamlined body of airship rose from behind Khufu pyramid, the magnificent and huge body formed a shadow covering both banks of the Nile River. On the opposite bank, Egyptians kept kneeling down on the ground.

Evelyn stared at the huge airship overhead. This time she didn't feel the familiar sight.

O'Connor watched the airship turn slowly and set off towards the downstream of their voyage. The passenger and cargo ship they took followed. He could only watch the shadow reflected on the ground slowly lengthen and go away.

On the airship, Chen ang put away the spear of the trial. Li Mingyi and Zhao Yingqi behind him processed the documents. Hundreds of blood clans in black provided protection on the airship. A buzzing murmur came from the distance. Dozens of modified camel fighters took off from Cairo airport, organized and escorted with airships as the core. A huge aviation battle group flew towards the Mediterranean Sea entrance of the Suez Canal.

On the ground, Horus eye's motorcade stretches for several kilometers, and a huge army is on an expedition.

In the distance, the Suez Canal Company and the changed British army finally officially settled in the barracks today to hand over the garrison tasks. The accompanying members of the Suez Canal Company, the headquarters of the UK, also officially started the handover and management after more than a month of investigation. They began to take over the control of arsenals, checkpoints and accounting documents in the accounting room.

It was a rainy day, and the chickens were crowing.