The palms of the two people were separated silently like light and shadow. Imorton looked at his hands in amazement. He trembled and stretched out his hands to touch ansuna's hair, but his arms passed through ansuna's head like an illusion. Ansuna didn't notice all this and walked calmly towards their Chen ang.

"No!!!" imoden screamed.

He flew towards Chen ang and jumped at the devil, but his body passed through Chen ang without obstacles. He excitedly shot a bone spear and turned into a sandstorm, but everything was like an illusion and could not interfere with every plant and tree in the living world. At this time, in imoden's mind, he repeated Chen Ang's words again and again.

"The dead should not live, the left should not stay. There are barriers between life and death. The dead should not touch the fingertips of the living, and the living should not see the face of the dead and hear its words..."

Imoden looked back trembling. He could see the reflection in Chen Ang's eyes - nothing.

His trembling head saw two arms as if he were alive. He hurried to the black pool and saw that he was handsome as a reflection in the water. He turned back and saw ansuna raise the sacrificial knife.

"Ansuna! Don't..." imoden moaned like a cuckoo crying blood.

He wanted to stop everything, but they were like two worlds, life and death, forming a natural barrier in front of him. Imorton watched Chen ang punch ansuna in the abdomen, watched Chen ang knock ansuna heavily to the ground, and watched him press ansuna's head with one hand and press her into his previously sealed sarcophagus.

Imorton frantically pounced on the five sacred objects. He found that it was the only thing he could touch.

Regardless of these sacred objects symbolizing gods, he cut the crocodile's throat. God set's angry roar made emodon tremble. The curse from seta made him lose his lower body forever. He pierced the cat's head. The curse from the underworld made him completely lose the opportunity to enter the underworld. He could only wander alone in the world forever. He unscrewed the Falcon's head, Since then, in the sun, like bathing in magma, the soul is like walking on a soldering iron. He killed the ram and the curse completely destroyed him.

The title of high priest, which could not be deprived even by killing pharaohs, was completely deprived by the gods in the soul of imodon. It was like pulling out a tightly bound thing from his soul, which made him feel as painful as a thousand cuts.

Imoden endured the curse of the gods and the cruelest punishment of the gods. He did the cruelest thing to himself, let his strength and his care turn everything into deviation, darkness, anti God and curse. He became the last thing he wanted to become, and only prayed for strength to stop all this.

The power sealed on the five sacred objects returned to his body, deviated from the gods, and suffered the most terrible curse. He finally obtained the power to break free from the bondage and restraint of the sun gold Sutra. All this was just a little short - finally, the golden scarab, which represents the beetle God, La's separation and has the power of rebirth.

Imoden looked back and saw Chen ang holding a scarab like gold and smiling at him.

Ansuna was pressed by one of his hands into the sarcophagus he had sealed, and was still struggling violently. Ansuna cried to the despair around her: "imoden! Imoden!"

Imoden knelt down in front of Chen ang. He begged: "whatever you want, as long as I have it, you can take it! Imoden is willing to be your eternal servant. Swear with my soul, as long as you return her to me, I am willing to bear everything!"

Chen ang sighed, "imorton! I said I never regarded anyone as my enemy. I didn't finish a paragraph. When I saw the curse you engraved on the sarcophagus, what did I want to talk about?" Chen ang looked at imorton, looked deeply into his eyes, and told him in a calm tone that imorton will never forget.

"I want to say... Your hatred, your curse and your pain are not enough!"

"Pain makes people strong, imorton, your strength is not strong enough! Because you still have love... Such a weak you is not what I need. So be strong! Imorton... Hatred will give you strength!"

Chen Ang's words were engraved word by word in the depths of imoden's soul. He smiled and threw the golden Scarab into ansuna's coffin. Countless scarabs swarmed up. Chen ang silently closed the lid of the sarcophagus and tightened the polygonal key.

Imorton tried to stop Chen ang, but there was nothing he could do.

He deeply felt Chen Ang's silence, as if it were ruthless and silent from the sky. He felt that he was like an ant standing in front of Chen ang, and Chen ang silently stepped on it in the direction he wanted. He didn't care about his struggle, despair, hatred and sadness, the anger he had nowhere to express!

