
Edward had only such an idea in his heart. He looked at Chen ang standing there with a calm face and indifferent tone. The shock in his heart was really difficult to describe in detail. Edward finally understood that even in the main god space, where madmen and madmen are produced, the man in front of him is one of the best madmen.

Even though everyone looked at him with the same eyes, Chen ang continued calmly at this time. He walked down from the top of the pyramid, slowly walked to the center of the platform, faced everyone and said: "if the existence of imorton unifies our force field, it only gives us a reason not to be hostile, and many conditions are still needed to promote real cooperation."

He swept the faces of Edward and others one by one. His eyes were indifferent, but he said gently: "now let's solve it one by one!"

David signaled that he had a question to ask. Chen ang gave him the right to say, "please!" David was silent for a moment and asked Chen ang: "The existence of imorton is indeed a threat to us, but how can you ensure that you are not a threat to us? If we unite against imorton and let your power overwhelm us, wouldn't it be foolish?"

David said in a strange tone: "I think the triangle is the most stable. The whole situation should be divided into three parties. Your Kyushu team, the imorton you created, and the rest of us. We maintain the ability of the two parties to defeat the third party at any time. How do you think this is the most beneficial situation for us."

Chen ang smiled. He stood in the center of the platform, shook his head and said, "you understand the wrong point, that is, I'm not 'suggesting', this meeting is not discussing, but 'announcing', asking your choice..." Chen ang looked into David's eyes, his eyes were cold and cold, and he said indifferently: "war, cooperation, killing or exploitation!"

"The weak have no power to check and balance the strong side. Do you think we are trying to reach a certain balance in this situation? Do you think we are asking for your opinion?"

Chen ang shook his head and said, "if you think so, there is only one result!" he put his hands on David's table, and his calm eyes made David shudder: "crush you!"

"So, if you want to die, please listen to my conditions, and then tell me your answer. Finally, you can calmly welcome the fate that comes to you... Survival or destruction?" Chen ang looked around all the people sitting here one by one and smiled with satisfaction at their silence.

"The core of the six-party talks is interests!" Chen ang first made a decision: "The premise of interests is the position. If your position is cooperation, then follow the rules set by us, and we will negotiate with you with limited conditions. If your position is struggle, then we will never die. Is there anyone who doesn't want to listen to our preset rules and decides to never die with us?"

Chen ang asked.

Among the reincarnators, there are fierce, sinister, cunning and blood united, but there is no tendency to self destruct. Therefore, of course, no one insists on making things that can not be humiliated and blood on the brain without listening to the conditions of Kyushu team, even David who has just been directly warned by Chen ang.

So Chen ang continued: "in this world, our greatest interest is not the three melons and two dates rewarded by the LORD God, nor the poor booty on you, but the inside bonus of the world... A medium mysterious and low-tech world, that is, after mastering the relatively perfect organizational ability of the world, we can operate value-added profits."

"It may not be clear to you predatory small organizations, but out of some expectations, I decided to show you the capital operation ability, product development ability and dividend mining ability of a large organization, so as to build a new production relationship between reincarnators in the new era and new productivity conditions."

When Chen ang stood in the center of the platform, two blood clans in black lifted up a blackboard with a simple ppt diagram on it. Chen ang introduced: "The general benefits that reincarnation can get in the plot world are: points, props, knowledge, skills and materials. Generally, most of the profits earned by predatory mercenary organizations like you are above points, that is, task rewards. Better ones will strive to obtain some key props. The development and utilization rate of the plot world is rough and poor, so you can It's a group of predators, competing with each other, because the points come from hostile reincarnators, from opposing tasks, and from killing each other. "

Edward and others looked ugly, but they still agreed with Chen ang.

Chen ang changed a blackboard and continued: "But our Kyushu team is an operational reincarnation team. In our long-term task, we realized that points, props and skills are only shallow resources in the plot world. Just like the Spanish directly plundered Indian gold jewelry in the early days of colonization of America, although the investment is small, the rate of return decreases rapidly, and the total amount is at an absolute disadvantage."

"If you want to get more benefits, you must start deep development, just like mining gold and silver mines in America during the later Spanish colonization, learn to manage the plot world and develop deep interests."

Hearing this, several team leaders gradually looked dignified and began to listen attentively to Dr. Chen's business class.

Pointing to several elements on the blackboard, Chen ang said: "So we have the following core elements: time, organization and development ability and knowledge reserve. First, time is the first factor limiting our interests. The reincarnator's task time is short, and the plot progress is generally tense. It can be said that time itself is an important interest. If the task time in the plot world is too short, even if we get a lot of points, it will be difficult It is difficult to develop and grow effectively. "

"Our team has done a lot of research on this, trying to study the plot world time detention punishment mechanism of the main god space, and explore the exponential relationship between task time and task difficulty. We have gained a little..."

Among Edward and others, David was confused and fierce, while Edward and others became serious. Obviously, they attached great importance to this problem. When they were still ignorant and ignorant, someone had tried to study and deconstruct the task mechanism of God space. No matter whether this test was successful or failed, the ambition revealed therein was moving.