He seemed to have never looked down at himself, a desperate mole ant.

Imoden beat the sarcophagus crazily, but he was cursed by the sun golden Sutra and could not touch the living world. What he could do was very small. In front of the sarcophagus that specifically restrained his existence, his only hope was locked inside. The golden Scarab was locked with ansuna. Without the beetle, he could not completely transform and master the power to control his destiny.

So he could only listen to the woman he loved, wailing in the sarcophagus and experiencing the torture he would never forget.

"Imorton! Imorton!" in the sarcophagus, in addition to the creepy rustle, there was only ansuna's call, and each sound was like delaying imorton's soul.

Chen ang gently sat in front of imorton. The lifeless, a dead, sat shoulder to shoulder on the steps in front of an upright sarcophagus. Chen ang said to imorton, "good! You have a little determination, and your eyes look at me with great power... But not enough, not enough! Imorton! Your hatred and strength are not enough to reach the level I want."

"As a villain I personally created, your eyes should be harder... Harder! Yes, that's it."

"The original you, weak and weak, can't pose a threat to those people, even those you've seen and like me. Your weakness is too obvious and your strength is too weak to make them feel despair. It can't interest me, so I personally eliminated your weakness. That golden Scarab is different from ordinary carnivorous scarab."

"Those scarabs eat flesh, while golden scarabs eat soul!"

"I completely, forever and cleanly destroyed your weakness and ansuna! Imoden, at this time, you have the strength and conditions to be strong. You are perfect! I created a real villain."

At this time, imorton felt real despair. His soul fell into a bottomless abyss. Three thousand years of loneliness and torture, and the pain of Egypt's cruelest insect bite punishment, he relied on his most humble hope - love to redeem. Time and suffering polished his love more firmly and brightly. If imorton has a soul, it is the core of it, It must be a perfect love like a diamond.

And Chen ang destroyed his best things in front of him.

The former imorton had died at this moment, and the devil in the name of imorton survived.

Imorton looked at Chen ang. At this time, he saw the man's soul. It was a deep nothingness and ruthlessness. When Chen ang looked at imorton, he was satisfied to see his own appearance from his eyes.

Chen ang slightly untied a trace of his bound existence in the body. His gene contained the complete X gene of all mutant human abilities. Chen Ang's body reorganized an unimaginable form in front of imorton. He stretched out a finger and pointed it on imorton. The monitoring of the LORD God only monitored an unimaginable miracle at this moment.

The existence called imorton made a transition that the Lord and God could not predict.

This transition perfectly hides Chen ang. At this moment, no one can find Chen Ang's true face except imorton. The sky suddenly darkened. Over Egypt, the stars on the moon night became blood red, like sticky blood. Everyone felt an extreme sense of cruelty, hatred and anger. He shrouded over Egypt and spread to the world.

In London, Tibet, the Vatican, Paris, Berlin, New York, Beijing, Kyoto and India, some people looked at the sky in shock, as if the morning glow like blood and the dark will like the abyss shook the whole world.

Imorton left the museum with the sarcophagus. Chen ang looked at the direction of his departure and knew that the man would give everything to revenge. He personally created an existence that could tear apart the multi-dimensional system of the Lord and God.

"I feel like a big boss more and more!" Chen ang sighed: "it's been so honed by imorton's experience that there should be a trace of the protagonist's atmosphere!"

When imorton opened the sarcophagus, picked up the remains of ansuna, and crushed the golden Scarab with one hand, the other reincarnation teams in Cairo heard the hint of the LORD God from their ears: "Great changes have taken place in the plot. Imorton regained his strength and degenerated into a blasphemer. The imorton camp and the task of resurrecting ansuna branch line are cancelled. The relationship between Horus's eye camp and imorton camp has changed into a mortal enemy, and the relationship between all camps and imorton camp has become hostile."

"Release the main task - stop the destruction of Cairo: under the anger of imorton, stop the destruction of Cairo. For the main task of the other three camps, everyone who completes the task comes to 100000 reward points and obtains the curse power of imorton. The dark enhancement will inherit part of the powerful power of imorton."